Journal Entries


I was so wrapped up in my bad puns that I forgot to sign the last entry! I wouldn't want poor Pegasus taking the rap for the spawn of my odd mood, now would I? Would I? Hmmm...


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Latest reply: Aug 14, 2000

Do we have yet another new member?

"Sho" we do! smiley - winkeye Ok, I admit that was even cornier than our logo. smiley - winkeye Get it? Corny! Because the logo has a corn co--oh never mind. Welcome to the H2G2 Vegetarian Society, Sho. Glad to have you with us! You're number 34, so that means there's...

*takes out scientific calculator, slide rule, abacus, scrap paper, etc*

*pauses briefly, puts said items away, gets out fingers*

...8 more till "the number"!

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Latest reply: Aug 14, 2000

New Links!

In addition to the two news items Pegasus recently added, I have added two new ones as well. Also, I have added a link to the new edited entry on Vegetarian Restaurants in Burlington, Vermont, USA.


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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2000

Iceland Goes Organic!

That's 'Iceland', the British frozen food supermarket chain, not the country!smiley - winkeye

As well as being the first to offer a nationwide home delivery service and internet shopping, Iceland are preparing to make all their frozen vegetables organic, without hiking the price to the consumer. They are also working in partnership with The National Trust, a leading British conservation charity.

Find out more by following the link in the 'news' section above, or visit Iceland online at


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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2000

Recipe of the Week

It's updated again. I guess I don't need to say that every week. Just assume that it will be updated sometime during the weekend each week. And I'll repeat this for those who never heard it: Every other week is a vegan week and the alternate weeks are ovo-lacto vegetarian.


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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2000

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