This is the Message Centre for Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

hello MoG

Post 101


So, *finally* got the broken part of the bike replaced and it is all set up now and ready to go. Will start doing half-an-hour a day starting tomorrow (always mañana, eh? smiley - winkeye ) so please *pester* me about this.

Will also get back on 'sensible eating plan' tomorrow. Somehow it makes sense to start these things on a Monday.

How are you doing with that? Still doing the detox thing?

I checked in with Gnomon, who has lost a sensible amount of weight in a reasonable amount of time simply by cutting down on certain things, becoming more aware of what he eats and why, and doing a bit more walking. I think *at my age* this is a better way for me to go.

Otherwise and that, must also start thinking about a better work situation for myself - the freelance teaching is too unstable. Though I'm still not sure what else I could do here. Any ideas?


*pester* Have you done the bike yet? eh? *poke* No time like the present, my dear. *prod* THAT MEANS NOW! Do you rememberthat ol' Queen song? Get on your bike and riiiiiiiiiide!

Post 102

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Ok. Here's the plan. (are you ready for this? I've been jazz-brunching with the boys, delicately smiley - winkeyesipped a bottle of wine, went to the beach and now I'm home and in a mind-MoGgleing mood. WooooHooooo!)

The Plan: We've gotta convince one of these engineering types to design us a cost-effective, easy-to-assemble-with-local-tools bike hookup that'll generate the power for our hootoo addiction. Perhaps Hoo has the skills and would be willing to get out of the chocolate biz for a moment, especially if you played it as a public service to guys like him who are *offended* by those of us who jiggle when we wiggle. So I'll leave the convincing part up to you.

Obviously, today I'm re-toxing. It's divine, but tomorrow I'll be starting another 3-day detox, then back to eating with caution. I've cut back to 3 martinis weekly, still avoid salt, sugar and processed foods, and keep the carbs well under control.

As far as work goes, are you legal to work for a company? Do you want to do that? I think that if I were in your position I'd get serious about running a Bed and Breakfast place, use the other apartment that way and charge big bucks for the service. You and Peter could probably start an excellent tour-guide business. He seems as if he'd be awesome at doing the research, and you have great people skills. Could be a great partnership, let him handle the technical side of marketing while you reel in the actual folks. It would be really cool to customize parts of your tours to the client's interests, and you'd learn a lot along the way, so it wouldn't get boring. There are loads and loads of singles out there with the disposable income to travel, but who don't because they don't want to be alone in a strange place. You could bridge that gap if it appealed to you. The best part is that it would require minimal cash investment to get it going and wouldn't have to interfere with what you're already doing.

*pester* Have you done the bike yet? eh? *poke* No time like the present, my dear. *prod* THAT MEANS NOW! Do you rememberthat ol' Queen song? Get on your bike and riiiiiiiiiide!

Post 103

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

So, how's the bike feel? Does it have a nice, wide, cushy seat or one of those little, tiny hard ones that makes your crotch go numb after a little while?

*pester* Have you done the bike yet? eh? *poke* No time like the present, my dear. *prod* THAT MEANS NOW! Do you rememberthat ol' Queen song? Get on your bike and riiiiiiiiiide!

Post 104


Actually, we have talked about the B&B option. But it would require massive investment in a property. I really can't use the extra flat next door in this way. It's a total gift that my landlords (who live downstairs) agreed to let me keep on both flats when I moved next door and let me sublet the rooms there. I mean, they don't really care as long as they get their rent, but they wouldn't put up with weekly or daily changes of tenants - I am on a 'monthly rental' agreement with them.

Meanwhile, just a personal opinion so feel free to take it or leave it . . . the re-toxing and de-toxing scenario sounds too yo-yo like to be healthy. I mean, our bodies aren't stupid. And I actually don't think they enjoy having extreme things done to them. But as I say, just my opinion.

Yes, I can legally work here. In fact, this year I finally got my permanent Spanish residency card, which was wonderful to have at last. But I'm really not interested in working for a company. And at this point I reckon I've pretty much made myself un-employable over the past fifteen years or so.

