This is the Message Centre for Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

hello MoG

Post 61


Well, I didn't think you were a 'practicing' jew as you have mentioned chanting in the past, but just thought that might be your background. Ah well, wrong again.

No, I haven't sent a photo yet - will try to remember to do that later on today. But first, going out for smiley - coffee and at my favourite breakfast bar. . .

smiley - run


hello MoG

Post 62

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

What a lovely, lazy morning! I'm having my cafe con leche, just went for a short walk. It's a little bit cool for another hour or so, and the air is really fresh. Yesterday it rained all day long, which is unusual for here. Now everything is very clean and kinda pastel. Mmmmmmmm smiley - smiley

That 'pretty' thread took me by surprise, as I imagine it did you too. Definitely *not* the way I think of myself, and 'attractive' might come in towards the bottom of a list of 20 terms I'd use to describe myself with. Funny thing about photos is that *everyone* looks gorgeous when you catch them when their essence (life force?) is coming across. The best protraits I've made come from moments when people are either involved doing something or when I say something that makes them react spontaneously.

Feeling very lazy right now, but *must* start writing Xmas cards or, once again, I'll not get it done at all.

hello MoG

Post 63


Yes, the pretty thread also took me by surprise, though I reckoned I got 'number five' position from Hoo simply because the gallery was my idea and he was being polite.

No, I wouldn't use the word 'pretty' to describe you. I'd say you are beautiful and striking. Exotic? Maybe that too. Also terms that I think suit me better (not meaning to sound immodest). I say that - about myself - mostly because this is what I've always been told. About how I look. And if I am able to look at myself without all my personal insecurities (being FAT, being whatever) I do recognize that I am well 'above average' what most people call attractive. As are you.

Now that I'm almost 48 I almost feel a bit of relief about not having to be 'pretty' anymore. If that makes sense.

Photos are often deceptive. I usually take terrible photos. The best ones, as you also mentioned about your work, are ones where I wasn't aware a photo was being taken. Or ones that caught 'a certain something' about me. Most photos of me show me with a rather pained expression on my face, wishing the camera would just go away.

Still, it's always good for my very fragile ego to hear that I am still thought of as being 'attractive'. Even though, as I have always said, being born 'attractive' isn't exactly any sort of personal acheivement. It's just the luck of the genetic draw.

I'm far happier that I was born intelligent. Which again, was lucky. But unlike physical appearance, it has made more sense to me to work harder on my intelligence - to constantly learn more - than to work on being 'beautiful'. And also to work on my personality, to make myself more interesting (mostly for myself, to be honest). As well as spiritual stuff, no, not to do with religion. But I think you know what I mean.

So, am now back from having brekky out and doing some Saturday morning errands with Noggin. Now we are drinking wine and hootooing before having a late lunch, perhaps a game of scrabble (our daily vice!) and later watching one of the two dvd's we rented this morning.

Feeling quite cosy . . .


hello MoG

Post 64


Just a quick hello and to say that I *will* reply properly to your last email soon. I had just wanted to give you the good news first smiley - winkeye but didn't want it to come across like I was just going me-me-me.

I really appreciate the time you took to write so I'll try to organize myself this week - and also my thoughts.

Meanwhile, I do wish you wouldn't put off getting the thingy removed. I don't know why but I feel very worried about that.

Anyhow, take care. I've just finished whipping Noggin's butt at scrabble and will probably head off to be soon.

hasta soon . . .

hello MoG

Post 65

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Don't get your panties in a wad, honey. I'm sporadic about communications, too. Best to do them when the urge strikes rather than make a chore of it.

I'm off to Naples for a couple days, will spend tomorrow in the 'Glades with my camera then 2 days working. Ended up not having the time to make a camping trip of it. Seems like work just keeps coming in, and I'm not complaining.

You and my mom about the ear thing. smiley - smiley Yeah, I know. Just always procrastinate with pain-in-the-butt things like that. But I will, I will.

