This is the Message Centre for Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

hello MoG

Post 21


Wow, I must have been in a very strange mood ( smiley - erm so what else is new?) when I first responded to seeing your paintings and photographs.

I think they are wonderful and full of humour. 'Tortured looking people'??? No, that wasn't my response at all. Do you try to sell your stuff? I may have asked you previously - what sort of work do you do? Is the make-up artist thing your job?

Meanwhile, I may take you up on your generous offer to do something 'artsy' with one of my photos. Thanks! Another hootoo friend, anhaga, has started something very similar to your photo stuff - he is creating a montage of some of the people in my photo album. Awhile ago he sent me the 'first draft' - it's hilarious. Showing some of us in what looks like a very decadent Imperial Roman feast. I'm really intrigued and can't wait to see the completed work.

For the record, I have somehow managed to lose a kilo and a half this week! I hope this keeps up. Just, um, fifteen more kilos to go! Something like 30 pounds - wish me luck.

chubby az

hello MoG

Post 22


Sorry to be so long in responding, az. I was in Kansas visiting my family last week, managed to muck up my MoG account (hopefully I can get it back) and just re-created myself today. *sigh*

Right now I do a lot of free-lance makup work which brings in the vast majority of my income. Occasionally I pick up other bits of work with the artsy stuff, but I'd be very, very svelte indeed if I were to try to support myself on that alone. I've recently been approached to work as a full-time makeup artist for Bobbi Brown cosmetics and am seriously considering accepting. I love being self employed, but there's also a lot to be said for financial stability and benefits (paid vacation, medical insurance, etc.). It's about time for me to buy myself a house, and I'm afraid that what I'm currently doing just won't support it, housing prices being what they are here in south Florida.

Will you be putting Anhanga's montage in your photo album once it's done? I'd love to see it! Let me know if you want me to make something for you. I'm in the midst of editing a mess of photos from my trip-- portraits of the family and loads of flowers. My best friend just decided to get married in the beginning of Sep, so I'll be designing the invitations and stuff, but there's always time to fit in another project.

How's the diet progressing? I want to dump 20-30 pounds too, am having difficulty motivating myself at the moment. Summers are always hard for me. The sweltering heat makes me want to nap and read all the time.

hello MoG

Post 23


Hi there! Nice to hear from you. smiley - smiley

Yeah, I hear ya about liking the freelance be-your-own-boss thing but how it doesn't actually make one financially secure. There is a slight chance I might get in on a government teaching programme here but so far they are only offering jobs to teach small children. But if something opens up for teaching adults I think I am ready to give up a bit of 'freedom' for something more secure.

Yes, anhaga's montage will definitely go into the gallery when he has time to finish it. So far it looks fab.

Meanwhile, the diet has not been going anywhere. Me and self-discipline are strangers who don't even want to get to know each other, I reckon. It's become far too hot to do any serious exercise here (getting up to almost 50º in the late afternoon recently) so it would basically mean starving myself. Mind you, there is a chance I just might - maybe - be falling a wee bit in lurve, which in the past has always been a sure-fire way to lose tons of weight without even trying. Bit hard to eat with all those butterflies in one's belly, if you know what I mean.

Re: your hootoo account. Why not get in touch with Jimster U292 ? He should be able to help you out.

I keep thinking that the 30 pounds I want to lose is the equivalent of TWO of my fat cat Sunny. Like I'm carrying two of him around on my body. Ick?


hello MoG

Post 24


Falling in lurve??smiley - love YAY!!!!!
Details, dahlink! Give me details! Is he located near your chunk of the universe or somewhere on another continent? Either way, I'm very happy for you. That's always the best way to loose a cat or two, especially in the middle of summer when it just isn't *done* to wear your furs. smiley - biggrin

I'll email h2g2 support tomorrow morning, am in a bit of a frenzy of agitation right this moment. Huge family crisis, a very sad and worrisome situation with real potential to topple into outright disaster. Hopefully tomorrow will resolve at least some of it in ways that nobody's safety will be threatened. Must go chant for my own peace of mind and hope that some of the good juju extends as far as Atlanta. For the next 48 hours I'll be doing my damndest to make smiley - peacedove vibes effect the lives of specific people.


hello MoG

Post 25


Well, no real details to talk about yet as it's all still up in the air and uncertain. But there *are* butterflies . . .

