This is the Message Centre for BDG


Post 101

Dan Morgan

Hi smiley - fish Just looked in at 'the other place'. What a shambles! Saw you were losing your cool - how can they permit it smiley - smiley Nightmare isn't it? smiley - sheep


Post 102


Hi smiley - sheep

smiley - laugh NO not losing my smiley - cool just being assertive in a last ditch attempt to reason with Scott....he quite likes me for some reason?! Did you see the last message 45 on The Freedom of Speech thread, that was modded I missed it what did it say?

I don't normally post on the R2 main board for obvious reasons just stick with CB and JV board.

It's all ridiculous.....I don't understand why they can't trace their IP addresses and ban them completely?

Fancy a glass of smiley - bubbly just listening to Bob Marley on RJ.......

BDG smiley - fish


Post 103

Dan Morgan

smiley - fish I was appalled by it and its minions (aka it). Personality Disorder 'U' Like ? Exactly, we are all IP logged aren't we? Should be easy peasey for the Mods to take some action.

However, they seem unwilling to act - so the MB goes under due to one person - not right is it?

Got a glass but to bed soon, this heat is not good for me, alright for you smiley - fish type swimming around, but us smiley - sheep have woolly stuff, which gets a bit heavy, man smiley - smiley


Post 104


smiley - ok sheep yes well said..... sorry got sidetracked somewhere else, hence delay in replying.

Night smiley - sheep off to read my book and then smiley - zzz.

BDG smiley - fish


Post 105

Dan Morgan

Cheers smiley - fish did not realise how late it was! Faffing about here. Sweet dreams smiley - sheep


Post 106


Hi BDG.smiley - fishI'm sorry to see the new message board as got problems already.smiley - sadface Hope they won't start up again on the new Wales boards.
When it happened there, a few of the regular posters did suspect that one of the Mods might be involved. Has anyone thought of that on the Radio 2 boards. Could explain how they get away with it? I hope it gets sorted out soon anyway.
Hop everthing else is smiley - ok with you. It makes you feel miserable
when you've had a quarrel.smiley - cheerup

By the way I saw you mention Mustard Seed ,on your other thread.I posted to her,when she started here. I looked on my old postings and her name has changed to 'Moved to a New Address.' I went to her page and her posts are there, but none of the fancy stuff that she put on it. I don't know if she has got a new page here somewhere with another name. smiley - huh
smiley - love from Pamelasmiley - dragon


Post 107


smiley - sorry I should have said that some posters suspected one of the Hosts was involved (not Mods) Pamelasmiley - dragon


Post 108


Hi smiley - sheep and smiley - dragon

smiley - ta for your nice words.

Yes all very difficult in R2 land I wonder what motivates these people most strange? It wasn't really personal with Scott so it didn't upset me he's always been smiley - ok with me but then I rarely venture on to the main R2 board. Unfortunately appealing to these people's sense of reason just doesn't seem to work perhaps that's because they have none very sad really. Still I gave them a chance but there are so many of them..... they just run riot and bad seems to breed bad smiley - sadface. The HOST thread tonight sums it all up really as to how we all feel particularly the last two posts. I have someone on my back so to speak!!!

Still we have to be positive the good outways the bad smiley - smiley I've met and made very many wonderful good friends on the onwards and upwards. smiley - biggrin.

Can't see you two about at the time of posting, I'm off to smiley - zzz now busy day tomorrow Harry Potter's birthday.

Hello and smiley - hug for smiley - tit nice to know your there smiley - winkeye

smiley - love BDG smiley - fish


Post 109

Dan Morgan

Hi smiley - fish and smiley - dragon

Agree totally with you both, surely the repetitive SK postings count as spamming? Pity the posts aren't time stamped anymore as they always appear at the same time don't they smiley - sadface They remind me of playground bullies but in fact they are grown men, not teenagers.

smiley - dragon there was a suggestion that it was the Mods (because moderation is now outsourced and not under the BBC anymore) how do you prove who is who on the Net? I don't know why they just don't put them in pre-mod. It's all very well to say 'don't respond' but by talking to themselves they push the nasty negative posts to the top and the interesting ones just drop off the page. And, before the new MB didn't Host say they had been banned?

Still incredibly hot and and Wales is forecast horrendous storms tomorrow smiley - wah but it if clears the air it'll be a blessing.

Bws smiley - sheep


Post 110


Hi smiley - sheep

Flying visit should be tucked up in bed! Just back from Harry Potter's birthday bash.

Please please don't say it's going to be storms in Wales tomorrow smiley - winkeye we will get soaked when we visit the JV allotment. Really looking forward to the experience.......tell you all about it when we return. smiley - biggrin

Speak tomorrow.