I love Scrabble too. I have only one friend here who likes to play and is willing to have his butt so consistently whupped. Must go pick up a portable set I saw recently so I can take it when I stay with him in Miami.

On the good news-- I'm *always* happy to hear good news or commiserate during tough times. Don't worry about the me-me-me thing. I don't look at it that way. I *like* to hear what's going on in my distant friends' minds and lives. I'm a nosy wench, ya know. smiley - winkeye

hello MoG

Post 66


Your wish is my command - email address sent to Ice . . . smiley - ok


hello MoG

Post 67

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Thank you!
smiley - smooch

hello MoG

Post 68

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

az! I think I have found the best diet ever!(if you can sustain the smiley - redwine cravings for a while)

Check this out: I've lost 9 pounds fast (great emotional boost) by spending the first three days having only this:

2 eggs
1/2 samll orange

raw, green veggies (salad)
1 serving meat/fish/poultry
other half small orange

raw, green veggies (salad)
1 serving meat/fish/poultry

salad dressing:olive oil and apple cider vinegar
no seasonings at all (though I cheated and used pepper and driblets of hot sauce)

Drink water. Only. No caffeine, juice, alcohol. Just loads of water. And take a multi-vitamin and Omega-3 supplements.

It's like a detox diet, and I realize that most of the tonnage lost is water, but wowza! I only felt exhausted for a few hours on the second and third day, and then back to normal.

After that you can add small bits of veggies and low sugar friuts, but stay away from the sugary, starchy stuff.

I've 35 pounds to lose (got ultra-puffy over the holidays, didn't even know my own face in photos smiley - yikes. Anyway, it's about non-processed foods, negligible sodium, and water. Not sure if you're interesetd, but this has worked well for me and others, and the side effects are minimal. I miss my ritual cafe-con-leche, as well as my evening martini, but the rest is a breeze. It's not about starving.

Whatcha been up to besides enjoying lazy (lovely) days with your Heart's Desire?

smiley - smooch

After the detox part

hello MoG

Post 69


You need to lose 35 pounds????

Hey, me too! smiley - sadface

In fact, I was thinking of starting some sort of 'diet' tomorrow (always on a Monday, right?) and so this detox one might be okay for the first three days - just to get going and lose some puffiness quickly. I can probably just about manage going without smiley - redwine for awhile, but I think I'd still need to have one cup of smiley - coffee in the morning (though I'll skip the milk and have it black).

So - great timing, girlfriend! Just what I needed to get me started. smiley - smooch

A couple of questions. Can the salad include onion and tomato or does it just have to be 'green' stuff? How about raw cauliflower? Carrots?

So, you lost nine pounds in three days? How long have you been on this now? I don't normally go for 'diets' but I do think I need to do something a bit drastic to motivate me. I reckon after I lose the first ten pounds I'll get into more 'normal eating' and take off the rest more slowly.

Will let you know how it goes . . .


hello MoG

Post 70

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Bon jour!

I started the diet a week ago. Lost 7 pounds during the first 3 days, as of this morning it's 10. Wooooohoooooo!

Try to stop coffee if at all possible. It's something to do with the metabolism, I think. And raw green veggies is only that. You'll have to avoid carrots and onions for a while, they're high in sugar. I think I've lost so much because I only added strawberries and mushrooms (and one martini last night-- got me lit!). Also, I puffed up fast because I was eating things I normally almost never do for about a month or so while I was so busy with work. Frozen pizzas, godiva chocolates, canned soups, sugary cocktails, cookies, etc. That weight hadn't fully 'settled in' yet, so it's easier to evict.

Remember, this is only 3 days of such strictness. Think how fast 3 days flys by, and you'll be able to stick to it. I was ready to add coffee back after the third day, til I got on the scale and decided that I wasn't going to mess with a system that's working so well. After the third day continue to avoid processed and high sugar/starch foods, and don't have any salt. Just add things reasonably and in small portions, and you'll do fine.

Let me know how it goes! smiley - biggrin

hello MoG

Post 71


Aaaargh! No salt??? That is one of my vices, I'm afraid.