Your family situation sounds very disturbing. I hope it all works out. Let me know.


hello MoG

Post 26

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

How are the butterflies progressing? Still working as a weight-loss program?

I'm on a fitness kick right now. Had a number of cancellations this month and decided to use the extra days off to build some muscle and get my floppy ol' heart pounding. So far, so good. I'm getting up early to whack tennis balls in a racquetball court, riding the bike a bunch and swimming consistently. Next week I think I'll add some yoga classes. My back pains are pretty much gone now, though I started jumping rope (an excellent means of raising heart rate fast!) and am feeeeeeling it in my legs. *sigh* It was soooooo easy 30 years ago. Middle age. Bah!

I saw Farenheit 911 last week, very disturbing. It prompted as new painting which is moving along rapidly though (as usual) I've no idea quite how it'll look when it's finished. I'm going to try to gonzo through this one, work on it every day and get it done this week rather than piddle with it for months. I think it'll be good. The last one never really came to life so I finally rolled it up and set it aside.

What's been happening in your end of the universe?

hello MoG

Post 27



smiley - erm Still?

You totally put me to shame, mind you it's now pushing 50º here so this is my latest 'excuse'.

Meanwhile, it's hard for me to imagine how *anyone* could ever find my very Rubenesque body attractive so I am being racked with amazing bouts of insecurity.

Otherwise and that, just day-to-day stuff mostly. Nursing my old lady cat who has cancer, trying to keep the bats out of the living room (and the wolf from the door!) and, well, you know, keeping busy.

F-9/11 opened here last weekend and I am dying to see it but - once again - the HEAT. Hard to go out unless one absolutely has to.

I'd love to see that painting when it's done.

I also found out that Rickie Lee Jones is playing here on Thursday in an old monestary. How bizarre.

Is your family okay?


hello MoG

Post 28

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Damn, I thought *we* had hot, but you've got scorchin'. I'm avoiding outside between 10-7 unless I'm immersed in water.

You know, I understand your insecurity about your body (I have the same issue) but attractive is not all about having a 'standard' shape. If you want to start feeling sexy take up bellydancing. It works! I do it at home with a video and am decidedly not graceful, (think tree-in-a-blender) but there's something that happens when you start those hip swivels that's divine.

How's your smiley - cat holding up? Such a sad thing to go through. I hope she's reasonably comfortable.smiley - hug

Are you going to the monastery to see Rickie Lee Jones? That *is* bizarre, indeed.

My brother didn't get temporary custody of his son because he had to move to another state to fulfill his military obligation (he's a doctor). Very disturbing, because the judge told him that "the decision would be a no-brainer" if he werenb't forced to leave the judge's jurisdiction. So my little nephew is in the care of his severely alcoholic mother, and her brother (who has just gotten off probation for serious drug offences) has physical custody for the time being. Not a good scenario, and we're all very deeply concerned about the lil fella having to grow up in that environment and scared that something disastrous might just happen. Hopefully it'll work out ok in the end.

I'll put a photo of this painting in my photo album when it's done. It's still going strong. Everyone who's seen it so far is whopped upside the head by the anger and distress I'm painting into it, so the stuff is coming across even in this initial layer.

