This is the Message Centre for longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

ace's welcome longhaircowboy!

Post 1


I'm popping by as one of the assistant community editors(or <./>aces</.&gtsmiley - winkeyehere. We voluntarily greet newbies such as yourself and help you settle into hootoo(as we often refer to h2g2). Thanks for the brief introduction-seriously the consideration is sincerely appreciatedsmiley - ok-not everybody provides one. But your next step should be to carefully go over Feisor's list of Hints and Links at A719840. He begins by mentioning the available skins and the assortment of <./>smileys</.>. But those're just the tip of the iceberg, much Much more awaits discovery!

As you proceed down the list I suggest you consider taking The h2g2 Tour, when you encounter the link. That gives you a good overview of the site and how you can paticipate. Of course it's probably best to stop and have a look at each of the links as you come to them. Anyay, further down the list you'll find both our weekly newspaper <./>thepost</.> and it's Links Page. Clicking on that link reveals a whole array of possibilities. For example you'll find the Researchers' smiley - earthMap at A5076614, the Regional Researchers' Groups at A660313 and the Living Earth Society at A765263. However you'll also discover the h2g2 smiley - bookworms Club at A745544, the smiley - musicalnoteMusicians' Guild at U150368, the Random Quotes Guild at A907382 and the Handedness Registry at A1111870(to name just a few).

So read the list carefully and refer back to particular sections if need be. Should you have any questions feel free to leave me a message. Simply use the 'Reply' button and I'll try to get back to you asap, ok.smiley - cheers

ace's welcome longhaircowboy!

Post 2

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

Thanks. I've mostly been just lookin around and finding all the stuff that may interest me. Hope I'm not the only one from the states here.

ace's welcome longhaircowboy!

Post 3


Oh no! Have a look at the Regional Researchers' Groups at A660313 the moment I'm 'talking to' a researcher in Louisiana. And stay in pretty regular touch with ones in Memphis, Boston & Chicago. But there're six different regional categories for the U.S. for me, I Am on the same continent(but in Canada - north of western Montana). But, good to hear back from you...don't be a stranger now, y'hear!smiley - winkeyeA660313

ace's welcome longhaircowboy!

Post 4

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

Here's a question. I see folks have words after their names when I look at who's online. Hows that work. Is it some kinda signature?

ace's welcome longhaircowboy!

Post 5


Right, it's meant to be like the old titles after one's name(ie George Smith, purveyor of fine liqouers or whatever). Some folks just use a catchy/humorous phrase though.

ace's welcome longhaircowboy!

Post 6

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

So how does one go about doing it? I don't see a spot for it.

ace's welcome longhaircowboy!

Post 7


smiley - sorryMissed on 'Preferences' (in the lefthand margin) and that allows you to add whatever you choose to add to your nickname. In fact you can even change your nickname - but you're still registered/on the records as 'longhaircowboy'.

ace's welcome longhaircowboy!

Post 8

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

Hey thanks. Gotta give it a try.

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