This is the Message Centre for BDG


Post 41

Dan Morgan

Hi BDG smiley - smiley Have to go and cook now but will have quick smiley - bubbly with you. See the smiley - book page on the new MB has set the smiley - cat amongst the pigeons smiley - biggrin Did you see who was one of the first to take up residence smiley - doh

smiley - dragon AS.


Post 42

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit late
"< <./>/dna/mbradio2/</.> >"


Post 43


Hi All.I've just looked at the new Radio 2 message board page, and I can't see a new Johnnie Walker message board mentioned. smiley - yikes I checked his old board and the message there says that it is closing in two weeks. I hope he will get a new one then. I smiley - love Johnnie Walker.
Hi.Anastasia,smiley - smiley Good to see someone else from Wales in here.

I thought about getting myself a fancy name when all the boards change, but I want to keep my own name on the Radio Wales boards. How do you get the blue title bit after your names. smiley - huh
smiley - love from Pamela.smiley - dragon1


Post 44

Dan Morgan

Hi Pamela! Nice to see the Celts taking over smiley - smiley Never posted on the Radio Wales Board myself - looked in a couple of times and it seems a bit dead. I beat a hasty retreat from the Other Place with SC smiley - doh

I changed names cos I just fancied a change.

smiley - dragon 2


Post 45


smiley - tit late surely not smiley - laugh it was me that was late! Thank you for link.

Pamela smiley - dragon1 blue?? But we are all blue are we not? AS are you Anna on R2 boards I'm very confused tonight......smiley - bigeyes Keeping track of certain people in the rush.....

Yes JW board bit sad.... he did post on it once a while back. But then it was hardly ever used. Someone suggested a Sally Traffic board. Wonder when JV will post on the new boards?

Must smiley - runsmiley - fish is hungry for food!

BD smiley - fish


Post 46


Hl smiley - dragon2 The Radio Wales boards are quieter.I don't know how far the programmes reach into England so there may not be as many listeners. I mainly post on Chris Needs The Garden board. It is the Board for his Radio programme (not about gardening) but it's more like the CB board, with friendly chat.
We'll have to start a campaign to get the smiley - dragon smiley back on the new messageboards. I wonder if the Wales boards will have one when they change smiley - huh
Hi BDG I didn't explain properly about the name change smiley - doh I know the blue writing is your researcher name,and you post with it here, but did it come out on the messageboards when you changed it to re-sign. smiley - huh
Bye for now,
Pamela smiley - dragon1


Post 47

Mike Reynolds

smiley - biggrin Hi Becky

Thank you so much for your help on this site!

All my love

Mike xxsmiley - cheerssmiley - bubbly


Post 48


Hi Mike

It worked thanks to smiley - tit thats Traveller in Time so BIG smiley - ta to him.

You seem to be doing great to me are the smileys ok can you see them?

Oh BTW I don't think there are any Entries on Hospital Radio either smiley - biggrin

Must go now very smiley - sleepy so it's sending up the smiley - zzz time.

Speak tomorrow.

smiley - love BD smiley - fishsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 49


Hi BDGsmiley - fishI've been reading the posts on the Radio 2 New Boards page.and I think I've got it sorted about changing my Nicknames which is what I was trying to ask.
So, if I've got it right, I could have a fancy name here, and still be just Pamela on the P.O.V. board etc.smiley - huh Without re-registering every time,smiley - huh And all the posts will still come out on MY 'YOUR PAGE' on the boards smiley - huh
Got to gosmiley - zzz now.smiley - online2longGood night .From Pamela smiley - dragon1


Post 50


Hi smiley - dragon1 as far as I understand it Pamela no your "nickname" applies across all DNA boards. You can at present have a different name for old boards on the same log in but once they all go to DNA then it changes across all boards if you change your nickname. This doesn't happen until if the board is shut though which is why you may have found this last night on POV. smiley - smiley

See you later folks smiley - biggrin

smiley - love
BD smiley - fish


Post 51

Helen May

Hi B

I'm just testing this out! Timed at 1627.



Post 52

Dan Morgan

Hi smiley - dragon 1 Pamela!

Yes, BDG is right - it is an unconditional one-way migration smiley - biggrin In fact, my ACE posted me a link and I appear to be in places on the Internet via the cloned Boards that I never knew existed smiley - smiley Let's see if this link works for you if you click on it: Bet you never knew you were on there did you?

Hi Helen, finding your way around now? What do think?

BWS Anna smiley - dragon 2


Post 53

Helen May

Hi Anna

There is no atmosphere whatsoever and it's all so cold. I probably won't be on half as often as I was before.

I am annoyed with myself for breaking my boycott on the JV board but a host appeared then disappeared just a quickly. Her response to one point made me wonder which one of us didn't understand English! It's under annoying point(2) if you want to look.

The whole thing is a complete mess as far as I'm concerned. I think it will just turn out to be one big battle ground, sadly.



Post 54

Dan Morgan

Hi Helen,

I thought the single sign in would stop the multiple personalities but seems I was wrong smiley - sadface Just have to see how it goes - what about posting on Nick's MB?

I'll go and have a look at your JV post now.



Post 55


Hi Girls

I dunno it has been a bit of messy start but it's ok tonight with Jason on have you listen to him Anna on Radio Jackie? He posts on the board at the same time as being on air.....

smiley - dragon 1 and 2 have you seen the "Going to Seed" programmes on HTV Wales about Terry from JV's allotment? They are just great aren't they H?

smiley - love BD smiley - fish


Post 56

Dan Morgan

Hi smiley - fish

No, don't know Radio Jackie, what frequency is it? Must admit I rarely turn the TV on, when are these progs broadcast?

smiley - dragon 2


Post 57


Hi Anna

Just google Radio Jackie.Com and listen on line smiley - eureka that's what we are all listening to now! If you email the show and tell Jason you are in the CB you should get a name check smiley - biggrin

The TV show "Going to Seed" was on a few Sundays ago on HTV Wales there's going to be more in the Autumn I think.

BD smiley - fish


Post 58


Hi. BDGsmiley - fishI re-registered and changed my name and got a new page, but I can still get to MY SPACE with my old neme and password. I also found that I got a page with another name when I registered on the P.O.V.boards. Also on that page, I've always come out as Pamela on the messages and on the Welcomes on people's pages. but at the top where it says Hello.. And I'm not '.. I 've always come out with my Member Name which is diffferent,and I can't change that. When I Registered now I could only use 20 Ccharacters. How did Traveller-in-Time get such a long name on here ,

Looking at the new Radio 2 boards again I 've just noticed that Terry Wogan doesn't have a new board either. He had plenty of posts on his board.
I'm going to see what happens to my name, on the message boards.
Think I might have to cancel one of my new registrations here.
.I'll be back later.
Pamela smiley - dragon1


Post 59


Hi Pamela smiley - dragon 1

I'm a bit mystified as to why you have changed pages when your page was so lovely with all your guide entries?????? smiley - smiley You can change your name here the same as on R2 CB/POV/H2g2 it's back the same again now "Pamela" they are ALL DNA boards. If you click on "My Preferences" here it's the same as clicking on "My nicknames" on other DNA boards. It changes across them all. Therefore you can change to what you like at anytime without changing your beautiful page.

I only changed because I didn't use my original Beeb log in (for old boards) in the first place and now I am.

Hope this explains things.

smiley - love BD smiley - fish


Post 60


Pamela just another thing the "top bit" is your member name only you see that no one else does unless it is the same as your "nickname" or preference. I do hope you go back to your old page smiley - hug BDG smiley - fish

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