This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

only me

Post 181

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sounds like a constructive way of dealing with it at least!

Ah yes, there are lots of museums, of course, and it's not a bad city. But being of good old Haags descent, I can't praise itsmiley - winkeye

only me

Post 182

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

well its about time i drag my bum off this chair and get to bed...hubby is snoring away i can hear him....i'll have to nudge and push him a bit to get him to shut up... hes like a buzz saw...smiley - sadface

bye for now

only me

Post 183

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oooh, poor girl! Luckily, I only share my bed with a non-snoring stuffed rabbitsmiley - winkeye

Good night!

only me

Post 184

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

hello.. and i had a bad nights sleep due to his snoring...probably because he drank wine, but he can be bad without a drop inside him...

i just can't get to sleep with his noise.. i need it to be very peaceful.. can't even tolerate a ticking what chance do i have with HIM!!!

anyway how are you tonight??

only me

Post 185

Malabarista - now with added pony

I know the feeling, my alarm clock is standing on a mousepad to muffle itsmiley - smiley

I'm fine, just a bit tired, was at work til 9:30!

only me

Post 186

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

know how you feel.. i've not long finished my shift.. and due to the machine being broke all weekend i went into a nightmare of late orders...

one girl got a bit abusive with my team leader about it but she soon snapped her into placesmiley - biggrin

me.. i just agree with the customerssmiley - ok yes sir... madame it IS a disgrace i fully agree with you....well as they say the customer is always right...

anyway i'm a bit achy nowsmiley - sadface

only me

Post 187

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - cuddle You need a nice cup of smiley - tea, and I hope hubby is good at backrubs!

only me

Post 188

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

nope he is probably starting his dreaded snoring as we type...smiley - wah

i think he is stressed he always overdoes things..always on the go... hes over tired he needs to chill out more.

he has a hard physical job too then comes home and starts doing too much like decorating or redoing something that could wait..

its not as if i nag him to do these things...i want him to relax moresmiley - cheers

only me

Post 189

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - erm

Sounds reasonable. But he probably thinks he'll make you happy by doing it!

Men never listen, they always get it subtly wrong!

only me

Post 190

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

he always does these things behind my back like when i'm in work.. so i come home and hes...started sanding the stairs down to bare wood..ok it does look lovely now.. but many weeks of dust and mess plus he was tired...

men...what can you do??

ah well its time for bed...and about an hour of shaking and prodding him to shut upsmiley - wah but bless him toosmiley - smooch

night for now mal

only me

Post 191

Malabarista - now with added pony

good luck! And good night!

Both my father and my stepfather have sleep apnea, took years of us being besnored to figure it out! If it's really bad, you should check into it...

Men are just a raw material, you have to finish then yourselfsmiley - winkeye

only me

Post 192

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

afternoon.. and he wasn't so bad last night.. but have suspected sleep apnea hes very headachy recently, i don't think hes getting much good quality sleep..[due to snoring and me nudging himsmiley - run]
have made him an appointment with the doc thurs so shall tell him to mention it.....

well i'm sitting here with some aussie 3 min miracle stuff on my hair.. smells gorgeous like bubble gum....give my hair a nice treat..

its nice here during the day when everyones out..except me.. of course later i'll out at work, so i make this my relaxation time...aahhhhh nice and peacefulsmiley - smiley

better go and rinse this out.. might log on later..see you..

only me

Post 193

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - cool You tell him to do that, I'm always discovering more people who are "saved" by that.

My hair still smells like smiley - roses from that decadent shampoosmiley - winkeye</>

I've been sleeping a lot better since I'm having a daily banana, I was waking up with leg cramps several times a night for weeks!

only me

Post 194

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

all his symptoms seem to correspond with what i've read about sleep apnea but hes so stubborn.. now he thinks he has diabetes due to his tiredness..but i doubt it as hes quite fit...bloody men.

those leg cramps are terrible... i would get a really nasty one just now and again, not several in one night you poor you ever wake up just as the cramp is about to set in....thats how it is for me...quinine can help, also tonic water as it contains quinine.. but bananas are rich in potassium and if you find they help, stick with them.. i love bananas anyway usually have one with breakfast.

only me

Post 195

Malabarista - now with added pony

You'll just have to pretend it was his own idea that it was apneasmiley - winkeye

Yes, it's a terrible feeling knowing it's coming and you can't do *anything* about it! I'm loath to consume too much quinine, might need it later when I visit my cousin, she lives in Ghana. But bananas do help, and I'll just have to budget for them. Books usually outranks bananas on my shopping listsmiley - erm

only me

Post 196

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

another trick to easing the pain which i only found out about from a 90 yr old man a couple of years to pull your toes up sharply.. most people now this but i didn't and i used to just rub my calf like mad in agony.. pulling the toes up helps almost instantly...

well i tried to have an early night but now my tooth is hurting.. i had one filled last certainly seemed to be the likely culprit as it was damaged... but now i fear it wasn't... i'd been hoping the surrounding gum was just sore but now that dull throbbing pain is back...

on the phone to dentist surgery 1st thing i think...

only me

Post 197

Malabarista - now with added pony

ooooh, poor girl! I need to go to the dentist too, and don't look forward to it at all!smiley - cuddle

only me

Post 198

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i've got to get it done asap i don't fancy being in pain in new york and paying their prices for treatment.. got to be brave and bite the bullet..smiley - wah

only me

Post 199

Malabarista - now with added pony

yes, it's probably for the best. smiley - hugI'll go too as soon as exams are over!

You're right about NY, of course, don't let it spoil your holiday!

only me

Post 200

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i'll lead by example.. if i a self confessed chicken heart can endure it, so can you...

at one time i was too scared to visit a dentist for years...but now i attend every checkup and hygiene visit... when i was 30 i had a brace to straighten some teeth...

even now before an injection she still numbs my gum like they do for kids because she knows how scared i was...

i will do it.. i backing out.. i will smiley - run away as fast as i can...smiley - biggrin

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