This is the Message Centre for BDG

BDG Message Centre

Post 1


Testing 123......


Post 2


Testing 123...........


Post 3


Next time a DNA host is passing by could they please explain how a message centre I definitely created in h2g2 ended up here tis a big mystery to me!? It shows as an h2g2 thread there ....smiley - laugh


Post 4


I really don't understand this I doubled checked the original message centre and it's definitely a h2g2 thread how can I reply in 6 music when the boards are shut at 10pm?

I think I'm tangled in DNA somehow very strange.


Post 5

Dan Morgan

Sorry, Belly Dancing Goldfish,

You do realise all MBs are now in the processing of being DNA cloned? Remember Dolly the Sheep? You are now part of a BBC Scientific Experiment in cloning goldfish to participate in the new message boards when humans have deserted them as being unworkable, unfriendly and out of the ark!

You are, in fact, spearheading ground breaking technology - so don't complain - one day, soon, these MBs will be inhabited by goldfish, koi carp and probably the odd rogue pike. You, on the other flipper, will have a place in the history books smiley - smiley


Post 6

Dan Morgan

Whaddya mean, the MBs shut at 10.00pm? It's now coming up to mid-night. What kinda pond you in, time space wise?


Post 7


Good Morning smiley - biggrin Anastasia can I get you a smiley - coffee? Do I know you from somewhere apart from the JV POV thread?

Not complaining but baffled, yes this DNA stuff is very clever I don't know about the smiley - sheep but I've already had to clone myself because of two data bases smiley - laugh. Hope that doesn't confuse the historians I won't like them to think there were two Belly Dancing Goldfish.

What is baffling me is that I set up the message centre here and it's showing in 6music which I have not posted in?! That board closes at 10pm and I now seem to have my own messageboard there! This thread is definitely a h2g2 one. Ho hum.........must be smiley - magic


Post 8

Dan Morgan

HI BDG, I'm not sure in fact how I came to this page, I was just browsing the new style of MBs and this page suddenly appeared from nowhere! I saved it as a favourite to investigate more in the morning. Is it on h2g2 somewhere? What's a smiley - coffee ?

I've been on the R2 MB a bit the late couple of days but I am mainly on R3 MB (Anna)


Post 9


smiley - laugh Well at the moment it's here in h2g2 which is where I am now and so are you because you have a page!! I created it here which is how I don't understand how it ended up in 6music as well....sorry I'm repeating myself now.

A smiley - coffee is a cup of coffee smiley - biggrin

Nice to meet you anyway, I rarely go on the main R2 board because it gets very argumentative to say the least perhaps that will change when the boards change over.

The world of DNA is vast indeed one could spend a lifetime exploring...but I have chores to do smiley - doh

Catch you later.

BDG smiley - fish


Post 10

Dan Morgan

Hi, I Only joined h2g2 yesterday and am still finding my way around and trying to figure it out! I am afraid this Internet is addictive! Have a nice day smiley - smiley


Post 11

Dan Morgan

Hi BDG again (it's Anna from the R2/R3 MB) - you got things sorted out I see smiley - smiley

I am still finding it a bit confusing and cannot anywhere see where I can alter text colour, etc., although I managed to put a picture in. Would you mind if I added you to my friends list as you seem a friendly soul?


Post 12


smiley - biggrin no that would be great.... I'll add you to mine. It is very confusing at first I seem to have forgotten everything I learned last year just spent an hour trying to post a link to another friend but couldn't get it right. Think I'm on over load!

I noticed you had managed to put a picture on your page WELL DONE! Have you done it in Guide ML or plain text? These pages are quite helpful A690518 or A2669051 have you seen them?

I think I'm going to chill with a glass of smiley - redwine although I normally drink white but there's no smiley for that smiley - doh

BDG smiley - fish


Post 13

Dan Morgan

HI, well we have something in common - white wine! I just went in to edit my intro and have lost the lot of it smiley - sadface Arggh!

I'll have a look at those pages you mention - thanks a lot.

Btw, I see Scott C back on the MB again - what a pain he is, a psychologist would have a field day I think!


