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The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 121

Shea the Sarcastic

So have fun, dammit! smiley - cross

smiley - kiss

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 122


You don't know what the zarking heck I've been going through this past week. So I'm sorry if I'm feeling a bit better and am trying to forget about it all...

smiley - sadface

*pours and downs another smiley - bubbly*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 123


smiley - clown

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 124

Shea the Sarcastic

Don't apologize! smiley - hug I'll join you in a smiley - bubbly

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 125

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'd join in a smiley - bubbly, but that
glass is awfully small....

(The sad truth, Shea, is that my
idea of "fun" sometimes involves
puns that would sink a battleship.)

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 126


smiley - bubbly

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 127

Shea the Sarcastic

Pun away ... I love a good smiley - groan

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 128


*sips smiley - bubbly, but regrets any hints of over-optimism*

Puns are always good...

Do you happen to pun in RL too, Paul? (something to watch out for next weekend)

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 129

Shea the Sarcastic

You guys meeting up next week?

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 130

Ford Perfect

*Ford catches up with a few smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly and a

smiley - cheerup cheer up Ottox and whoever else was feeling low! smiley - smiley

Life, The Universe and Everything are still there.... A new day will come tomorrow and the day therefter...

smiley - cheers


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 131

Ford Perfect

*Ford catches up with a few smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly and a smiley - stiffdrink

smiley - cheerup cheer up Ottox and whoever else was feeling low! smiley - smiley

Life, The Universe and Everything are still there.... A new day will come tomorrow and the day therefter...

smiley - cheers


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 132


Hey, don't automatically assume Ottox was the one feeling low! smiley - cross

It was me, but thanks for caring, anyway... smiley - smiley

*downs the smiley - bubbly*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 133

Ford Perfect

Oops... maybe only press the button once eh?

a few too many smiley - bubbly's hunh?

It's all good! Puns and all!

smiley - cheers

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 134


Was I feeling low? I didn't know that! Just thought it was too optimistic to think that this thread would make it to the top of busiest conversations. Shea will get smiley - cross at me if I say why! smiley - winkeye

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 135

Ford Perfect

Well have some more smiley - bubbly and have a good time! Cheers to you Yossarian! A man after my own heart....

smiley - cheers


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 136


Wait a minute....

Although it is not my intent to get it up there ~yet~, why can't this thread make it? smiley - smiley

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 137

Ford Perfect

Oops I seem to have made a blunder... it's hard to keep up... sorry Ottox
*Ford hands Ottox a smiley - bubbly have a good time! No hard feelings?!? Good!! smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers & goodnight to you all!


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 138

Ford Perfect

how close is it now??


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 139


*looks around* Ok, I think it's safe now. Shea should be w*rking again... Yoss, have a look at About 1500 posts today, making it the first thread to reach 10000 posts. Not a good day to try to get your forum to the top! ;-) (Have a look at my userpage too! ;-))

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 140

Ford Perfect

wow... smiley - sadface this is indeed not the day to make the move... smiley - sadface

oh well...
*Ford takes another drink and goes to bed... for real this time!
*Good Night all!!

smiley - cheers

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