Journal Entries

The gogglebox

Three and a bit things I've seen on tv tonight.

1 and 2) I put these two together because they happened back to back. Firstly an ad from a major tobacco company asking us to check out their website, and explaining that if we do we'll find admissions from them that yes, cigarettes are indeed harmful to health, that cigarettes are indeed addictive, and that the best way of avoiding health problems is to quit smoking.

Immediately afterwards, an ad from a major drug company telling us about all of the marvellous things they've done for the American people and humanity in general.

Neither of these ads were selling anything, they were merely pushing the image of these two corporate giants as caring and organisations concerned with nothing but our well being.

Yeah right.

3) A trailer for a new reality show... "Oh dear god no - not another one" smiley - headhurts

Actually, this one looks like it might be quite good smiley - biggrin

Unfortunately, the Flash intro is just about all there is to the link right nowsmiley - sadface

4) The last five or ten minutes of a documentary about the sinking of the USS Maine in the harbour at Havana a little over 100 years ago. Now, I have to admit that I know little or nothing about this incident but apparently it sparked off a war with the Spanish because everyone thought that it was an attack on the warship. In actual fact it was nothing of the kind - a magazine exploded because a fire heated up a bulkhead.

What struck me was something the narrator said. I can't recall her exact words, but it was something along the lines of a supposed act of terrorism sparking a conflict.

That rang a few bells in my mind.

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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2003

Asking a favour

If you have a spare five minutes or two over the weekend, would you mind taking a look at this A1084411 and telling me whether or not it makes sense?

Ta ever so smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2003

Business at the front, party at the back

Scroll down to picture of Zaphod...

After 25 years, it's just occurred to me - that looks pretty darn close to a mullet doncha think? smiley - tongueout

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Latest reply: Jun 18, 2003

Spurs win!!!!!!!!

The San Antonio Spurs are this season's NBA champions smiley - biggrin

I'm going to eat my KitKat in celebration smiley - tongueout

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Latest reply: Jun 16, 2003


Last night was one of the most bizarre I've had for a long time. Mrs Gosho and I were quite exhausted, so we went to bed around 11pm - kinda sad for a Saturday night, but there you go.

So, around 1am I had to get up to... well, let's just say I shouldn't have had that second cup of tea smiley - blush

At 2.18am the phone rang - it was a bloody fax machine smiley - cross

Between 3.30am and 5.00am a series of thunderstorms kept us awake on and off.

At about 5.45 Flossie started digging down to China in cat litter box. Ten minutes later she did the same thing (why can't cats pee and poo at the same time like normal people? smiley - erm)

Half an hour later Dewey decided that he wanted to go outside and began miaowing.

Half an hour after that *he* started scratching in the litter box.

At 7.30am Flossie tossed up a hairball.

Not surprisingly, Mrs G and I are rather bleary eyed today smiley - zzz

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Latest reply: Jun 15, 2003

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There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

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