Post 14


Hi BDG,smiley - smiley Long time no speak. Trying this to see if I can post it to you. If I can I,ll be back later. Pamela.


Post 15

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit dancing on the edge of time
"The Forums on Personal Spaces appear to each and everyone in the skin and site they accessed the Account from.

smiley - erm If you started with a link from HooToo, you will stay on the HooToo skin if you are posting to the 'Personal Message Centers' of any of the other sites. That is if you have registered with this unknown site before.

For a one way transfer to HooToo (This is a single and definitive transfer!) try the following link.
< <./>/dna/h2g2/U1611687?homesite=1</.> > smiley - magic "


Post 16


Hi BDG. AT LAST!!! Your post came out on my H2G2 page I tried to reply there and found your new page. Tried to post on this conversation there. Couldn't smiley - erm Wrote a long message in your Message Centre box. Tried to post it. Got told I wasn't logged in. smiley - steam Wandered around these new boards for ages, until I found you.I sse that the Coffee Bar is being 'Redecorated' The 'Talk Wales' boards where I usually post are changing too. SoI went to the Points Askew board for a look around and a preview. Are all the coffee bar crowd getting the hang of the new boards. As they are linked to HooToo everyone who signs in gets a 'My Space' page there .If they go there and log in they should find it. That must be how you got your new page. I didn't re-sign. I just went to the new board and got on ??? Don't ask me how. The first time I posted on the new boards they could use all the H2g2 smiley - smileys , but you can only use a few now. I don't know if the others will be back. I'm going to miss the old 'See All Discussions' button. I could go offline and read a page full of messages now I have to jump back and forth. I use pay-as-you-go,so I might add a bit to my phone bill.On the old boards we can do bold type by using asterisks *bold* That doesn't seem to work here. Neither do the tabs bold Do you know if it can be done? All the Best, From Pamela


Post 17

Red Baron


Does this mean I've found you?? smiley - biggrin



Post 18


Firstly thank you very much Traveller in time 42 for visiting my message centre I feel very honoured smiley - biggrin and for the useful information will try it out when I get a spare minute. Definitely smiley - magicsmiley - kiss

Pamela very good to see you again smiley - biggrin I did notice you in POV but didn't get chance to say anything yes I had the same problem with trying to leave a message for someone. It's all a bit complicated isn't it?!!! What with skins and where you eminate from etc. etc. thank goodness for Gurus. I had to change my page because otherwise I have to keep logging in and out to use the old boards plus certain things are best left where they are for the time being. What amazes me is how these Guru's seem to know where one has been. How is this done? Traveller in Time 42 no doubt knows?! I just wish I hadn't got here from 6music this time smiley - doh but I guess I'm stuck with it now! Maybe when all the boards are DNA it will be easier do you think? Will we still have to change skins? smiley - laughsmiley - erm I feel like a snake not a smiley - fish.

RB smiley - biggrin greetings YES you have found me I'll add the other's to my friends list in a bit so you can find them as well Fly in particular has a very impressive page from a previous time here.

Well after all that it must be time for a large smiley - redwine.

Oh I nearly forgot Anastasia Scott YES well he's part of the long story but you get used to him as someone once said "Scott is Scott". If you drink white wine you will have plenty in common with the CBer's smiley - winkeye

smiley - love to all

BDG Message Centre

Post 19

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit not half as informed as 'SEF'
"This was an easy one, you already had posted to yourself smiley - biggrin.

Next time you ask for HELP at 'Peta's account, stay subscribed By Pressing the [Remove me from being informed about this conversation] we <?> thought you solved the 'Problems' yourself.

Anyway '<./>Welcome</.>' to HooToo smiley - dontpanic

( '<./>/dna/h2g2/Welcome</.>' for visitors from outer sites smiley - aliensmile)

smiley - cheers

Read and reply to smiley - thepost < <./>ThePost</.> >

BDG Message Centre

Post 20

Helen May

Hi B

Which is the bit you can delete?


PS Still don't like this thing but at least I've got shot of the other one.

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