BDG smiley - fish


Post 111

Dan Morgan

Hi smiley - fish

Well, I was woken up at 5.30 am by the thunder, it's now coming up to 8.00 am and it's still tipping down and thunder and lightening smiley - sadface Where in Wales is the allotment?> smiley - sheep


Post 112


Hi smiley - sheep

Just checking messages before setting off! Thunder and raining here..... the allotment is in the Rhonnda Valley smiley - smiley

BDG smiley - fish


Post 113


Hi BDG,smiley - fish How did your trip to the allotment go ? The weather was a bit better yesterday, where I am. I think it's about 20 miles away.
I've been watching Glastonbury . smiley - peacesignsmiley - rainbow. smiley - ok on T.V. but I don't think I'd be happy there. I like my home comforts too much.
smiley - love and smiley - peacedove Pamela smiley - dragon


Post 114


Morning smiley - dragon

We had a fantastic time thanks, it was such fun meeting Terry and all the characters from the Allotment. smiley - biggrin You can here us all cheering in the background on the show which you can listen to again around 1.45pm.

The strange thing was as soon as we crossed the new Severn bridge into smiley - dragon land the weather cleared up and we didn't get rained on at the allotment. We had an inclinging of the characters, because Helen had taped the series "Going to Seed" an HTV Wales fly on the wall production which was on about a month ago on Sundays for 4 weeks. (which you can get on Sky!) Needless to say we are likely to be in the next series due out near Christmas as we were filmed the whole time we were there smiley - yikes.

No I don't think I would enjoy Glastonbury these days as you say like my home comforts far too much. The thought of swimming around in mud doesn't really appeal. smiley - laugh

Speak later if your around.

smiley - love BDG smiley - fish


Post 115

Dan Morgan

Hi smiley - fish !

Glad you enjoyed your day in smiley - dragon land smiley - smiley Luckily the weather cleared quite quickly.

Just had a look at the debris after the weekend on R2 land smiley - sadface No wonder you don't go there anymore - it's just too gruesome isn't it!! And now it appears there is no swear filter on the software and they were all effing and blinding smiley - doh

Had severe withdrawal symptoms on Saturday due to lack of Dr. Who! Anyway, just popped in to say Hi smiley - sheep


Post 116


Hi smiley - sheep

smiley - sorry to be so long getting back been very busy with one thing and another....

YES I had severe withdrawal symptoms as well from Dr. Who seems ages to wait doesn't it until the next episode?! Sure we will adjust to David Tennant though some how I thought he would look like he did in Casanova but it appears not!

Off to Exeter tomorrow with Helen May my friend from the message boards who is staying here this evening. We are going to a concert on Thursday at Powderham Castle plus meeting up with a few more message boarders! It's all go.....smiley - biggrin

Speak when I get back at the weekend.

BDG smiley - fish


Post 117


Hi BDGsmiley - fish andsmiley - sheep. I hope you didn't get the thunder storms today. We had one short storm, but I know some parts of smiley - dragonland had power-cuts and my friends telephone was off for a while.
Hi Annasmiley - sheep What part of smiley - dragonland are you from. smiley - huh
smiley - lovefrom Pamela.


Post 118


Hi smiley - sheep & smiley - dragon

Where are you AS see you haven't been around for a few days hope all is well?!

We had a fantastic time in Exeter the rain stayed off us again and I was still dancing around in my t-shirt and silver wig smiley - yikes at 11pm smiley - biggrin. It was great to meet up with new and old friends on the boards again.

smiley - dragon I think your friend's concerns are right about something funny going on but I believe it is a mod not a host! I'm off to ask a question in h2g2 and see what response it gets so watch this space.

Hope to see you both again soon.

smiley - love BDG


Post 119

Al Fresco II


I just wanted to return the warning of not rising to the bait; the hypocrisy is what gets to everyone. For someone that normally spends a great deal of time at the inn, now saying that there are better things to do with one's day is a total sham. Don't take any notice to him.smiley - ok

I can feel the almost cracking tension, whereby people are desperate to post, but feel they shouldn't be seen corresponding with us. It's so amazing.


Al smiley - hug


Post 120


Al thanks I think we just crossed in the post smiley - smiley left a message on your page I almosted started to feel sorry for her after she quoted that book but no doubt it was fed to her smiley - sadface I really need some time out now and thanks for posting at the end of the centre very few people do despite the sign! Ho hum I should have been more patient smiley - biggrin never my strong point!

Yes the hipocrasy you wouldn't believe what goes on behind the scenes! Do you fancy writing a book about it all? We could co-write tell Mr P I lied because I'm very inspired by Phillipa smiley - smiley I'll save that for another day.

smiley - hug BD smiley - fish

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