Right now I'm listening to the National Democratic Convention on NPR. I'm more politicized than I've ever been in my life. It's an interesting condition, though I'm not too sure I *like* it. Also am thinking about using h2g2 structure to start an online study group for SGI. Everyone does these things in person, small groups, district by district, and it's not always terribly efficient. I think it would be very cool to do it in this format, have a continuously present record of the discussions, and involve members internationally as well as other people who take an interest in the subject. *And* it would bring a fresh batch of relatively intelligent and socially conscious people to h2g2. smiley - smiley

hello MoG

Post 29

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Bill Clinton gave a brilliant speech! Listen to it or read it if you get a chance. The man knows how to play a crowd!

hello MoG

Post 30


smiley - winkeye


smiley - biggrin


hello MoG

Post 31

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Hi az!

I saw your name change, went and lurked your Lua thread. So sorry to see that Lua's getting worse, will send comfort vibes to her when I'm chanting. Such a hard time for you, but you're focusing on the good moments and that's the most important thing.smiley - hug

I spent last week traveling for work. It was kinda grueling, different town and hotel every night, but other than that it was a lovely break from the routine. I spent a couple days in Mississippi and they'd ordered perfect weather for us-- refreshing, low humidity and sunny. I only got the early mornings and evenings, but what a fine change of pace! I got to wiggle my toes in the soft, springy grass there and loved it. Here in Florida we have cultivated crabgrass that's stiff and prickly. Would have laid down and rolled around for a bit but the rest of the team thought I was smiley - weird enough for making them take their shoes off while we waited for our cab.

The fitness program is coming along slowly but surely. I thought I'd blown it last week (martinis and dining out every night, and not much time for exercise) but I still managed to lose a couple of pounds. YAY! This week I'm mostly on fruits and veggies with lots of swimming and pilates. I'm so pleased to look in the mirror and see that I'm not as lumpy as I was a month ago.

Take care and keep in touch. Enjoy your holiday! I wish you happiness and success with everything.

hello MoG

Post 32


hi again,

Thank you for your very kind words about Lua. Honestly, the crankiest cat on four paws has become the most important thing to me lately. Trust me when I tell you that she has always been a very difficult cat to love, but hell, we've spent twelve years together. And now I love her so much that I can't bear to let go of her.

You sound like you are doing very well. Keeping things in perspective and also doing good stuff for yourself - the getting into shape thing and feeling good physically. Good for you!

I'm just doing last minute cleaning sh*t before my houseguest arrives. As usual, I always leave everything till the last possible moment.

Yes, I'll stay in touch. I hope you do too! smiley - hug


hello MoG

Post 33

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Cranky kitties. Mine's the same, has spent the morning eating grass so she can come inside and smiley - yuk decorate my carpet. I guess I'm lucky it's not the bed. *sigh* I'll see if I can post a pic of her that *totally* shows her character.

I *think* i've finished my painting, though I might add some little, slitty eyes in the black parts with acrylics. There's plenty of space. I traced me for the person figure, so the thing is pretty big.

I also posted the last one I was working on (lotus), though I'm not particularily pleased with it. Too static. I do better with a big canvas.

Now I'm ready to start my next. I think I've found a 'style' that suits me, for the moment.

hello MoG

Post 34

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - cat photos

hello MoG

Post 35


I can't access that last link. Any suggestions?

Houseguest has arrived. It's Noggin - no doubt you've seen him around. And it has been . . . interesting.

Dare I say more?


hello MoG

Post 36

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Go in through the main album and look in "my evil pussy". She's been decorating the carpet again today. *sigh*

Dare, dahlink. DARE! Is he as helpful and lovely a person IRL as he is online? Also, is he the instigator of the butterflies? Are they still fluttering?

hello MoG

Post 37


I still can't access the photos!!! I don't know why.

Perhaps your cat is sick? I mean, mine throw up all over the place with wild abandon when they have furballs, but otherwise not. And you may or may not know that one of my mogs is dying of cancer at the moment. The thing that gives me hope is that she still loves eating, bless her. And I've been spoiling her rotten, constantly buying her special treats, all her favourite stuff.

Meanwhile, not so much butterflies as . . . upset tummy?

It's been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride. Yes, he is just as lovely and helpful as he is in 'hootoo life'. But . . .