Same with Noggin. I mean, who is going to want to hire a couple of independent old geezers like us? So the biz idea seems the only viable one. Well, wish us luck!

I did actually come up with an 'alternatours' biz concept awhile ago but the figures - so far - don't seem to make it a profitable option. Yeah, it would be fun (sometimes) but I actually make more money teaching English.

Anyhow, keep the ideas flowing honey! I'm sure something will gel sooner or later.


*pester* Have you done the bike yet? eh? *poke* No time like the present, my dear. *prod* THAT MEANS NOW! Do you rememberthat ol' Queen song? Get on your bike and riiiiiiiiiide!

Post 105

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe


I know what you mean about yo-yo dieting. This detox is just to get the salt/preservatives out again. I puffed up a little after my binge weekend, though I'm sure it's just water that'll flush through. Mostly I'm staying pretty moderate, not even eating the olives I flavor my martinis with.smiley - angel

How about finding a copy of What Color Is Your Parachute? It's a pretty cool book, makes you really *think* about what you like to do, what you're good at, and how to turn that into income, rather than going the other route and looking for a ready-made job. You and Noggin could probably both do it. Sometimes it's really surprising when you look at your 'real' skill set and think about how to apply it.

Lots of people like to have a bunch of different types of jobs, rather than just one thing all the time. If you're into cooking (for example) maybe you could start a mini-business with that. I have a friend who does food art and it's starting to make him a good bit of cash now he's been at it building a clientelle over the past couple of years. His kitchen is miniscule, so it's mostly gorgeous cakes, pastries, cookies, appetizers for partys, things like that. Another option might be house/pet-sitting when people travel. Or you might be able to pick up some extra cash if you took just a couple of cleaning jobs weekly. If I had more disposable cash I'd hire someone in a heartbeat to come in once a week and do light cleaning, just so I wouldn't have to spend my time messing with it.

*pester* Have you done the bike yet? eh? *poke* No time like the present, my dear. *prod* THAT MEANS NOW! Do you rememberthat ol' Queen song? Get on your bike and riiiiiiiiiide!

Post 106


Cleaning other people's houses???? Honey, I barely clean my own. smiley - winkeye

I guess I'm looking for more of a big-picture sort of biz, one with the possibility of profit growth based on product or service, not one that necessarily has to do with hourly rates for work done. Yeah I know, maybe a bit pie-in-the-sky, and I do know you usually have to start that way. I'd just like to start something with growth potential, not just a biz that relies on an hourly rate sort of concept. Because I already have that going. And I could probably help Noggin get set up doing much the same as I'm doing - I just don't see any future in it, you know?


*pester* Have you done the bike yet? eh? *poke* No time like the present, my dear. *prod* THAT MEANS NOW! Do you rememberthat ol' Queen song? Get on your bike and riiiiiiiiiide!

Post 107

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

az, I just *had* to put this somewhere, and I thought I'd share it with you. Still has me giggling, and ever so happy I'm an auntie rather than a parent.

My brother called and we were talking about all sorts of stuff, ended up talking about the divorce and his worries about his son. (My nepphie is 3 years old, and my brother is already looking into the Alcoholics Anonomous programs, specifically Al-Tots and Al-Teens, for kids who have an alcoholic parent and need support.) All of a sudden I hear "Daaaaady" in the background. Then a brief silence, followed by my brother's "oh my."........"OOoooooooh my!" So I asked if he needed to go, and he told me yeah. My nepphie was using the computer, and he'd done something which my brother had no idea how to undo. It wasn't looking good.smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Anyway, all's well on my end. I went to see Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo last night, has a wonderful time. It's a troupe of male ballerinas spoofing The Dance with great skill and humor, had us all laughing our asses off. I'm not 'cultured' enough to fully appreciate serious ballet, but this was great fun, and the 'cultured' crowd seemed to think that the dancing was exceptionally skillfull at times, too. If they come to Seville I'd highly recommend you see the show. They're all over the world.

