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The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 21

Titania (gone for lunch)

*clozes eyes and concentrates*

*self-refillable smiley - bubbly appear on nearby table*

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 22


Oh, smiley - bubbly!!!
Lots of lots of smiley - bubbly!!!
Cheers! smiley - bubbly

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 23


*bangs head against wall*

I'm sorry, Mist! I forgot to say that you were partying too!

I'm sorry!!! smiley - sadface

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 24

Ford Perfect

yo everybody! I'm a fan of both Douglas Adams books AND Catch 22, they define my whole life philosophy....

Just saw your name and had to say hi....


The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 25


Well, Ford, you happen to have a fine taste in authors and literature.

Join us as we drink glass upon glass of smiley - bubbly and party until we pass out (which we have done many times, apparantly smiley - winkeye).

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 26

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

*puts pillow under Yoss' head*

Stop it, you'll hurt yourself!

smiley - erm I don't drink alcohol...would a nice cup of smiley - tea be out of the question???

*boogies off towards the stereo*
Music, anyone???
Dum de dum dum, dum de deeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

smiley - sheep ... coz I like it!!

smiley - elf

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 27


Mist, look at my nickname... smiley - nahnah

*trying to get smiley - drunk in smiley - ale*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 28


Any luck, Ottox?

Several of these (smiley - stiffdrink) might help smiley - smiley

And don't worry about not drinking, Mist. At the Yossarian Prefect Fan Club, you may drink whatever you please, whether it be smiley - oj, to smiley - stout, to smiley - sheep juice. smiley - biggrin

Speaking of smiley - sheep juice, who's up for an exquisitly prepared smiley - sheep dinner?

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 29

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Um, how did the smiley - sheep thing get started?
Until this week, I didn't even know that
the smiley - sheep even existed, it was used so
seldom. I don't think even Tacsatduck
used it, and he has smiley - sheep on his mind
to an amazing degree. But maybe that has

Anyway, congrats, Yoss, on havinga fan club
of your very own, and if you'd like, we
could all click on it and help make it one
of the five mose popular conversations.
Then again, my arms are sore (I went to the
beach yesterday) and I'm not up to a lot
of clicking right now.

(The smileys I really like are
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - bluefishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - rosesmiley - ghostsmiley - musicalnote
and smiley - wah

Ciao. smiley - biggrin

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 30


No rush. smiley - biggrin

We'll get this thing on the Front page one day...

When you least expect it!!!


*drinks some smiley - bubbly*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 31


> Um, how did the smiley - sheep thing get started?
> Until this week, I didn't even know that
> the smiley - sheep even existed, it was used so
> seldom.

Probably because it didn't exist until today!
Just like smiley - peacesign and smiley - peacedove.

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 32


What do smiley - sheep have to do with smiley - peacedove and smiley - peacesign?

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 33


Nothing exept they appeared on the same day. I think so... smiley - smiley

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 34

Titania (gone for lunch)

*grabs another smiley - bubbly*

Anyone feel like dancing?

___smiley - musicalnote_____smiley - musicalnote__________smiley - musicalnote_______
_smiley - musicalnote_____smiley - musicalnote____smiley - musicalnote____smiley - musicalnote

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 35

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

smiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheep
smiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheep

smiley - nahnah

smiley - elf

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 36


Erm... does that mean you don't want to dance, Mist? smiley - erm

*downs a smiley - bubbly*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 37


I interpreted it as meaning:

smiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheep
smiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheepsmiley - sheep

*drinks down another four smiley - bubbly and hops to the dance floor, boogying down to the rhythm of the beat*

So, does anyone here know how many questions Frankie Roberto asks during his interviews?

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 38


Hmmm... I could try to count them, but I think it depends on the answers he gets. smiley - winkeye

*begins to dance*

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 39


I get three questions, so I guess that means he expects long-winded, zany, and well-written replies smiley - smiley

*astounded by Ottox's amazing dancing technique, Yossarian writes pages of notes as he observes Ottox's foot-movements, drinks a few more smiley - bubbly, then passes out in exhaustion*

smiley - zzz

The Yossarian Prefect Fan Club

Post 40


*brings some smiley - cake and smiley - coffee*

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