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The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 61


Well, fair princess, penuchi fudge is filled with wonderful penuchi fudge-like qualities that leave regular fudge paling in comparison. For instance, penuchi fudge is in fact the new source of energy, as well as poster glue, hair gel, facial mascera, shampoo & conditioner, and it's even a better topping than coolwhip, shaving cream, and baking soda!

smiley - erm


smiley - erm

I fell into the Charles river last Th*rsday...

Stupid Th*rsdays... smiley - sadface

*drinks another smiley - bubbly and jumps to the dancefloor*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 62

Shea the Sarcastic

Well, if you don't like Tsmiley - bleepdays ... I've got a lovely group of people for you to join! smiley - winkeye

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 63


Tsmiley - bleep? smiley - biggrin

A /lovely/ group? smiley - bigeyes

*downs another smiley - bubbly*

smiley - drunk

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 64


*rolls eyes*
smiley - nahnah

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 65



smiley - erm

This is all rather confusing...

*drinks another smiley - bubbly*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 66



Cheers! smiley - bubbly

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 67


I think I've figured it out:

You must have found your significant other, Ottox...


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 68

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - nahnah Ottox

He's the official nemesis of the Thingites ...

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 69


smiley - whistle

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 70


I knew it!!!! smiley - biggrin

Ottox found someone special and now he will no longer spend lonely nights by himself or with people that live hundreds of thousands of miles away from him!!!

Congrats, my friend. All I can say is, it should have happened sooner smiley - biggrin

smiley - bubbly

But a nemesis is not exactly the nicest thing to be....

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 71

Shea the Sarcastic

If he has, and he hasn't told me, I'm going to be rather smiley - cross ...

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 72


I'll spend lonely nights by myself or with people that live hundreds or thousands of miles away from me!!!

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 73


Whatever you say, Ottox... smiley - winkeye

smiley - biggrin

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 74

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

You fell into the Charles River, Yoss?

How deep was it?

A woman in my neighborhood drove her car into
the Charles River last year. A golfer
on the other side saw her, and rescued her.
A close call. I don't think she's had the courage
to drive since then.

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 75


I took out a boat from the Community boat house, and I usually like to go fast and flat, but the whole time we were at this veritcal tilt, and so my book fell in the water and was ruined, and being the fanatic book-lover that I am, I risked my health, and dived into the Charles in an attempt to rescue it...

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 76

Shea the Sarcastic

You're a hero! smiley - biggrin

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 77


I'm a SUPER hero! smiley - biggrin
Haven't you taken the test yet? smiley - winkeye

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 78


Where can I find this test? smiley - huh

*drinks another four smiley - bubbly*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 79


smiley - herosmiley - smiley

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 80


I'm taking the test even as we party our minds away! smiley - biggrin

*another four smiley - bubbly*

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