This is the Message Centre for Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

hello MoG

Post 81



Imagine how much Noggin is enjoying it. It probably won't be long before he starts force-feeding me pizza and pouring red wine down my throat through a funnel. smiley - winkeye My friend Ricardo (doctor-student with bike) told me that he once lost 15 kilos in six months - he said he also ended up losing his sense of humour. But in fact, I'm not doing that badly and Noggin is very sympathetic to me going 'aaaaaaarrgh I'm so hungry!' every now and then and gives me lots of cuddles.

So okay, okay, just ONE more day of this crap. Meanwhile, have only lost one kilo so far . . . perhaps I'll lose two more overnight? smiley - bigeyes

Actually, this is the first diet I've tried in about seven years. Last time I did the not mixing proteins and carbs one and lost about ten pounds in a month (and kept it off until the OP, two years later). Like you, I reckon this is going to end up being a 'lifelong' eating habit change, which is why I'm not going to be too extreme about it. I reckon if I can lose the 35 pounds within a year then that will be just fine with me. So the plan is to stick to the 'no-mixing' eating plan and cutting down on certain things and then once a week Noggin will take me out for a treat - either some tapas or a nice meal AND some smiley - redwine . smiley - drool

I do agree with you that 'off and on' dieting can end up sabotaging one's body. Also, with most diets you almost end up a prisoner of them and having any sort of social life becomes impossible.


Make time for riding the bike or watching tv? Noggin said having the bike will actually make watching tv here bearable, not the other way round. smiley - biggrin

Okay, off to have a virtual holiday in the Glades . . . smiley - run


hello MoG

Post 82

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Good morning! smiley - biggrin

You DID it!

Hope some more weight fell off, but even if it didn't you proved to yourself that you absolutely *can* be disciplined about your intake. And you started a long-term realistic plan, so that's the important part.

Did Noggin survive?
smiley - smooch

Having a kinda gloomy day today, worrying about things which are totally out of my control. US and global economy, and what might happen. I was thinking about moving into the Everglades permanently if everything goes bust and people get nuts. I'd be ok out there, though the skeeters would be an issue. Hooooo boy, I just *love* it when I'm in the throes of PMS. *My* life is ok, so I'll get crazy about the Armageddon Bush is trying to nudge into being. Jeez. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Guess I'd best figure out what I'll need for a still so I don't run out of vodka, eh?
smiley - monster

hello MoG

Post 83


smiley - cross

After ALL THAT just one measly kilo!

Though I think it was a good 'transition' thing. And if I hadn't been yakking about the **stupid f**king detox diet** to Ricardo the other day he wouldn't have mentioned his new exercise bike and I wouldn't have ended up buying one.

Otherwise and that, am looking forward to a bit more 'tasty' food (though I 'have' realised that I can actually do with less salt than before).

<<*My* life is ok, so I'll get crazy about the Armageddon Bush is trying to nudge into being.>>

Hmmm, well if you're anything like me then not having something to worry about is like a day without, um, something to worry about. Bad habit of mine. My mind tends to 'scan for danger' all the time. And most of the time there is *something* in my life for it to latch onto, even just little pesky stuff. But when things are going great . . .

Loved the photos, btw! smiley - ok


hello MoG

Post 84

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

One measly kilo is the first step to many. I've probably 'normalized' now, got rid of the bloat and it'll mellow to a couple pounds weekly. Don't want to lose too fast, as I'm at an age where I don't want things to start drooping. smiley - yikes

I used to worry all the time, too, though I've been able to change that tendency *most* of the time when I catch myself in that cycle. For me it's more useful to stop and decide to *do* one thing now, however small, to make a piece of that worry go away. It helps defuse it.

Off to work now. Hi ho!

Enjoy your tasties! smiley - smiley

hello MoG

Post 85


Just a thought - why don't you post a link to your everglades photos on the photo gallery thread? I'm sure everyone would enjoy them.

smiley - smiley


hello MoG

Post 86


hola cariƱo! smiley - smooch

Quick question - do you use a digital camera? We are thinking of buying one tomorrow. Two options - with or without an optic zoom option. Optic zoom option costs 40 euros extra - would this be worth it, in your opinion? I mean, the cheaper one already has a 3X digital zoom.

Shall await your reply.

Exercise bike arrived this morning - will be setting it up tomorrow.

smiley - smiley


hello MoG

Post 87


Too late! We bought the camera this morning (letting you know so as to save you replying to my last posting). We opted for the slightly more expensive model with the optic zoom as they guy told us it gives a clearer image than the digital zoom. And then he gave us 15% off the memory card, which was nice of him. Honestly, this guy was so helpful. When we first went into the shop (about a month or so ago) we didn't know a thing about digital cameras and he spent almost an hour with us, explaining the differences between the different models, what they did, which things would be important for our use, etc. Then we went in the other day and - again - he helped us narrow down our choice to the two models I told you about.