Spent yesterday and today wiping out almost all of my Things To Do list, even managed to get the truck washed and waxed (at last). I'd forgotten what it looks like under the ever-present patina of bird shit and salt spray. The apartment is fully cleaned, did some gardening (your purple lantana is thriving, the strawberries have infant strawberries, and the tomatos are blossoming) and I worked on the painting for a while. My female figure has the most wonderful, ample ass and thighs I've yet made. It's not like realism, but I really love those lines. I put the base colors into the figures today, will go blend them shortly.

Life is gooooood! smiley - smooch Hope it's as good for y'all!

*pester* Have you done the bike yet? eh? *poke* No time like the present, my dear. *prod* THAT MEANS NOW! Do you rememberthat ol' Queen song? Get on your bike and riiiiiiiiiide!

Post 108


Oh dear! No, three year olds and computers are not the best combination, are they? smiley - yikes

I've never seen 'Les Trocks' though they often played Toronto and were quite well-known there. Apparently they are all very fine dancers, which is what makes the spoof so good. Sounds like it was a fab evening!

So just a little pestering while I'm here smiley - winkeye . . . it's now gone mid-February .

Meanwhile, Noggin and I are busy working away on our project. It's quite frustrating atm because even though we are googling like crazy every day we still haven't been able to find product distributors in Europe that we can buy from.

So, unlike your fine self, we have left our ever-growing Things To Do list, well, growing. With the amount of dust collecting everywhere we may end up having an indoor garden before long!

Hmmm . . . I hope this very ample figure in your new painting wasn't the one that was inspired by our chat. smiley - erm

Anyhow, glad to hear that life is good for you right now. Same on this end.

smiley - smooch


*pester* Have you done the bike yet? eh? *poke* No time like the present, my dear. *prod* THAT MEANS NOW! Do you rememberthat ol' Queen song? Get on your bike and riiiiiiiiiide!

Post 109

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Have you two considered asking some of the local shops who also have imported goodies who their supplier is? A smaller outfit might be willing to team up with y'all in placing orders if bigger orders gets discounted prices.

(still haven't made those phone calls, will do it this week, work schedule allowing)

I've had some great good fortune recently, finally have the opportunity to become a 'cultured' wench. A new friend gets bunches of free tickets to loads of shows in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, and he's added me to his list of people to offer them to. smiley - biggrin Very cool, as I love having the chance to dress up and go to these events, but it's not something I can budget in very often at all. I got to see Sara Baras and her flamenco company the other night. It was awesome! I've seen Pascal Olivera and his wife do flamenco at one of the Buddhist productions before he died, but had *no* idea how it was with the musicians and a whole group of dancers working together. Very cool indeed!

I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet day today. Have some reading I need to get done, topics to prepare for the next book discussion, and I think I'll mosey through some of the shops in the neighborhood this afternoon, check out the artwork, maybe go the the gym if I have time before dinner. Ahhhhhhhhh smiley - smiley

My ample-butted female figure wasn't inspired by *your* butt, az! smiley - laugh I just make lines and colors, never try to make 'em resemble anyone. She's kinda stripey right now, with a red/orange core surrounded by eggplant-purple and deep marine blue. The guy figure has a light lavender core surrounded by icy, kinda transparent light-blue, and I did him with irridiscent colors, so there's a neat contrast between the two of them. I'll take a pic and show you when it's got something filling the background and is less raw.

Don't mention the B word!

Post 110


But I shall mention the D word. Any news?

News on this end. The shop idea has gone phhhhhht! due to the fact that we couldn't find suppliers and distributors in Europe. So we have decided to try the biz idea I've been trying to get off the ground for about ten years now, which is my clothing biz. All-natural materials but *not* hippie stuff. In fact, quite up-market 'easy wear' and nightwear in linen, cotton, silk, etc. Casual yet sophisticated. Comfortable yet stylish. Probably aimed at the 'over 35' market but I reckon some younger women would also like the clothes. I'll send you a few sketches once I get them done up properly.

Division of labour will be me in charge of designing, fabric sourcing and samples. Noggin will take care of financial stuff (initial financial projections, accounting, etc) as well as looking after production details (he's presently working out an Excel programme for this).

