This is the Message Centre for The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

Thingite Armoury

Post 2801

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

How about, "peerless master of the gunblade, and gratuitous user of semi-obscure videogame references"? Oh, BTW, the gunblade is the weapon used by the hero in Final Fantasy 8.

Thingite Armoury

Post 2802

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Equally the Ragnarok was the name of one of Cloud's swords in No. 7 and the name of the space-ship in No. 8.

smiley - smiley

Thingite Armoury

Post 2803

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i sold my life to FF7

Thingite Armoury

Post 2804

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - cool Did you know that cid has been all of the final fantasys, even the ones they didn't translate, and that they mislabeled the two of them that were released on the snes?

Thingite Armoury

Post 2805

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yes i did.

and chocobos are an in joke too

Thingite Armoury

Post 2806

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

Has anybody played XenoGears? (thinks back to when Weltall changes into Id's gear at the end of disc 1 and smiles)


Post 2807

lemodog, captain of every wibble of the year

i'm here for a wibbly smiley - erm i mean a uniform please


Post 2808

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

What is the "in-thing" for captains of The wibble this year? We have an extensive wardrobe!

Here's your Spork meanwhile
*hands lemodog a spork*

Clive smiley - smiley

P.S read how you got your name BTW. If you ever want to change it, you can by going to preferences or - which does the same job if you are logged in.


Post 2809


Well RL has been hell last couple of days.

But I'm back on board now.

drinks smiley - ale


Post 2810

lemodog, captain of every wibble of the year

ummm nice spork, thanks.

*looks at available uniforms*

i'll take a gold breastplate and one of those helmets.

*inspects the helmet*

*takes a square funnel from pocket and attaches it to the helmet*


just the spork will do. got any poop scoops?

'bout my name...i think i'll leave it like it is otherwise someone might want to add a slice of me to their smiley - tea

anyone got any smiley - popcorn?


Post 2811

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

*comes in, pulls up a stool, and sits down*


Post 2812

plato <surfer>

Cid was in FF the movie as well!

Anyway, Hmmm...I think I'll have that black matrixy trenchcoat, those
dark shades, and the rest I can provide myself...Thanks!


Post 2813


:::Sits back and watches conversation pass over his head:::


Post 2814

Shea the Sarcastic

::: has a seat next to PF, and enjoys the breeze :::


Post 2815

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I'll think I'll join you, Dan...


Post 2816

Dreamchild Warpspasm: Thingite minister for Un-necessary macho posturing, Keeper of little blue things that go "Whoop!" on alter

Hi. I have just been proclaimed Minister for Un-necessary macho posturing and I would like a Uniform and spork befitting of the title.
I need a huge, evil nasty looking soprk with lots of horrible looking spikes that looks like it really means business but on closer examination would prove to be completely useless if anyone tried to actually use it in anger.
The uniform should be black, with red and yellow adornment and of a similar nature. Perfect for strutting about looking hard in but F-all use in actual combat.
Can you manage that oh wondrous armourer?


Post 2817

Uncle Heavy [sic]

do you want a greasy quiff with that?


Post 2818


Where is our Master At Arms, anyway? I hope the R&D scum haven't got him smiley - yikes


Post 2819

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost:: calls from the back lot::
"let me check!"
:: kicks a few corpses, makes a few more::
"nope. he's not dead yet"
snickers at gratuitous montey python joke.


Post 2820

I'm Still Thinking... Lord Of Hell.

Sorry I'm late... hey, there's no one here!(smiles evilly, then realizes if he steals anything he'll get kicked out of the thingites)
Oh, well, I'll just stick around until someone gets here...

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