This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

only me

Post 121

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

oh yes the i'm dying with this cold.... but its never a cold they have.. its always the flu... a lot of this goes back to how their mothers coddle and ruin them...

i have 1 brother and my mum was great didn't spoil him more than me at all... but my grandmother ruined him, she made him into a lazy ungrateful useless article, even at 68yrs old she picked up after him and waited on him hand and foot...

adversely enough hes attracted to strong minded women...almost masochistic... both his wives have been what we call... ball breakers.
my ex husband was another one useless spoiled swine of a man...

pity my daughter too for she is married to a mummys boysmiley - wah

only me

Post 122

Malabarista - now with added pony

we were all girls, so all just cast out into the cold, cruel universesmiley - winkeye

My friend specially emailed me to tell me that at 25 years old, he'd now learned how to cook tea, and spaghetti, and even fry an egg!

only me

Post 123

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

its only when one of your siblings is a boy that you might see how cuckoo some mothers become.. i've only had girls too....

my daughters sister in law grew up resenting all the love and attention her brother [my son in law] got yet she has a little boy and guess what.. she spoils him. she said she didn't want another baby ever, incase it was a girl!!! so shes just repeating her mothers mistakes...

my hubby couldn't cook hardly anything when i met him, he was 25... now he can cook a better roast than mesmiley - sadface and hes no mummys boy... in fact he never sees her. and hes happier like that.

hey what goes on with your general election? sounds like the debacle when bush 1st got in .. both claiming to have won??

do you have to use euros where you are... i've heard germany isn't happy with it... we so far britain has refused to go over to euros, seems it was for the best to keep out...what do you think about them...

ps. they are pretty money thoughsmiley - biggrin had to buy some for spain next year..

only me

Post 124

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, our election rtesult is that there is no result, the revote in Dresden will be deciding. At least the NPD didn't get in, though!

And we get to use Euros, yes. I think they are a nice currency and very convenient - we're often popping over the border to the Netherlands now, or spontaneous trips to Belgium, etc. I like all the open borders, too. I'm neitehr German nor Dutch at heart, I'm a European!

only me

Post 125

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

so a revote? who are the ndp are they anything like the racist national front we have over here... always typified as a brawling skin head [usually a football hooligan to]

being an island its harder for us brits to feel european....only borders we have is england scotland and ours [wales]

our nearest other country apart from ireland is france, we've been there quite a few times, always on a coach either thru the chunnel or on a ferry... we like it over there usually stay at disney land so maybe not seeing the true france...

i deal with a lot of foreign students in my work, always find germans very polite, french not quite so polite but still ok... chinese are lovely but very impatient, only customers that have freaked me out are a few individuals from i suspect backgrounds of male superiority cultures eg muslim/ arab.... these few men have made it so clear to me that they dislike a lowly female dealing with them that i go into cool and efficent mode rather than warm and freindly..

saying all that i have one muslim customer that wears all the robes and long beard who is very pleasant and polite.... so it never pays to judge. take people as they come is what i saysmiley - ok

only me

Post 126

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - ok Good motto!

My family's very diverse too, we have a big meeting every Christmas and last year had all six of the major world religions present - and they all got along!

And my semester alone at Uni has 15+ nations for 45 people - very interesting, lots of new ideas get thrown in.

(Yes, the NPD is our extreme right "Neonazi" party - they were almost forced to disband a few years ago even)

only me

Post 127

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

religion...i've given up on it. its the cause of so many wars and hatred who is anyone to tell us which religion we must be....

if we only had tolerance for others religions and respect.. britain is not a religious country anymore.. well not christian so much...all people want to do is shop and spend money.. when i was a kid christmas lasted for about a week..

we had to stock up on food as shops were actually closed... now the only day they close is the 25th and even then some small shops are open and petrol stations too.

in a few years i will be asked to work on xmas day as that is in the planning although the unions are fighting it... sunday is now an ordinary shopping day, although close at 4pm.

thats why i dislike xmas now as all the charm and innocence has gone, and greed has taken its place...greedy spoilt kids getting far too much material things but no good morals..

ach i'm a misery gutssmiley - biggrin.. cardiff is very cosmopolitan lots of different cultures.... we have some old biddys [ladys] down the road and they were horrified when an indian family moved in the street.. didn't help much when the man reversed into her garden wall eithersmiley - biggrin

things are changing one day i can see the muslim faith will be a strong contender for major religion in this country [in the future somewhere] and people are horrified by that, but when you consider that our truly original religion was paganism, we adopted christianity after all...