But you're right - one can do *anything* for three days, and I'm totally psyched to do it. Yay! And it's great to have your support and all that. smiley - cheers

I actually almost never eat sugary stuff, like sweets and chocolate. But of course smiley - redwine has lots of sugar in it, as well as empty calories.

Meanwhile, onions may be high in sugar (are they really?) but they are also a natural diuretic.

Don't have any oranges in at the moment, so tomorrow's brekky will just be two boiled eggs. But I'll pick up some oranges and lots of leafy green stuff to make my lunch.

I tend to drink at least a litre and a half of (low sodium) mineral water every day anyhow, so the water drinking thing will be quite normal for me.

Await further aaaaaaaaaarrrrgh postings from me. smiley - winkeye


hello MoG

Post 72

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Check your email. smiley - hug

And if you're hungry, nibble on raw, green stuff and have a full glass of water. You don't get to eat whatever you want, but there's no need to be hungry. You can munch on cukecumbers (that doesn't look right, to lazy to check spelling) or celery all day long and it won't hurt the diet.

hello MoG

Post 73


Yes, email received - thank you so much! smiley - smooch Am feeling much better now. smiley - hug

So, one day down, two to go. I did cheat this morning and have some black coffee, but what the heck. But the rest of the day went according to plan, though I had steamed brocs with my poached cod this evening instead of leafy greens, which I *did* have with my poached chicken breast at lunchtime.

I'm actually not all that hungry. Just bored. I mean, poached unsalted chicken? And it's a bit much having to prepare *two* different meals - and *then* not get to eat any of the tasty stuff! smiley - wah

Will reply to email tomorrow . . . am off to bed now.

smiley - sleepy azzzzzz

hello MoG

Post 74

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Day 1 is almost over for you. 1/3 through detox! Wooooohooooo!

How do you feel?

I did the archaeological dig through The Closet. Amazing what I discovered in there! Nothing living, thank god. Got rid of all sorts of things that I'd been holding onto, *just* in case I needed them. Spare stereo, puter speakers and mic, half-a-lifetime of old bedding and towels, old camp stove, etc. Gave me enough room to clear out one of the lurking high spaces in my bedroom where long things tend to accumulate. I feel spacious and organized now. smiley - smiley

hello MoG

Post 75

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

You snuck one in while I was typing.

I'm a seasoning fanatic too, az. Normally I use ridiculous amounts of salt on just about everything. I've been adding in salt-free seasonings, especially like a lemon pepper blend with fresh dill for chicken and fish. I'll probably pick up one of those fake salts for people who have to manage their sodium, but it's not a *bad* thing to kinda give the taste buds a break for a while. I think this bit of bland and boring will make it all the better as I add moderate amounts of things I'm currently avoiding.

You'll do fine, and it won't kill Noggin to have healthy meals at home for a while. He can always sneak out for forbidden stuff while you're working.

smiley - smooch
sleep well!

hello MoG

Post 76


Sleep well, eh? Well, I tried but this is the second night in a row that I can't seem to sleep at all. I mean, I get off to sleep okay but then wake up a couple of hours later and, although very smiley - sleepy , cannot get back to sleep.

This time I decided to get up instead of tossing and turning. Have been hootooing and reading the papers for the past hour or so (it's now 5am). Know any good insomnia remedies?

Yes, I was thinking about getting some lemon pepper. I did also cheat today by using freshly ground black pepper. But I agree with you that having a break from salt is a good thing. Aren't you using any salt now, even though it's after the 'detox' bit?

No, Noggin doesn't mind eating healthier, but the 'detox' bit is too extreme to put him through, I think. I mean, I'm certainly not going to continue eating unseasoned poached chicken and fish (lightly grilled with some olive oil and garlic, more like). And then it will be easier to just add some side stuff for him.

