Journal Entries

11 November 2000

A warm HVS welcome to our recent member, MaP.smiley - smiley

Things have been a little quiet around HVS recently, as Zarquon and I both pursue necessary real-world distractions. If any members would like to make any suggestions, or offer any assistance in an aspect of HVS, please let us know, either here or through e-mailing [email protected]

In particular, if anyone would like to take on duties in the Virtual Restaurant (bar-tender, cook, waiting staff, etc) all applications will be treated fairly and equally... before being accepted unequivocably.smiley - winkeye


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Latest reply: Nov 12, 2000

New Member Oct 20, 2000

Sorry, I'm clean out of catchy subject lines! A warm welcome to our newest member, Curator Chick!


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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2000

And they just keep on coming!

A warm welcome to our newest member, Afrael!


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Latest reply: Oct 16, 2000

So what's the question then? ;-)

Member #42 is here! A big welcome to Vegidolphin!


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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2000

Almost There!

Welcome King Wolf! The next one to join will be Number 42! Can you feel it boys and girls? Can you FEEL it?!!!


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Latest reply: Sep 30, 2000

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