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HM Stanley

Post 221


And he calls me sloaney... smiley - winkeye

HM Stanley

Post 222


I had standards to maintain at Barts, don't you know?

HM Stanley

Post 223

Is mise Duncan

Not according to the graffitti, you didn't smiley - winkeye

HM Stanley

Post 224


Ooh you are awful.

HM Stanley

Post 225

Is mise Duncan

smiley - laugh

HM Stanley

Post 226


I think that smiley should be called 'guffaw' not 'laugh'.

HM Stanley

Post 227

Is mise Duncan

Given that it is a GIF, it is not beyond the realms of modern science to animate it such that it rolls back and forth like a weeble....perhaps Abi could look into that.

HM Stanley

Post 228


Maybe it could be made into a teeny weeny Flash thingy, so that every time you click on it it rocks back and forth, and laughs a high-pitched gurgly laugh, like that bloke off Penelope Pitstop (heheehehurgh, Penelope's going to die, etc)

HM Stanley

Post 229

Is mise Duncan

You don't mean Muttley do you?
Unfortunately I am only familiar with the "wacky races" version of Penelope Pitstop and she didn't have a bloke on her in the first place....

HM Stanley

Post 230


No no no no no no. You know the little guys with the 5 o'clcok shadow and the grey suits and the hats - they used to hang round with her. And actually, according to the rumours, she's had plenty of blokes off her and on her, including that Dick Dastardly...

HM Stanley

Post 231

Is mise Duncan

Erm, the Anthill mob?


Post 232

Wand'rin star

looks to me as if you two did far too much bunking off when you should have been swotting for O levels. Definite signs of mis-spent youths. And that Abi is keeping suspiciously quiet on the subject. Bet she knows more than she's letting on as wellsmiley - star

Bunking off masterclass

Post 233

Is mise Duncan

I see - and by "away till semester end" you mean what exactly smiley - tongueout

Anyway the lots of mafia like people with grey suits and five o'clock stubble were the "Anthill mob" and their car was called "chugabug". Why doesn't that sort of question come up on WWTBAM?

HM Stanley

Post 234



Bunking off masterclass

Post 235

Wand'rin star

{I have written 15 articles today and marked 3 term reports.Not up to your split screen standard yet, but reasonably able to flip back and forth}
Seemingly everyone would know the answer. So there wouldn't be any suspense in itsmiley - star

Bunking off masterclass

Post 236


I am actually on annual leave! Shhhh! you didn't see me in here! smiley - winkeye

Back Monday officially. Unofficially - i never really left. Get me to the h2g2 Addiction clinic!

Bunking off masterclass

Post 237

Is mise Duncan

Well, you don't seem to be in today which is a sign that your addiction may not be as bad as you feared...or that your addiction to Christmas shopping in Knightsbridge is stronger smiley - winkeye

Bunking off masterclass

Post 238

Young Snugfit

That's what you think mate! smiley - smiley

Bunking off masterclass

Post 239

Wand'rin star

Nice one, but you're going to have to update your homepage to get away with itsmiley - star

Bunking off masterclass

Post 240

Is mise Duncan

Alright - what tips do you have for the Jones family on Boxing day (which, as part of my ongoing contract with Guinness, I shall be refereing to as Stephen's) at market Rasen then?
(Other than "wrap up warm and stay close to the wall")

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