who knows whats in store, go with the flow i say.. but only as long as us women retain our rightssmiley - ok

only me

Post 128

Malabarista - now with added pony

Retain? I hope to expand them smiley - evilgrin

My family's always taken a rather unitarian view of religion, and that not enforced, eithersmiley - smiley

Christmas is depressing. It used to be quite magical, waking up and finding the world had been transformed. We still don't put up our tree until the 24th, and only start baking and decorating on the 1st Advent Sunday (all of which are holidays here). But there is no way to shield oneself from all the stuff in the shops.

only me

Post 129

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

expand is right we are still lagging behind... but god forbid we have to submit to 2nd class citizenship as accepted within certain religions.. i think i'd have to kill myself

unitarian this is the religion i believe my grandmother called herself whats its basic tenets?

only me

Post 130

Malabarista - now with added pony

Unitarian views: basically beleive that all religions have an element of truth and/or believe it's really the same deity being worshipped under another guise

We are supposed to be enlightened, but it's still amazing what men think they can get away with. And they're often not even aware of it!

only me

Post 131

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

bloody hell malabarista... i must be a unitarian then cos thems my beliefs too...

yes too often in any power position its still the men that get the jobs... even in my line of work, its still a man who gets the big boss role...

didn't i hear on the radio about anew female politician in europe who they say is the next maggie thatcher....oh god forbid.

only me

Post 132

Malabarista - now with added pony

Angela Merkel? I hope she won'T be chancellor...

We were watching the show jumping at the last Olympics when my mother said "Funny, it's the only sport where men and women compete directly", to which my stepdad replied "That's because when the men lose, they can blame the horse!"

I'm learning medieval sword combat now, and I've made it very clear that I neither expect nor tolerate special treatement cause I'm a woman - I get just as many bruises as the guys, but learn the same, toosmiley - biggrin

only me

Post 133

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

your dad is enlightenedsmiley - biggrin

my hubby loves medieval things.. i think he sees himself as a knight with his trusty sword... and good for you girl on the lessons....[must remember never to cross malabaristasmiley - biggrin]

in fact he loves history and things.. we visited an old manor house called llancaich fawr, where people dress and talk 16th century.. they tour us around the manor house telling us of theit lives, plus its very humerous, as they talked of the men of glamorganshire [us] as being short of arm and long of pocket.[meaning we are mean and stingy]

i loved it when he spoke of using muskets that some mens hair would receed.. looked at my slightly thinning haired husband and said, so you have knowledge of a musket....then turned to a bald man and said and i can see sir has been near cannonsmiley - laugh

only me

Post 134

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh sounds like a theory.

My stepdad knows to watch his step with us - I'm the 5th generation of women in my family to grow up without her father at home, we're tough now!

I've been doing medieval reenactment for a while, but as the lowest rank possible, beneath the beggars and "ladies of negotiable affection" - and now I'll get to be a knight!smiley - biggrin It's a fun hobby, certainly.

only me

Post 135

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i grew up with no father.. he died when i was a baby, mum never married or dated anyone else...she was a strong woman and her mother before her the same, so 2 generations of early widows...

they were both strong women wish i could speak to them now as i have aged and become wiser...

ahh well i'm off to bed eyes heavy now...

bye for now byyyeeee

only me

Post 136

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - hug

I'm off too, good night!

only me

Post 137

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

evening mal weekend here at last.. have you any plans this weekend??
mine are not too exciting... having 2 of my daughters friends over for a sleep over tomorrow..3 giggly 8 yr olds what have i got myself into?

sunday i have to work overtime to bulk my pay up.. but we plan to see land of the dead sun night..older daughter baby sittingsmiley - biggrin

only me

Post 138

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - cool

No, I'm working tomorrow, and playing around with the settings on my comp, had to get a new hard drive. And studying, of course, exams in three weeks...

No training Sunday, so I'll just be drawing and calculating.

I don'T envy you the 8-year-olds, batten the hatches and remove the breakables. And buy some earplugs if you plan to sleep!smiley - winkeye

only me

Post 139

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

yes i might live to regret the sleep over.. only summer stayed at one girls house last fri night and that mother has 6 [yes 6 young] children.. i think her philosophy is one more won't make much difference.

whereas we are used to a reasonably peaceful atmosphere.. oh god help us...

only me

Post 140

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - yikes I'm glad I've moved on from babysitting as a job!

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