We're quite excited about this as it won't take much money to get the first batch of samples made up and initially we won't have any extra overhead as we'll be working from the flat. And when we start selling (in September for next spring) we'll use a couple of agents, who will be working on commission. So even if the worst possible scenario happens and the clothes don't sell smiley - wah (to shops in resort towns), we can still sell off the samples to friends, etc and recupe at least some of the initial financial investment. smiley - smiley

So, whaddaya think?

Meanwhile we were out for a walk this morning and saw a poster for a concert this Thursday at the Cathedral - Mozart's requiem. Free admission! So we thought it would be nice to go and see it and *then* I noticed that the conductor will be an ex-student of mine! smiley - cool

Am quite envious that you got to see Sara Baras - will have to go see her next time she is here. Did I ever tell you we went to see Paco de Lucia last September?

Quite enjoyed your last email - will reply to it soon . . .


Don't mention the B word!

Post 111

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

(ignoring the D word for the moment)

Plan C sounds fabulous! I'm glad you'll finally get to *do* exactly what you wanted to! Will you be doing all the sewing yourself or will you shop it out? Best wishes with it!

I hadn't known you'd seen Paco de Lucia. Must have been heavenly! This week is another week full of culture. Yay! Last night I saw the Orchestre National de France with Jean-Yves Thibaudet on piano. Lovely! I liked the Ravel best, hadn't realized I'd enjoy it as much as I did. I guess I'm suited to the 'emotional' music. Tonight will be The Orlando Ballet, which I've been greatly looking forward to. It's all kinds of music and the ads look as if it'll be very, vry sexy indeed. I've got a big group of people to join me (really *should* be cleaning the apartment and painting my toenails right now, as they'll be meeting up here for cocktails before the show). Thursday will be the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and I'm taking a bunch of my Buddhist friends. I'm feeling awfully lucky right about now. smiley - smiley Let me know how the Requiem is, ok?

Must smiley - run.

Don't mention the B word!

Post 112

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

oooh. I 'fell in love' in the old-fashioned, romantic sense tonight with the most beautiful, physically disciplined young man I think I've ever seen. Israel Rodriguez, cuban dancer, a totally purrrrrfect specimen. Wouldn't matter if he was dumb as a rock, he'd be such a lovely bauble to play with smiley - winkeye

smiley - laugh I wasn't alone in that. I think there was a massive squelch when all the ladies stood up for the first intermission, after he did Spartacus.

Don't mention the B word!

Post 113


If you ever get the chance to see Antonio Canales and his flamenco dance group you must go! Talk about the sexiest dancer ever! smiley - drool

Anyhoodle, was feeling a bit bored last night and (since I seem to do *anything* rather than get on the b*ke smiley - winkeye ) was having a lurk around on some friend's PSs and came across your journal entry quoting Goethe. I'd read the last few lines of that quote before but hadn't seen the other bit.

Most inspiring. And quite timely to read it now as this is definitely the moment for me to get off my massive butt and commit to a few things. Funny how one *does* a lot of the work in one's head before taking action - the bad thing is when it never turns into action. Something I have been guilty of at times. I'm great at coming up with ideas but then occasionally balk at *doing the work*. Not this time though.

Watch this space.

smiley - smiley


Don't mention the B word!

Post 114

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

You'll make this idea happen, az. It's been in the germinating stage long enough now. smiley - smiley

I do the same thing, by the way. It's one of the reasons I *really* need servantssmiley - winkeye or at least people I can delegate the continued implementation to, once my head fills up with a sparkly *new* idea that I just can't wait to dive into. I've recently been thinking that I must start carrying around a small notebook, just to write the ideas down in, so I don't forget.

Remember to send me some sketches once you've gotten them down. I'd love to see exactly what you have in mind.

Don't mention the B word!

Post 115


You're not kidding - it's been germinating for about ten years now. And I *have* gone through the effort of making up a few groups of samples over the years but then didn't have the dinero to get the biz going properly.


Tell me about it. Especially as I loathe and detest sewing! Gawd, making up those samples I sweated blood every minute while I was doing it. I mean, okay, the samples come out looking perfect, but to be honest there are people who can sew much better than me and in a fraction of the time. So I will no longer bog myself down with doing the sample sewing myself. If nothing else, it doesn't make sense to spend so much time on this when I could - and should - be doing other things.

