This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

only me

Post 221

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, and I like it myself, makes it even better!

It was eggs in mustard sauce, and his girlfriend helped, so it was pretty good. And we have a dishwasher </>

only me

Post 222

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

good god you lot are living in the lap of luxury... a DISHWASHER... well i have one of those... hes called clivesmiley - laugh

i was just mooching about the h2g2 photo album and finally know what you look hair is very much like yours.. or at least was.. since i need to colour the invading grey its lost its curl....and i've only in last few months cut it down to shoulder length...

but yep you've stolen my hair and left me with this greying one...

only me

Post 223

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, there are five of us, and it saves a lot of argument!

No, actually I stole my mother's hair, and she says the same thingsmiley - winkeye

only me

Post 224

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

its ironic that for many years i used to put colour on my hair just to jazz it up...but now i'm desperate to get my normal colour back.. but its more grey than light brown now... so now i have to dye it and find it a darn nusiance...

lucky my older daughter does it for me.. she also does an excellent manicure and pedicure.

only me

Post 225

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

by the way my eldest daughter is smartblondwithabrain also found on pages 19 and 20 of the photo album... and yes shes a natural blond...

only me

Post 226

Malabarista - now with added pony

It's odd, I have mainly dark blonde hair, but also red and brown and really light blonde and some that are black, thick, and wiry and indistinguishable from horsehair. When I make a braid, it's striped!

Lucky you, I'm no good at that kind of thing at all. But I do have a friend who's a masseur, very handy!

only me

Post 227

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - ok I've seen her, yes. She looks a lot like her sister!

only me

Post 228

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

sounds like you have multicoloured hair..have you heard the song.. the girl with 5 colours in her hair.. by some boy band my youngest likes..

the youngest although having a different father is also very similar to her 2 older sisters... shes a mixture between the 2....

when i had my 1st 2 my over bearing crazy as a loon mother in law always took the credit for the girls pretty looks...oh yes takes after our side of the family if it were impossible that they could credit their looks to my family [who couldn't defend themselves as they are all dead]

but then i went on to have another girl with another man and would you believe it??? shes a pretty one too... blonde as well...
so i spit in ex mother in laws eye[not literally]...hah you old bag....see maybe.. just maybe i also had something to do with the production of these girls.....

actually my eldest is the image of my mother...everyone whos got half a brain can see that.. my mum had lovely features.

they are all beautiful but of course i am biased... to our mothers we are all the most beautiful children......

only me

Post 229

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh yes, I suppose

but *everyone* confuses me and my mother, to her it's a compliment, to me it's annoying.smiley - winkeye

only me

Post 230

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

we all sound the same...people get very confused on the phone....
i don't think i look like my girls mainly because i am darker haired and overweight... but of course people see a resemblance.. also i think you can behave similarly

only me

Post 231

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh yes, definitely - we not only get confused on the phone, we have a family brain! we often say exactly the same thing at the same time, or know what the other is thinking - all four of us women!

only me

Post 232

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

thee are a lot of girls in our little family...well 3 daughters and 1 granddaughter... being close to your daughters does not always come so naturally... my granddaughter and her mum have a hard time granddaughter stresses her mother out.. and i just heard tonight that the other day after her mother had refused her something she stuck her leg out to trip her mother up....and shes only 6...very dangerous thing to do...i told her off soundly.

only me

Post 233

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - yikes

Yes, we're lucky in that respect, my mother and grandmother have a harder time too!

only me

Post 234

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

the girls in family become very rebellious...including myself which is how i found myself pregnant at 16....older one waited till 18 and like me also married the father....middle one is very rebellious too ok shes 23 has a 2.1 degree but shes very alternative...

not much chance of her getting pregnant as shes gay.

i worry about granddaughter i don't think they'll be able to control her when shes 14 or 15...heck they can't cope now....

only me

Post 235

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - erm That does sound like a problem! And it sounds like they're putting unfair responsibility on you, too!

only me

Post 236

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i don't think they gel together enough as a family.. i'm always telling them they need to do things together..simple things like taking her to a park... riding bikes....feeding ducks....

its not that they are bad parents but everything seems to revolve around their own activites and not so much the youngster.... theres always this indecent haste to foist her onto other family members and do their own thing...

although they cannot do that here as we already have our own youngster and she a little madame at times too... but when they are together its like chalk and cheese....only 2 yrs between.. but it might as well be 20.

somehow somewhere my daughter has to bond with her daughter... the trying to trip her mother up really disturbed me it could lead to a potentially fatal accident... probably i shouldn't have likened her to damian [from the film] bad bad granny i amsmiley - erm

only me

Post 237

Malabarista - now with added pony

That's where I think our mother went right - took *time* for us, instead of money, and always talked to us like we were just *slightly* older than we were rather than talking down to us. And explained things rationally, rather than just using the old "because I'm the mommy and I say so".

only me

Post 238

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i'm lucky in that my husband does quite a lot with our little one..seeing as i work evenings it falls on him to take her to brownies and gym...he sometimes takes her on the bikes they cycle for miles..

they take a little picnic and they call it their adventures...

i know my own mother should have done more with us.. but i am mindful that she was a widow...being the breadwinner with a tiring teaching job, plus the last few years of her life she just wasn't well but carried on...

well i'm off to bed nice lie in in the morning.. if HE can keep quiet....this morning it was the garden vacuum cleanersmiley - sadface night mal

only me

Post 239

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - erm poor girl, sleep well!smiley - hug

only me

Post 240

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

another weekend has whizzed bysmiley - sadface and the whole school/work thing starts all over again....

nice weather today..dry and sunny. we went to see the wallace and grommet film.. are you familiar with them?

walked home from town and i was absolutely exhausted....

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