Anyhow, here is the one we bought (it's very sexy!):

Now we just have to figure out how to use it! smiley - erm

Meanwhile, we started putting the bike together this morning only to discover that a piece was broken smiley - cross . The tension knob-dial thingy. So I called the shop and they said they'll let us know on Monday whether we can just swap the part (which will be the entire front bit which holds the handlebars) or whether they'll end up sending us a whole new bike. So, not sure if we should finish setting it up now as it might not work with the tension thingy busted. Ho hum.

How are you? smiley - smiley


hello MoG

Post 88

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

I was in Miami the last couple of days and they were good. I kicked ass, helped make pregnant women feel lovely even as they were losing their cheekbones and waists. smiley - laugh There's a rash of 5-6 month pregnant women down here, had nothing better to do during the power outages of last year's hurricanes. Not kidding, blossoming bellies abounding.

Re cams, though it's after the fact: I like zooms, speed, easy lighting/focus options and decent resolution. The specs on cameras mean nothing to me, honey. I have to play with them and look at the pics on a good size screen before I know what I think of them. Just have no patience with something that needs to think and have a cup of tea before it decides to focus. When I chose my latest I traded loads of pixels for clean, fast action.

Based on my (very limited) knowledge the best advice I can give is to get an incredible rechargable battery pack, if what's included isn't already. My old camera ate AA batteries like they were going out of style, and I saved the 'dead' ones to give about 6 hours strong light in my smaller camping laterns. With the new camera I bought a 'Monster Micro-Processor Controlled Ultra-High Capacity Rapid Charger' with included batteries and I've only run out of juice once after well over 1000 pics and about 15 minutes movies. Wooooohooooo! It jams! I also have massive (1.0 GB) memory crad, which probably makes sense only if you're a nutcase like me and will go on extended adventures and take literally thousands of of pics at highest resolution.

All is well on my end, am just this moment gobsmacked because I went to a party tonight and was apparenty in magnetic mode, drew everyone around into my world. I guess I haven't been getting out much lately, forgot how that happens sometimes outside work. I feel really good about it, was especially honored when an 8th grade girl who'd been brought by her parents came and found me, told me that I wa the only one there she could talk to. Very bright, thoughtful young woman, too. We talked about books and (get this!) the worries she has about college! I'm amazed that they're hard-tracking them that young. She still has four more years of high school before uni. And the guys wouldn't leave me alone. That's another story, not for here. I guess this *is* my year to sparkle! Feels good after the hermitage.

Best luck with the bike!

hello MoG

Post 89


Thanks for your input!

Thing is, we basically wanted a nice 'snapshot' sort of camera - neither of us are into taking photos in any sort of 'professional' manner. But we also wanted a good quality one for the money. And I think we did okay.

I am happier having the optic zoom option. And since I managed to take a photo of Noggin last night before even resorting to the MANUAL I think it's a fairly straightforward camera. Easy to use.

Yes, the camera came with rechargable batteries and a recharger thingy - they guy also threw in a four-pack of Kodak normal batteries to get us started. And which we can also use while recharging the other ones. Apparently the battery pack we have can be recharged within two hours, so that's not bad.

The memory card we bought (with a 15% discount) is good for 64 photos (at 4 megapixel resolution) - which should be more than sufficient.

So, magnet-woman, eh? Not surprising. I wonder if you really are more 'magnetic' at times, or there are simply times when you feel more aware of it. For example, when you are feeling good about yourself, etc. I'd say you are always someone that people feel drawn to, but perhaps sometimes you don't recognize it happening because you are feeling whatever. Just my smiley - 2cents

Well, off for lunch. NON-diet food. Noggin is taking me out for arugula & mushroom salad and thin-crust pizza at our fave Italian place, and then out to see Ray at the cinema.

Feeling *very* spoilt and loving every minute of it.


hello MoG

Post 90


So, it's the first of February and I seem to recall that you were going to get the ear thing looked at and taken care of in January . . .


hello MoG

Post 91

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

ummmmm......smiley - erm
How time flies when you're having fun! smiley - biggrin

I know, I know. *Must* get around to it one of these days. This is one of those things I need servants for.

hello MoG

Post 92


No way - you have to deal with it - why aren't you?

Servants, schmervants - you need people on you *ss - why haven't you done anything yet?


hello MoG

Post 93

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

I resist the idea of making all those damned phone calls, az. My head starts to boil when I even *think* about having to deal with doctors and their staff as a non-insured person. The system now no longer works efficiently, like it once did, because everything has to be difficult and multi-tiered and insane because of malpractice lawsuits. I've talked to people who've had to go back seven (7)!! times to have similar things removed, individually labbed, the whole she-bang. I have neither the time or money to do that! I get *angry* because it's such a goddamn ridiculous system we've crested for ourselves, when it could be so simple. So I rant at the cat about the whole stupid mess. And she looks at me like I'm insane, which may be the case.

