This is the Message Centre for BDG


Post 81

Dan Morgan

HI BDG, I did go and copy your entries and it said Bad Stuff smiley - biggrin Bit too late at night to sort it out now. Leave a message for myself at the Sheep Message Centre - down by Caerphilly, three sheep tied to a lamp post are known as a Leisure Center smiley - smileysmiley - sheep


Post 82


Hi Anna your obviously way ahead of me then smiley - biggrin how do you look at someone else's page then, my mind is a blank at the moment? I don't know why it should say "bad stuff"? I'm not that bad well only sometimes smiley - winkeye

See you been scouted smiley - biggrin PG is a big Zappa fan as well if memory serves me right.

Your page looks great.

I'll just carry on serving the smiley - coffee and smiley - teasmiley - smiley and and the odd glass of smiley - bubbly

BDG smiley - fish


Post 83


Hi BDGsmiley - fish To find the Guide ML you Go To That's Annastasia's. Change the number for whoever's page you want.

I've found out why I'm still Pamela in the Coffee Bar. That post was from the new page I made when I re-registered. But if I go there it seems to wipe this one out. So I'll get that sorted.

Thanks for your kind comments on my pages here. I don't know if you've seen my poetry website. I wrote the poems but I didn't do the site. The person who did it for me has lost his sight, but that hasn't stopped him. That's what I call smiley - magic

smiley - love from Pamelasmiley - dragon


Post 84

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit waiting for his system to crash
"< <./>testuserpage1611687</.> >"


Post 85

Dan Morgan

Oh I just did, and it said bad endings and stuff. Off to bed now. Night Night smiley - sheep


Post 86


smiley - dragon1 I wouldn't worry about the other page I doubt if anyone will notice smiley - smiley I love your poems....I only wish I was poetic.

smiley - tit and smiley - sheep

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah what's this about my bad endings? They are ok when I test I'm getting worried now don't want your system to crash smiley - titsmiley - winkeye


Post 87

Dan Morgan

NO, BDG, I just followed the guide and copied and pasted and it told me NO. Best leave to weekend and sort out when we are not at work?

All v. new to me smiley - sheep. Soon get stuff sorted!


Post 88


smiley - smiley Is it because you need to put the number of the thread of your message centre in, when you have one? Rather than mine otherwise your messages would be posting to my message centre? smiley - yikes I'm no expert.... so this is the only thing I can think of? As you say sort it at the weekend been a long week smiley - smiley

Night Night I'm off to smiley - zzz too.

BDG smiley - fish


Post 89

Dan Morgan

smiley - fish zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! smiley - sheep


Post 90


Hi again Pamela smiley - dragon1

Thanks for the link smiley - biggrin we have lots of friends who are visually impaired, my boss is. Mr Goldfish is a Rehabilitation Officer for the Blind smiley - smiley and our daughter is registered blind along with her other difficulties. Yes it's smiley - magic

Must go to bed now so see you soon. Sweet dreams.

smiley - love BDG smiley - fish


Post 91

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit modifying his TARDIS
"Do not worry for my systems to crash, I always have another one in backup smiley - cdouble

It did, however not by showing the test page, more a strange news video.

<LINK H2G2="AddThread?forum=2138893&amp;article=4175200">
smiley - spaceAdd a new Thread to my Forum

smiley - spaceReply to my Journal (an existing Thread)



Post 92

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - titsmiley - boinging back
"That is for: 'AnastasiaSapphire©' smiley - biggrin

For this thread < <./>AddThread?inreplyto=7225801</.> > smiley - weird
(reply to my previous posting)

The new posting will appear as last one, but poster only sees reply to the same (first ?) posting."


Post 93


Hi smiley - dragon1 and smiley - dragon2smiley - sheepsmiley - smiley

Just thought I'd say hi if you are still there? Been playing with my page today.....still a lot to do particularly with colours and fonts. I've put a link to your page smiley - dragon1 and your Edited Guide Entry smiley - biggrin.

Just about to have a smiley - coffee before smiley - zzz

smiley - tit will put a link to the smiley - thepost over the weekend. smiley - smiley

smiley - love BDG smiley - fish


Post 94


HiBDGsmiley - fish. I've been reading your page and Radio Jackie's. smiley - ta for the link to my Guide Entry. I kept it to just the ships. I heard Radio Caroline and Radio London (I AM that old) but I couldn't hear the Land-based 'pirates' as they were lower powered. I did know a bit about Radio Jackie. The Land-based 'pirates'should have an entry of their own here. Maybe someone, who was more involved than me, could write one.
Going to smiley - zzz now.Goodnight. Pamelasmiley - dragon


Post 95

Dan Morgan

Hi smiley - fish. Like your new page smiley - smiley Think I'm getting the hang of this at last - I have added a link to Radio 3 on mine and hopefully figured out this Message Centre! Can you send me a test message please smiley - smileysmiley - sheep


Post 96


smiley - smileysmiley - sheep I just have funnily enough.....but it appears to have ended up in the Ask h2g2 Conversation Forum ooooops!

Thanks about the page I'm not totally happy about it still thinking of more to say and the layout.

BD smiley - fish


Post 97


AS smiley - sheep I've had a quick look at your page and you need to type in reply to 7233402 not 659179. This should sort it out smiley - ok


Post 98

Dan Morgan

smiley - fish Oops smiley - doh Just changed the number - as you can tell I am not that computer literate smiley - smiley Difficult to decide quite what to put on the page isn't it? I'm having a think about mine as well. thanks for your help smiley - sheep


Post 99


Hi smiley - dragon

Saw you were still on line, seems to have loads to catch up today so sorry for not replying earlier....yes very good idea about someone doing an entry on Radio Jackie it's had a very interesting history hasn't it? smiley - smiley Lots more I'm sure the boffins from R2 could write about...not my specialist area but do hope to contribute on other ideas I have.

Must go to bed now very smiley - sleepy hope you have a good week. Have you had the thunderstorms in Wales yet? Are you personally off to London on Wednesday then to cheer Chris Needs on? Have a great time if you are and I don't get chance to speak before then. smiley - biggrin

smiley - love BDG xx


Post 100


Hi BDGsmiley - fish Just missed you. I wish I could type faster. I'd have time to put more replies. I was putting a similar post about the garden on The Friendly Garden page as I thought more posters might see it there. (Not my poem page.) The other one was set up by Alan M6791 a couple of years ago. He put a message about it on our Garden Message board ,and I found this place. He gave me a lot of help when I started here.
I'm still trying to figure out whose pages some of the conversations will end up on. I think the new 'Talk Wales' posts are only coming out on the pages of posters from there. I don't think that many of them know about Hoo Too. I'll break it to them gently smiley - laugh Let them get used to the new board first.
I'm not going to London, but no doubt I'll hear all about it on the programme on Wednesday night. I don't know if it will make the National news, but Chris has said that it will be on the BBC Wales news.
I know that a lot of the smiley - smileys don't work on the message boards now. (They did all work on P.O.V. boards until a few weeks ago.) But have you noticed your smiley - fish comes out like a little drawing on the boards . My smiley - dragon doesn't. smiley - sadface
I've got to go smiley - zzz now. Time does disappear in this place.
Pamelasmiley - dragon

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