Well, think I'll go back to bed and read for awhile . . .


hello MoG

Post 77


buenos días! smiley - smiley

Day two . . . so far so good. Mind you, it's still only 10 am. smiley - winkeye

So what are you going to do with all the extra SPACE? I had to do a bit of cleaning out when Noggin moved in - threw out about half a dozen large bin liners full of useless stuff I'd been hanging on to - but there is still one large Closet in Lua's room that needs going through. It *is* amazing what accumulates, isn't it?


what are you having for brekky now? a doctor friend told me the eggs were a seriously bad idea, even just for three days . . .

hello MoG

Post 78

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe


I already used the extra space in the closet, but it's *managed* space. I have a huge, 3-cabinet entertainment center in my bedroom in lieu of dressers. On top of that I'd stored rolls of paper for painting as well as unhung paintings, wrapping paper, empty boxes I need to keep for a while, all sorts of crap. It looked awful, and things would fall on my head when I went to get stuff. I had a knot over my eye for New Years because a glass candle holder bonked me. I'd forgotten it was up there.smiley - laugh. So I put that stuff in the closet.

I'm still not using salt, fear that if I do I'll puff right back up again. Most of the weight loss at this point has got to be water, since it went so fast.

This week I've kinda shifted the foods a bit. I was concerned about the eggs, too. I'm having the 1/2 orange and some strawberries shortly after I get up in the morning, then a while later I have a nice chunk of broiled salmon. A while after that I have the other 1/2 orange and then later a green salad with shrooms. Dinner is still meat/seafood/chicken, a salad and baked portabello shroom stuffed with herbs from my garden and a bit of olive oil.

I'm still sticking to water, though I'll indulge in some hot tea (herbal, no caffeine) to replace the cafe-con-leche morning ritual.

I think I've got my head around the idea that I'm going to have to *stick* to this kinda non-processed, low starch diet, probably forever. Naturally I'll add more foods over time, and if I go out to eat I'll probably have whatever appeals once the first 20 pounds is gone, though I'll put half of it in a to-go box before I even start chowing.

Mid afternoon for you now, and half way through! How's it going?

hello MoG

Post 79


Aaaaaaaarrgh! One more day of this horrible detox sh*t??? smiley - winkeye

I find it way too tasteless and limiting to stay on the way you have. My plan for day four is to start adding stuff again, including salt (though less than before). In fact, less of most things and in different combinations. Basically a sensible long-term eating plan.

And to help things along, Noggin and I bought and exercise bike this evening! (though it won't be delivered till the weekend). I have my little exercise routine that I can do at home but was missing some good aerobic thing and today my doctor-student Ricardo told me all about the bike he got for Christmas and how great it was. So after I got home we went straight out and bought one as Noggin also wants to use it - he thought it was a great idea since he hardly gets any exercise (though he's skinny as a skinny thing, no matter how much he eats! smiley - cross ).

Anyhow, just a quick update. Am off to bed now - beats sitting up feeling hungry. smiley - erm

hasta mañana!


hello MoG

Post 80

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh
I can see the detox is working, honey. All the poison is coming *right* out of you. smiley - winkeye I wouldn't expect most people to decide to keep the limitations like I have. I'm an extremist, which means moderation ain't an option til I imbed new eating habits and have visible results that compell me to stick to them. Otherwise it'll be another lost cause. Hell, seems I've been dieting, about to diet, or just *off* a diet for a quite a few years now. And I keep putting on the weight! I actually think I'm more bored with that cycle (and with wearing boring, black clothes all the time to 'hide' the lumps) than I will be with very structured eating habits for a while. Just have to keep very busy, which isn't a problem, so I don't dwell on feeling deprived.

The exercise bike sounds like a great addition! Perfect while watching tv, so you won't have to set aside time specifically for it.

Looking at all the photo links that pop up in your photo album thread inspired me, and I've *finally* gotten around to opening a Fotki account of my own. I loaded some of the pics I took in the Everglades a couple weeks ago. They're here if you feel like taking a cyber-vacation. It took more than 5 hours to load 40 pics! Guess I'll be setting that up to run overnight or while I'm at work from now on. It's much easier to work with than the yahoo thingy I've been using.

One more day, az. You can do it!
RAH RAH RAH! *\0/*

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