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Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 341


I love Greek food.. smiley - erm unfortunately PC isn't adventurous so we're most likely going to get Chinese takeout or something..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 342

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

On a really lazy day, KFC is also a safe hedge for us. Mind you, we don't have the ultimate fighting-ninja-chicken warrior living in our yard. smiley - laugh

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 343


*giggles* she doesn't seem affected by us eating chicken as long as it's not her personally... smiley - erm admittedly the first time I ate chicken with her on the deck after she decided to move in I found myself more than slightly nauseated by her clucking while I ate one of her kind..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 344

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hmmm, I suppose with your rather "city-fied" background, it would feel rather wrong at the time. Ah well, Chinese is always a good option for me as well, so I wish you a fine dinner. What-ever it proves to be. smiley - smiley

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 345


Apparently PC took out a pork tenderloin with plans for it... smiley - erm though know knowing him he'll light the grill then conveniently disappear while I do something with it..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 346

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

If that was my required material, and with today's heat, I'd try to slow-roast it, several hours, over our BBQ. Seasoned as we like it, a bit of water, maybe even red wine, to keep it drying. A crispy garden salad, and some baked corn or spuds.

But then, I'm a simple smiley - chef and generally lazy on hot days.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 347


he bought it already marinated.. something I wish he wouldn't do.. they put all sorts of "stuff" in there.. and has informed me smiley - corncob would be ideal with it.. imagine that.. smiley - laugh

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 348

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh, ummm, and smiley - erm ... I haven't had a lot of luck with "other people's" ideas of marinades, 'perfectly seasoned', etc. I prefer to start with a nekkid piece of any meat or smiley - fish, and go from there.

I wish you luck. And an emergency jar of peanut butter on hand, ... just in case, ... smiley - laugh

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 349


me too... pre-marinated is something I don't like either.. *shrugs*

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 350

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

One thing we can both rest easy about though. No one has yet tried to foist pink sparkly bunnies or ninja girls on us !!! Well, today, anyway. smiley - rofl

That Jack simply IS a one of a kind. smiley - biggrin

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 351


Oh I don't know.. it might make a very interesting take on the book..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 352

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Indeed. And it sure as he!! lightened and brightened a journal, eh?

I can't recall if you've said, ... have you read da Vinci, or Angels, etc?

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 353


Yes.. I've read both as well as his two other novels.. and PC and I went to see the movie Saturday..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 354

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I only went about getting these two at the near insistence of a couple of folks. I've not looked for others. Good tales that make for a relaxing rainy-day read. But not quite what I'd make a serious effort to read a second time.

The movie, on the other hand, ... Some folks on here, who's opinions I have come to respect, seem to think it mostly exceeded the books in depth and quality. Making it pretty good, and not just because of names attached to it.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 355


I thought it was a very good movie... one of precious few that come close to the source book..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 356

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

That is one of the things I've heard. Which is a treat. So many books just cannot make it to a screen, ... Stephen King, John Irving, so many where a lot of the book IS what is going on within the characters. Not something they can 'express' ...

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 357


Now see there we differ.. as far as Stephen King goes, anyway.. I don't like his books as they all seem written for a movie or mini-series..

The thing about the Dan Brown books is I've noticed they are less about central characters and more about the mystery/quest, which makes them very fascinating. When I read Angels & Demons and Da Vinci Code I spent a lot of time online finding images and information on the clues to see what he was talking about. I found it very enjoyable.. smiley - bigeyes that and how many authors could make a solid go of Fabonacci numbers..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 358

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hmmm. Some of King's stuff really WAS made for the movies. I was thinking more of "The Shining" where all the true demons were in his head, or "Cujo", with similar madness in the mind of a rabid dog.

I read these books over the Christmas season, simply looking for a good read. And in that, I was satisfied, without taking much time to research the basis. I did, of course, look closer at "The Last Supper", but not much beyond that.

Once more, a clear difference between your personality, orientation and expectations, and mine. Variety does keep the world an interesting place, eh? smiley - smiley

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 359


Indeed it does.. smiley - smiley

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 360

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

So in a different direction, ... how long this time before you, the smiley - divasmiley - dog and the chicken-from-heck are left to your own devices?

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