Journal Entries

Welcome all!

Please say hi to christirose-Haribol!, sinistercoincidence and onetyred guy smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2002

2 more members!

And a big welcome to JMC and The Snockerty Friddle - pushing us to over 90 members now! smiley - bubbly

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Latest reply: May 25, 2002

New member

Please welcome our newest member, Rocket Man. We hope you enjoy the community! smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: May 8, 2002

2-2-2002 HVS Updated

The HVS homepage has undergone a full update today.smiley - smiley

New features include a drop-down box for our members list, the inclusion of current announcements, plus the reinstatement of the news, links and other original front page features.

Hopefully, the new page is now easier to read and navigate. Any comments are most welcome.

I am still working on adding a navigation bar and anchor tags, but it looks like this feature may have been deprecated in dna 1.0.smiley - sadface

Future additions may include an official HVS logo, so if anyone has any designs in mind, or would like to create one, please let us know, and mail us a copy. Thanks.


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Latest reply: Feb 2, 2002

Party Party!

It's party time!smiley - bubbly Just writing out all the invitations... phew.smiley - online2long

If any HVS members haven't received their's yet, they are on the way! But take it as read that you're invited!smiley - smiley

Non-veggie friends who would like to participate in a harmonious and animal-friendly way to celebrate National Vegetarian Week are also welcome (bring a bottle!)smiley - bubbly

Mmm... looks like the smiley - cake is ready to come out of the oven...


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Latest reply: Jun 23, 2001

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