Problem solving guru

I am one of, given civilization today and that I don't feel I am unique in this, a growing number of people who want to both embrace emerging technologies and the growth of intercommunication between minds all over the world and yet finds it all shocking, yes empowering too and at times slightly overwhelming.

I've heard this described as 'futureshock' and that phrase seems all too easily to describe the unnease at which the populace recieves change. I have in the past resisted change only to see the benefits in hindsight and also the downsides too on occasion. For those of you who find this to be a common truth in todays world I salute you and at the same time commiserate with you depending on your situation. Positive - Negative. Cup half full / cup half empty. I don't want to get too ying/yang on you as I don't force my theories on others (unless invited to do so), but I am researching subjects as diverse as Nature, Science, Computing, Astronomy anything where boundries are being broken or new frontiers are being discovered to explore. I am the architypal Devil's advocate as I am always able to provide a different viewpoint even in situations where I agree entirely with what you are saying, purely because I give credit to anyone with an opinion and I want people to appreciate that they are not always right (or that other people can be right in their own way).

I would like to explain the guru in my nickname. I am not a mystical or spiritual guru of any kind although I have been known to meditate. I come from a computing background, purely because I am good at problem solving, am able to think laterally to provide solutions and am always willing to look at an issue from all viewpoints. Thus as a small-time expert in I.T. I have earned the nickname due to my reluctance to leave a company I know everything about but want to know even less!

I'm wide eyed and curious... 8-)


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guru walker

Researcher U141454


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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