Can you feel me not breathing yet?

So there I am, brain not functioning, crazy-ass adrenaline all over the place, ready to *bite* the head of the first person who doesn't say *exactly* what I want to hear, which is "yes ma'am, we have an opening for you next Monday at 10am, and it'll all be done and taken care of in one fell swoop, *and* it'll only cost $500, because we know you're not rich."

So I'm livid, an aggressive nutcase who wants the whole System to change to comply with her wishes (well, why not? It's a stupid, mad clusterf*ck and Everyone will benefit when they fix it, right? Makes sense to me) and I *still* haven't called anyone yet.

So my head is *already* exploding, and I've done nothing but contemplate making a series of phone calls, for god's sake. Then I *get* the funny in the whole thing, and I start to laugh, which makes me breathe, and I figure I'll do this thing when I've successfully chanted myself into such a state of calmsmiley - zen that my voice won't even squeak nor my race turn red, and when I can *accomplish* something other than a stroke. smiley - smiley

Now do you see why I need servants for some things? That puts cleaning the toilet to shame, doesn't it?

I'm very, very good at not doing things that make me crazy.

hello MoG

Post 94


Just do it, okay?

I'll be here for any fall-out.

I'll email you my phone numbers just in case.

It should not be ignored, even though you foresee all the nonsense that could happen.

It it about YOU and your health and well-being, and I just think this *is* worth the effort.

Breathe, breathe, breathe, then bite the f**king bullet, make the appointment and get back to me and others if and/or when your worst nightmare comes true.

Good heavens, I would have been in emergency the day after the thing had been pointed out to me - you should at least get a check up and a medical opinion.

That is the first step.

One step at a time.


smiley - hug


hello MoG

Post 95

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Ok. I'll do it.
Actually, this is something that I'll require backup on, because my head really *does* explode. So I'll arrange for a friend to man the phone for me if I start getting nuts. I do not need to alienate the doctors. I am mostly harmless, but when I'm super agitated I'm extremely unpleasant.

Thank you!
smiley - smooch

hello MoG

Post 96


Have also sent you my Yahoo IM thingy in case the MSN one doesn't work for you - it might be a bit more user friendly.

Will reply to email shortly . . . smiley - hug


hello MoG

Post 97


Thank you SO MUCH for today! I don't know what I would have done without you.

smiley - smooch

smiley - hug


hello MoG

Post 98

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - hug
Hope things are sorted now. It'll be ok I think.

I'll take a pic of my garden once I've finished the planting this evening. It's awesome! I have a Star Flower that's my Ben Flower (have to keep battling the caterpillars, they just looooove to munch the blossoms, but it's sturdy and keeps podding and seeding so it'll be fine) and I think the purple lantana I just put in will be for you. It blooms all year long. smiley - smiley Also got some magnificent giant pansies, deep, rich red, like royal velvet and cabernet. I can't wait til they spread, got a bunch of them tiny and put most of them in individual pots so I can give them to people when they're lush.

I bought 3 types of tomatos, orange peppers, strawberries(yum!)and I already have a mini bell pepper that's drooping with ripening peppers. They're not as tasty as I'd wish, but they're awfully cute. When I don't eat them I put them on my altar in a nest of basil, rather than buying fruit. I'm getting better at this gardening thing, can remember when I started it about 3 years ago and everything kept dying. smiley - sadface I felt like a murderer. Must buy more big pots very soon, the garden is getting huge now most of 'em live. smiley - biggrin

Sleep well, I shall look for you before work tomorrow.

hello MoG

Post 99

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Wooooohooooo! I have a new painting germinating in my head now, thanks to you.smiley - smooch The basic idea has been there for several months, made a study for it when I was camping in October, and it was too static to pursue. Our today made it mature, though I've no idea what it'll look like as it progresses.

Thanks, az. Nothing is one-sided, ya know.

Woooohoooo! I'm back in manic-mode too, which is a blessed relief. I think that's from the dirt and sun, and an act of will last night. I hate it when I'm flat-lining.

smiley - boing
smiley - artist

hello MoG

Post 100



Yes, I do know. It was also curious that we set up the IM in case *you* needed it, and then yesterday happened. smiley - hug

Hmmm, I'd like to hear more about the new painting idea - maybe let me know in an email?

I think a bit of 'manic' would also suit me quite well at the moment, but that sort of thing tends to happen to me more in spring. Well, just another month or so . . .

MUST have smiley - coffee now!


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