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The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4901

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Took the duvet off the bed last night and slept under a sheet. Didn't have have to turn the heater on this morning when I took a shower. I might have to put the a/c on today smiley - cdouble Our minimum temperature last night was 67. That's four degrees warmer than the normal *maximum* for this time of year.

I'm not complaining though smiley - biggrin Well, except for the fact that I was going to do a lot of baking and roasting today which is going to make it a bit toasty in here this afternoon if we make the forecast high of 76F smiley - flustered

There's a lot of rain in the forecast too smiley - ok

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4902

Baron Grim

More fog here.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4903


Be careful on that bike BG!

Mostly rain here, too, with a forecast high around 65. Too warm for this time of year, and I *am* going to complain. Can someone direct me to the complaints counter? I can't properly do holiday shopping and baking in warm weather smiley - cross

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4904

Baron Grim

The bike's in the shed until next week. I only rode it yesterday because I thought the fog would lift by lunchtime, not get worse.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4905

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

It got up to 73 today but it felt like a lot more because of the humidity. Even now it's still up around 70, at 10.30pm. Even in Texas, that's a bit warm for December. And there's a narrow line of storms out to the north west that are oh so slowly inching their way Austinwards. With a bit of luck they won't hit until the morning. Which will actually by kinda bad cos I have to be up around 5.30am tomorrow and at work by 7 smiley - sadface

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4906

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

And there it is, 20 minutes before I step out of the front door smiley - flustered

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4907


It was around 58 when I left for work at 6 this morning. It's down to around 45 now. S'posed to get down in the 20s tonight. That's a bit more like it smiley - ok

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4908

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Lots of rain forecast for today and maybe some storms.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4909

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

A normal Texas summer (ie, not as stupid as the one we had this year) is a price worth paying for a day like today in December.

I went out for a walk this afternoon, in shirtsleeves. Later I took my clothes to the laundry room while wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. We had brilliant sunshine and 65F. That's a halfway decent British summers day. Looks like it's going to stay this way for at least a week, although with a few more clouds towards the weekend. Bloody cold at night though.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4910

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

We got up to 79F yesterday smiley - bigeyes Not bad for December 31st, and I think I heard someone say on the wireless that it's not even a record for the day smiley - biggrin Can't complain about that.

It's going to be almost 20° colder today though, a few degrees colder tomorrow and then another warm up, but not quite as warm as the last few days. I'll take anything in the upper 60s/low 70s, especially on my days off smiley - ok

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4911

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

High temperature yesterday: 79°. High temperature today: 63°. Hardly what you'd call uncomfortable. I hope we're going to have a mild winter this year.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4912

Baron Grim

Today's weather: Chilly with light smoke.

>>A large wildfire covering 8000 acres in southern Jefferson County, TX is causing smoke along the coast, including the JSC area. Low level winds from northeast and east will cause smoke to persist through the afternoon and early evening.<<

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4913


It was 17 when I left my house yesterday morning, with a high in the 30s. smiley - ok

It's 45 now. Forecast 58 for tomorrow, and cresting 60 for Friday. smiley - rolleyes Dammit, I give up.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4914

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Today's an almost perfect Texas winter day. No, not almost - it is perfect.

Last night's minimum was 41, which for me is easy to deal with in the morning. It doesn't have that bite of cold that make it so hard to get out of bed but it still needs the heater to be turned on before getting in the shower.

When I went to the bus stop at about 8.15 it had already warmed up a few degrees, the sun was shining brightly and there wasn't even a zephyr of a breeze.

Now, at 1pm it's in the mid 60s and might just brush 70 later this afternoon.

And that's the pattern for at least the next eight days, but with a few more clouds towards the end of next week and maybe a shower or two. It almost makes the hell that was last summer worthwhile smiley - bigeyes

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4915


Record high yesterday, 66F.

Record for today is 73. I don't think we'll hit it, but it's 61 right now.

I guess it's better than highs in the teens, but it's Just Not Right.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4916

Baron Grim

January 7th and I'm running the A/C.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4917

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I haven't gone quite that far, but I am sitting here in shorts and a t-shirt and feeling quite comfortable. It was a few degrees colder today than yesterday (74F and 69F respectively), and last night I very nearly took the duvet off and put a sheet on the bed. And as I was walking though the complex this morning on the way to the bus stop I heard someone's a/c going, at 8.15am when the temperature was only around 52 smiley - huh

This weather's really kicking up the cedar pollen though smiley - sadface There's rain forecast from Sunday night through until Tuesday morning, so maybe that'll keep it down somewhat.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4918

Baron Grim

I've been running the bedroom A/C for a few days. The thermostat keeps the compressor off most of the time, of course.

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4919

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Why do the storms and heavy rain insist on coming through during the night so often? smiley - yawnsmiley - sleepy

The weather report from Austin and other places around the world

Post 4920

Baron Grim

They were resting up for the thrashing they delivered upon Houston today. I had to be at the Medical Center at 9:00 this morning. I had little problem getting in to town, but by the time I left the hospital there was widespread street flooding including Lake 288 at loop 610. I spent the next hour and a half trying to find an accessible route to the freeways. Luckily, with the drought we've had once the heavy rain let up, the roads drained fairly quickly. However, by the time I got back to Galveston County the storms were beating me up again. I spent another hour and a half stuck on an island that normally is merely a convenience store. It was after three before I got back home. The Subaru Outback got me through high waters again.

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