Lucky for me Noggin is quite happy to set up excel programmes and deal with that bit (financial stuff, production spread sheets, etc) - which I also can do, but it drives me mental.

Am feeling a bit insecure about my designs selling, even though I quite like the designs myself. First step is to find fabric suppliers. Lots of design ideas going on but it's often the material that dictates what it wants to be, if you know what I mean.

Will keep you posted.


Don't mention the B word!

Post 116


smiley - redwine

The concert was lovely and the venue was perfect. A bit of a glitch when we got to the cathedral - there was something of an angry mob happening. Turned out that although the admission was free one had to have previously picked up an invitation at city hall (which all the publicity thingys had failed to mention).

I decided we should try another entrance where it seemed some people were going to ask about invitations - but they had none there either. Then I realised it was the musician's entrance and decided to be brazen and ask to speak to the conductor - and was told this wasn't possible. So I was just asking one of the musicians going in to pass on a message to José Carlos and she said - 'oh, there he is now'. And there he was. Weird. He came out of the cathedral entrance obviously looking for someone, then saw me and said - 'oh hi, want an invitation?' - handed me two and continued on his way. We saw him again just inside the cathedral and he said - 'Hey, do you know I'm conducting tonight??' I got the feeling he was a bit nervous.

Anyhow, how fluky. To be standing at the musician's entrance the very moment that José Carlos came out. smiley - weird

By this time it was standing room only but we got a fairly good spot off to the side - so I had a good view of José Carlos in profile. But after about an hour my back was seizing up so I told Noggin I had to move around - and that ended up being the best part of the evening. Just wandering around the dimly lit cathedral with that wonderful music rolling through it; it was quite magical. smiley - magic

Meanwhile, it started to rain! smiley - cross Which means our day-trip to Cádiz tomorrow is off. But we still have to get up early in order to change our train tickets by 8am, so after going to the train station and having brekky out with Noggin I'll probably do a recuperation class with Carmen. Darn! It's been so lovely and sunny all week . . .

Hey, sounds like blicky is coming to spend a week here at the end of March! smiley - wow

I feel a bit embarrassed that he is going to see me looking SO FAT but maybe this will motivate to get of my butt and on the b*ke . . . seems like things are already 'moving', if you know what I mean . . .


Don't mention the B word!

Post 117


Ended up going to Cádiz after all - here's the proof!

I totally luuuurrve our new digital camera!


Don't mention the B word!

Post 118

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Sounds like you eneded the week off brilliantly! The concert experience sounds lovely! Funny how those little coincidences manifest themselves in such a timely manner, isn't it?

Cadiz was gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it with me smiley - smiley I saw you wanted to fix a couple of the park shots, took the liberty of doing so as best I could for you, given the quality of the files I nabbed off Fotki. Theoretically they're on their way now. If you want to have them adjusted properly email the originals to me. I finally got email 1/2 sorted, so now I can access attachments. If you'll re-send the portrait pics I can do them now, too.

I think it'll be great fun to meet Blicky! Will he be staying in your rental flat? Seems as if he's a ball of energy (I think I described his typing style as espresso-martini'd once to Alfster). I wonder if he's the same in person. STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE FAT!!!!! Do you *really* think that's got anything to do with why he's coming to visit you? smiley - monster Hop on that bike and pedal if you're worrying about it. Even 10 minutes per day will make a world of difference for you, both physically and mentally.

I hope you weren't insulted by my calling you 'slightly smudged'. Just, in the sense that you've been involved in the D-Wars since the beginning, as far as I know? I apologize if I offended you, didn't have that intention.

