What I really spend my time at work on...
Most people surf the web. I frolick. Not because I don't know how, but because I just think that people don't understand there's one heck of an undertow out there. That and I'm lazy...
So I admit it. I'm a bit of a slacker. Well, maybe more than a bit...actually a whole lot more than a bit. But I'll have you know that I'm great at my job, when I go about doing it. It's just the motivation to actually do my job that takes a while to kick in.
Once I get going, though, look out. Can't be stopped. Determined and focused. Absolutely nothing stands in my way. And after I've had the first cup of coffee, the day can officially begin. But my day, unlike most people begins at two in the afternoon, because I work a nightshift doing Technical Support for a large computer manufacturer.
Anyhow, I dwell in the world of the uninitiated and the technologically challenged. That means I have the honor of straightening people out who have erred in one way or another. I've noticed a trend. A lot of major companies seem to send their customer service functions to Canada. It might be because of the international reputation Canada has about being full of nice people. I think it's just because we're so nice, we can't say no when companies come in and want to set up customer service and support after they've gone and ticked all of their customers off...
But I digress...
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peer review | Jan 8, 2001 |
Welcome Canadian Slacker! | Jul 24, 2000 |
Hello, a question. | Jul 17, 2000 |
Greetings, fellow Canadian slacker! | Jul 16, 2000 |
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