Journal Entries

Adding new members

I started adding new members in when I had to look all busy and professional as someone came into the office to ask me to do some urgent stuff. I've now forgotten who I've added! But welcome anyway!

I would also like to ask everyone who hasn't been added yet to put their name in the signup thread I created a while back, as it'll be far far easier for me to keep on top of things!



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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2003

Sus would like to welcome...

Atari and Cafram, on behalf of HVS.smiley - bubbly Thanks for joining us, and may your association be a long and happy one.smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 8, 2003

Welcome.... vegantoo. Sorry for the delay, but you're now officially 'in'! smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Dec 5, 2002

More new members!

A big hi there goes to Iskandar and donone1, our newest members. Welcome! smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2002

We've made the century!

Many thanks to Lucrecia and Auralya for joining, which now brings the total of our happy band to 100. smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2002

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