This past week has been incredibly busy, and good. The Pittsburgh Symphony was fun, though I wasn't as inflamed by the music as I was by the other shows. Had a few tough minutes trying to avoid breaking out in a fit of cackling, as the conductor suddenly reminded me of Willy Wonka from the rear (not quite sure why, but I couldn't get it out of my head) and one of my friends was trying to sneak bites of her lunch as she hadn't had a chance to eat anything all day. We were there in the dark, she thought it would be inconspicuous, and she opened her plastic container setting free great, billowing wafts of ONION! smiley - laugh Decidedly un-elegant! hehehe

Today I rode my bike to the Gay Pride Festival at the local park. What a sensory overload *that* was! smiley - bigeyes Hundreds annd hundreds of gorgeous men, scantily clad, a sea of leather and feather boas and denim and tiaras and tanned, well-oiled skin.....ahhhhh. What a tease! Our Buddhist organization had a booth there with a perfect view of the entertainment. There were drag contests, hunky-dancers-down-to-their-jockeys-and-thongs, and god knows what else before I arrived. Also some very cool art and stuff. I'm glad I didn't bring much cash, or I'd have come home with puppets and jewelry, which I loved, but don't really *need*.

Next week is looking good as well. I have some big events I'll be working, will be going to Naples again for CHANEL and plan to do another long ride through the Everglades the day before taking photos, like last time. Then I'm off to Palm Beach, and I'll be working with Laura Mercier. That ought to be cool, though I haven't worked with her line before, and it's a wee bit intimidating that the first time will be with the woman herself. They say she's extremely down-to-earth, so I'm not too concerned. Just have to remember to do it *her* way.

Now I want to work on my painting for a while. Let me know if you didn't get the email, ok?

smiley - smooch

Don't mention the B word!

Post 119


Yes, I did get the email(s) - all three of them! smiley - winkeye

Thank you for doing that! smiley - smooch The lighter photos are now up in the album and look much better.

I'm still waiting for blicky to confirm that he's booked his flight. He'll be staying here with us, in 'Lua's room'. Which means I'll be teaching in the living room while he's here, which means I'll have to kick both him and Noggin out of the flat while I'm working - ah, they can just go across the street for a coffee or a beer.

Should be a lot of fun having blicky here. And I am more or less over feeling self-conscious about my humungous size (sort of).

Meanwhile, it is suddenly sandal-wearing weather here! Yay! To celebrate I went out and bought my annual new pair of Mephistos this morning - the most comfortable sandals on the planet.

Nah, I wasn't really bothered about you calling me 'slightly smudged' but didn't like seeing it on *that* thread simply because Della (and some others) like to lump me together with Hoo, blicky, et al even though my postings are nothing like theirs. So your comment may have been seen (by them) as support for their wonky opinion of me. On the other hand, who gives a f**k. They are going to think what they like anyhow. So I have basically given up trying to be friendly to Della anymore after a year or so of her constanty telling me I am a 'false friend' and other more unpleasant things. Ho hum.

Well, off for lunch and then a trip to IKEA. We went there last week and found some stuff we wanted but needed someone with a Big Car to help us cart it all home again. So my friend/student Carmen has offered to do this - and so, we have invited her out for lunch as a little 'thank you' gesture.

Today we are buying a new big table for 'Lua's room' with adjustable legs, so I can raise it when I want to draft patterns or cut out samples and then put it down to use for my classes. We are also getting a proper desk for my computer, which is now sitting on the bookcase thingy (see second photo in the gallery). It will be nice to free-up the bookcase and also have all the computer stuff neatly on a desk in the living room. Noggin uses the dining room table (which is also in the living room) for his laptop. I also want to get one of those office-y type chairs on wheels (Wheeee!).

I have all next week off due to semana santa (Easter Holy Week) so I plan to do a lot of work on the clothing stuff as well as - - start riding my b*ke and otherwise get into a regular exercise routine. No more excuses . . .

Hasta soon . . .


Don't mention the B word!

Post 120


Well, you'll be happy to know that I have started on some sketches. Though there was a lot of *going through tons of old paperwork and crap* to do first. Now things are a bit more organised so I'm working on the designs. Though until I know what material is available the designs (so far) are just preliminary ideas that will no doubt have to be altered to suit whatever fabrics I can find.

The other thing is, because most of my styles are quite simple easy-to-wear stuff, they really don't look like much on paper. Again, it will be the fabrics that make them special. Still . . . it's a start.

Anyhow, thanks for being so supportive when we last chatted. smiley - hug

So, how are things with you?


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