Towel Shop is Closed


Hello Took me an hour to do this I hope you appreciate itsmiley - smiley


Looks around furtively I'm still getting to grips with this Guide ML business so bear with me

Come in, come in

Please feel free to browse through our highly expensive smiley - yikes I mean extensive range of smiley - towel We have all colours and types from ultra fluffly in island indigo to thread bear in perfect plum. Can’t see anything you like then please ask I’m not promising you anything, for instance a pink polka dot towel with holographic giraffes is somewhat hard to come by in todays more subtle taste market, however I will to my best, for the right price smiley - winkeye

Of course you may be a person who knows how terrible a thing it is to be caught without your towel, and therefore have an extensive collection of your very own, if that’s the case please feel free to stop for a natter, a nice cup of smiley - tea and a slice of smiley - cake Maybe you’d like to offload the days woe’s or have a little gossip my door is always open, remember it’s not just you, it’s us too smiley - winkeye

About the owner

Things that make me go smiley - grr!

      Cold Custard, so wrong on so many levels
      People who say "I'm not being rude but....." and go on to be just that.
      Being told I'm a valued customer and my call is the next to be answered yet being on hold for 20 minutes

Oh you were hoping for more, well let me see ummmmmmm, I have this incredible ability to create chaos without really meaning to smiley - erm (suddenly behind her a pile of towels leaps off the shelves and scatter themselves about the room in a seemingly uncoordinated pattern) see what I mean.

I’m bilingual. I speak both Yorkshire and Brummie fluently smiley - biggrin I know you’re wondering how on earth I achieved that. Hard work, blood sweat and tears my friends that’s how. It was not an easy undertaking and it has taken years to perfect but I speak like a native I really do smiley - nahnah


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