Really not sure what all of this is or means at the moment. Maybe it's just two 'old farts' having a summer romance? Are we too old for this sort of thing? Heck, I dunno. I mean for just taking it lightly enough for it to be *just* a summer romance. It has actually been quite confusing. And also annoying in that I have *only* lost two kilos! Oh, MoG, I just don't know. If it was true love I'm sure I would have lost ten kilos by now! smiley - winkeye

Oh, another question. Are you still up for doing a 'Mog' photo of me? I recently posted the one you did for Ben in my photo gallery - it was quite fabulous. No rush of course, just thought I'd ask.

btw, how did it all work out with your family?


hello MoG

Post 38

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - hug I peek in your Lua thread periodically to see how she (and you) are doing. I knew about that. smiley - hug

My wicked pussy is just neurotic, not physically ill. She goes on 'decorating' binges after I've vacuumed the floor and after I return from trips. I guess it's her way of letting me know I'm needed. *sigh*

Regarding the But.... and the butt: I'm not there in your head, so I don't know if I'm picking up your meaning from that brief paragraph. BUT: *spoken with MoGly authority* you know how we don't lose weight so easily after we've become 'a woman of a certain age'. I'm not sure that's a standard to rely on. And it makes sense that, as we ripen, gain wisdom, and insight, and all those things that are the gifts *humph* of those of us 'of a certain age' that maybe 'falling in love' just might ought to feel different (and probably more queasy) than it did when we were hormone-laden , idealistic babes without any experience of the real world. I have a feeling that True Love comes in the guise of Good Friends once we're in the habit of disengaging Lust from every chqance encounter. As I said, I don't know if that applies to your situation.

I'd be honored to do a pic for you. Generally that ibnvolves putting someone into a piece of artwork that they feel suits them, so I need a workable photo of you and whatever you want to be incorporated into. It might be a little while til I've the time to work on it--- my best friend is getting married this weekend (if Hurricane Frances doesn't crash the party. At the moment she's projected to whap us 15 minutes before the ceremony is scheduled to commence) and I'm in charge of photography, photo editing, and compiling and editing a Thank You CD to send to all the guests (within a reasonable time frame). I'm much better at it now than I was when I did Ben. Big, flat screen and an intergalactic cruiser for a 'puter has made a world of difference. So give me the pixels, honey. I'm sure I can slip 'em in when I get tired of correcting Uncle Tiger's age spots and all the other little details which needn't be a part of the 'official' portraits. smiley - biggrin This ought to be an adventure. I've *never* had a passion to do wedding pics before (still don't, but that's what best friends are for, right).

If you give me an email addy we can correspond off-site and you can send me some images to work with.

hello MoG

Post 39



Wise words, honey. Thank you. I'd like to say more about that but think it more prudent to save it for an email. Speaking of which, you can contact me at the Photo Album email address:

azaharh2g2 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Then I can reply to you on my normal email address.

The wedding photos thing sounds like a very good exercise for you in a sense. Yes, not something you might particularly *want* to do, but I'm sure you've learned a thing or two putting it all together. So this can't be a bad thing.

I'd love you to do a 'MoG' pic of me - I would feel quite honoured for you to do that. Also, it could be quite fun. Well, I'll have a look around for a reasonable photo or two of me, though I maybe have my photo taken once a year or so (HATE having my photo taken). Perhaps Noggin can take a photo or two on a 'good hair' day?

Whatever happened with the family crisis? Have things settled down? How are you doing these days?


I didn't know you checked in on the Lua thread from time to time - thank you for caring.

hello MoG

Post 40

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Life has suddenly become interesting. I'm 'supposed' to evacuate for hurricane Frances, don't intend to unless the landfall projections veer closer to home. I'm in a sturdy apartment and have everything here that I need. There's a good chance that we'll lose power for a while, might have some damage (hope not). The wedding has to be canceled, prorities have changed for the time being.

Must run now, will email when I've gotten everything and everybody settled.

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