This is the Message Centre for Technocanuck

Welcome Canadian Slacker!

Post 1


Welcome to h2g2! I find it quite hard to slack off work myself, because my job is to surf h2g2. I guess when I slack off I should go write some spreadsheets for fun or something. I'll have to think about it. Suggestions welcome.

Have fun on h2g2.

Best wishes


Welcome Canadian Slacker!

Post 2


Slacking is easy. One former employer termed it "the art of looking busy, acting busy, but accomplishing absolutely nothing". He didn't see it as the same level of achievement that I did. Well, you live, you learn.

ideas for slacking:
my personal favorite was Post-it note wars. just pick a random person in the office and go for it. no prisoners.

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Welcome Canadian Slacker!

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