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Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3821

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My dark side is larger than life. smiley - bigeyes
It's no secret.

But I don't remember what it said on the card, except that I would keep sending cards until she got well. Pandora, is that what you regarded as threatening? smiley - erm Well, you did get well, so I didn't need
to send any more.

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3822


smiley - erm Maybe Pan's afraid of the postman..

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3823

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

just send out the smiley - dog, pandora. that's what i usually do.

and one day he returned with a very lovely young postwoman smiley - cool

smiley - pirate

PS: Congrats, smiley - bat. this - like the return of pandora - is the best news i've had for a very long time smiley - smiley

smiley - love to you both smiley - smooch

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3824

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I second the motion. smiley - biggrin

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3825


Aww! Thanks guys!! smiley - smooch

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3826

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

There hasn't been much good news in my life lately (today, for instance smiley - yuk), so I'm happy to see good news in someone else's life. smiley - erm I've received broken items in the mail (*no, they weren't *supposed* to be broken smiley - cross), and today I got to work to find that a co-worker had been withdrawing books I wanted kept. smiley - steam

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3827

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

::pours paul a smiley - tea of broken ceylon smiley - smiley::

smiley - pirate

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3828


*slips a splash of smiley - stiffdrink in Paulie's smiley - tea *

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3829

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Thanks. smiley - smiley

I feel better today because no bad things happened. And the boss shared a very large cookie with me (she's really pretty generous in many ways). smiley - smiley

Some days should really be kept locked in a room, though. smiley - cross Yesterday was one of those days. smiley - cross

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3830


I've had a couple of those days as well. I got a call today that my doctor wants an MRI because of some symptoms and a blood test result after my 'ordeal'. I have to go to back to the hospital on Monday to do it. That and of course that place that keeps my paycheck is a frequent source of smiley - steam

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3831

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

A little smiley - steam is useful, though, because it can help keep you warm in winter. smiley - smiley

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3832

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

but if you let off to much steam surely you will be colder, no?

smiley - pirate

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3833


Nah... I'm plenty smiley - devil hot..

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3834

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Yesterday was another awful day. smiley - blue I took my car in early for the state inspection, and it failed on three items smiley - wah. (This kind of thing has never happened to me before) I brought it to the garage immediately and left it there, then I walked over to a Chinese restaurant for lunch. The remnants of Hurricane Ivan were drowning the area. I got thoroughly wet on the way out, ate, and then walked back, getting splashed by every car that went by smiley - blue. When I got back, the garage me the minor items had been fixed, but new emergency brake pads and cables would be needed, at a cost of almost $500,00. smiley - wah

And this morning I woke up with laryngitis, meaning I caught a cold from yesterday saking. smiley - wah And I still have to bring the car back to the garage Monday to have the emergency brake finished (they had to order a part). Then, I will need to bring it fore inspection again. smiley - sadface Will this never end? smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3835


*gives Paulie a nice bowl of soup and a blankie*

Poor Paulie.. smiley - smooch

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3836

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - ok

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3837


smiley - bigeyes I see your smiley - doctor prescribed some of the more festive medications...

Spring has sprung in Battyville!!!

Post 3838

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I think the smiley - doctor opened PDR and picked them at random. smiley - cdouble

No spring break for paulie. what he needs is an emergency break...

Post 3839

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

have a nice cup of smiley - tea and think of all the gas you are saving while you can't drive your car smiley - zen

smiley - pirate

No spring break for paulie. what he needs is an emergency break...

Post 3840


random medication can be fun.. personally I mix up all my bottles of medicine and treat it like a surprise! smiley - winkeye

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