Journal Entries

Shoe Haiku

Dansko clogs have I
Ninety-three dollars Monday
Written on my check

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Latest reply: Nov 7, 2000

Zen and Jaw Clenching

I'm working on a major case of high blood pressure lately. Why? The $%&#%! campaign ads. I constantly have to go to my "happy place" whenever they come on. Unfortunately public radio has been playing some crappy music of late, or else I would turn the dial to my local NPR affiliate. A major political football in Montana is the issue of game farms. This industry is basically the prostitution of our wildlife and hunting heritage for the benefit of Asian aphrodisiacs and lazy assholes who don't want to get their LL Bean hunting ensemble dirty. We have a proposal before the voters this year to ban game farming in Montana. Wyoming has already done it. Why can't we? The industry slapped together a particulary odious ad encouraging the people to vote against I-143. It features the whiny voice of a small child: "Mommy why are these mean people taking our farm away?" Can it get any sleazier? I don't want to know.

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2000

Sobriety Part II

I'm between two anniversaries today. Wednesday, October 25th was my one month anniversary of being drug free. Sunday, October 29th will be my three month mark for abstaining from alcohol. Sometimes I'm kinda ambivalent about the whole sobriety thing. Especially when I'm feeling blue.

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Latest reply: Oct 27, 2000

The Satanic Candidate

It being election season in the United States, the average person is bombarded with campaign ads. Next to my desk at work is a radio. No matter what station I tune in, the same annoying ad plays over and over again during the commercial breaks:

"'Person A' has fought for the people of Montana. Unlike his opponent, 'Person B', who receives his orders from Washington DC. 'Person B's' agenda will actually cost the state thousands of jobs. He wants to take all of your money. He personally set the wildfires this past summer. He ran over your dog. He slapped a little baby and then stole its candy. He even slept with Bill Clinton. Call 'Person B' and tell him you think he's a big fat idiot. Then bomb his house.

...sponsored by big multinational corporations with hyphenated names and shady political operatives who hide behind the name 'Regular Folks Looking Out for Montana'..."

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2000

Spendor in the Leaves

Autumn is here in all its glory in the Northern Rockies. The maples, poplars, cottonwoods, oaks, and elms are ablaze in town. Up in the mountains, tamaracks, dogwood, and huckleberry provide an incredible contrast next to the ponderosa, spruce, and fir.
The sky is that wonderful bright blue that only occurs in October. I scrape the frost off my car windows in the morning and stroll through fallen leaves on the sidewalks. The air is filled with the tang of woodsmoke and apples are at their ripest. Apple pie and apple cider, pumpkin ice cream, Halloween, and grouse hunting...this is my favorite time of year.

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Latest reply: Oct 16, 2000

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