Journal Entries

And still they come...

A big welcome to macvet also.

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2000

And another one...

Welcome to The Caffeine Kid.smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2000

A new member

Welcome to goshoogoshoogosh, who has now joined the team.smiley - smiley


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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2000

Even more members!

A warm welcome to our two newest members, Sara and Salamander the Mugwump! That brings our countdown to only 5! I've also added a couple links and made a few minor design changes. There are some important announcements as well, but I trust that anyone who actually reads these entries would already have seen them. smiley - winkeye


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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2000


*looks at last 2 journal entries*


Well anyway, I would like to welcome JefferyBar into our community. We're racing toward our goal faster than I ever could have imagined. 7 more! I'd better hurry up and think of a way to celebrate when it happens!


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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2000

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