This is a Journal entry by HVS

Party Party!

Post 1


It's party time!smiley - bubbly Just writing out all the invitations... phew.smiley - online2long

If any HVS members haven't received their's yet, they are on the way! But take it as read that you're invited!smiley - smiley

Non-veggie friends who would like to participate in a harmonious and animal-friendly way to celebrate National Vegetarian Week are also welcome (bring a bottle!)smiley - bubbly

Mmm... looks like the smiley - cake is ready to come out of the oven...


Party Party!

Post 2

Ruppinger ~ zaphodista ~ former keeper of vegan affairs ~ new keeper of rainbows, until the old one shows up again

smiley - magic
There's already a veggie-party in progress smiley - bubbly
(sorry I didn't mention it sooner smiley - erm )
Everybody feel free to join smiley - smiley
smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - bigeyes

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