This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

only me

Post 61

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

same here... i hardly ever watch tv.. we usually rent films on the weekend or go to the cinema.....

i'd rather read a book or magazine...i wish there was a book related to the film the island, but sadly it is specially written screen/script.. it would make an excellent thriller/sci fi...

same happened on 2 stephen king films.. the storm of the century and rose red....script form onlysmiley - wah

only me

Post 62

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'm more of a fantasy/sci-fi person myself, I hate all these "chick flicks" and shallow action series...

only me

Post 63

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i think there are certain elements to the island that would appeal to you.. but there is a lot of action... a bit of a matrix type freeway dash.. its just such a clever story though....

didn't get to the beach after.. maybe next week....the nights are closing in now... only just over 4 months till xmassmiley - wah

we don't like xmas much here, everyone goes so mad spends so much i think it is all so hubby has come round to my view of xmas now.. we have nice food and buy a few pressys mostly for the kids.. but we don't go overboard... i reuse to spend like an idiot for just 2 days.

god i'm worrying about it alreadysmiley - sadface

only me

Post 64

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, we do go into the whole smiley - gift thing, but often have homemade ones - in the past, I've given my mother&stepdad t-shirts with their company logo, medieval tunics and a quilt for their bed. But the best bit is still Boxing Day, when the whole family meets, everyone brings some smiley - cake or other food, and we just generally catch up. And once a specific generation has retired, the rest of us play cards deep into the night, often at four tables at once!

The meeting used to be at my grandmother's, but since she moved out of her large house and we moved into one, it will be here in future.

only me

Post 65

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

thats the true meaning of xmas.. the family meeting up.. not all the crazy spending .. sadly i don't have much family most are dead, maybe thats why i don't like xmas, no family to celebrate with...

but i have my husband and little one we are a very close unit.. last boxing day we drove out to the brecon beacons [famous welsh mountain scape] and there was SNOW..they were both sliding down the slopes on linos.... it was a great daysmiley - biggrin

this year we are prepared we bought a sled..but can't guarantee the snowsmiley - sadface

only me

Post 66

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - erm

We always get plenty here! And I have a humongous and very diverse family, last year (with two friends along) we managed all of the six major world religions! Makes the cooking a bit difficult, but otherwise it's great!

only me

Post 67

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

hello and i am ailing and suffering.. nasty cold, chesty cough....dratted summer time cold.smiley - sadface hope you haven't got it over there, its rampant here [ i caught it off work colleagues]

so avoid any welsh people for the time beingsmiley - laugh

only me

Post 68

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - cheerupsmiley - cuddlesmiley - tea

Yes, I had mine already - right before exams, too! Hope you do better soon!

only me

Post 69

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

ahh commiserations [belated] miserable isn't it...i'm getting all feverish again think i'll crawl into bed.. doesn't help that its THAT time of the month either... i'm sure it makes us more vunerable and suseptible to ailments.... can't have it all ways i suppose.. being the superior sexsmiley - ok

i'm off to sleep it off.. this is 2nd day maybe tommorrow wil be better.. hope those exams went well too. byyee

only me

Post 70

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - ta

In that case, you need a warm quilt, a big pot of smiley - tea, lots of smiley - choc and perhaps a smiley - cat!

only me

Post 71

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

still ill and miserable.. its at the runny nose and eyes stage daren't go anywhere without a hanky....sniffle.

only me

Post 72

Malabarista - now with added pony

Then I'll not smiley - cuddle you, but I will make you some smiley - tea!

only me

Post 73

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

cheers.. make it a herbal onesmiley - ok maybe tommorrow i'll feel human again

only me

Post 74

Malabarista - now with added pony

*adds fresh peppermint and sage from the garden*

only me

Post 75

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

any cranberrys going?? good for.....down below ,for us girls. not that i'm having down below probs...smiley - biggrin always good.. just incase.

only me

Post 76

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yeah, we just got some in the garden, they're ripe!

only me

Post 77

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

excellent stuff... well i'm off to bed with 2 cold and flu remedy tablets... thats my quota for today [ 8] i already feel feverish again.. oh i'm a right miserable so and so...not fair becasue i'm off work too this week..only to be too ill to enjoy myself.... what kind of dratted cursed luck is that..smiley - sadface

anyway have a nice night and don't let those cranberrys get too ripesmiley - ok

only me

Post 78

Malabarista - now with added pony

Good night, and a better morning, too! My back just hurts, but that'S from digging up potatoes -and picking cranberriessmiley - winkeye

only me

Post 79

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

still suffering...went to doctor 1st thing this morn after virtually no sleep... was going to demand antibiotics...refuse to leave the room until i had some... but turns out i have bronchitus so he gave me 5 days supply.. i knew it wasn't just a cold.. and as i am diabetic i can't fight off infection so well...

have been drinking lots of cranberrys, cranberry juice and cranberry herbal teasmiley - biggrin my urine is red....only kidding.

do you really grow your own potatoes?? my husband is a keen gardener, when we met he had his own allotment where he grew veg... i always thought allotments were for old guys and he was only 25...

i think he fell in love with me for my garden, as it was big and wild.. now its nicely landscaped.. he did have a veg patch but grassed it over.. i let him do as he pleases in the garden.. it is his domainsmiley - biggrin

only me

Post 80

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh

Yes, my mother bought a new house a few months ago, hasn't done much about the decor, but the garden is shaping upsmiley - biggrin She is a biologist, after all!

Good thing you've got antibiotics now, I hope it works! And if you want some really funky coloured urine, eat lots of asparagussmiley - winkeye

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