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Burple and Sporange

Post 8961

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - rofl

'Burple and Sporange' sounds like some sort of double act, but it doesn't have the same 'ring' to it as Planet Purple Sofa and Planet Orange Sofa smiley - magic

The Purple Burple

Post 8962

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I can rhyme some words with purple.
Drink some fizzy pop, the burp'll
Fill a line, and Wyatt Earp'll
Tie up to the water trough, a slurp'll
Escape his horse, and then some twerp'll
Call the poetry police.

smiley - nur

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8963


The Theorem even appeared in Star Trek? smiley - rofl

This is a very attention seeking theorem.

How will it affect our lives when the proof is found? Do we want it to be true or false? I need to know these things, so I can plan my packing.

I shall search every teacup while I'm on my journey through china patterns. The answer could be in the tea leaves.

smiley - stiffdrink

What about reading tea leaves then?

Innumerate woman, 65, finds the solution to Fermat's Last Theorem. It was all there in my cup of morning tea smiley - tea she told reporters.

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8964

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Well, the proof has been found. (See the link to the .pdf.) smiley - laugh Which was why the claim that it hadn't been, in the 24th Century or whenever, was funny. At least, to me.

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8965

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

PS So, has it affected your life? smiley - bigeyes

Burple and Sporange

Post 8966


Ah Sasha! Tis because of thee, dear traveller from Purple Sofa Planet, smiley - kiss that I ventured in the first place into the land of Purple and Orange, intending to bring thee chocolate smiley - choc and the finest poetree ..

Only something weird has happened...

Uh oh, emergency here people, next posting, its Mister D...

The Purple Burple

Post 8967


(Attending to the emergency)


Wyatt Earp'll



Actually, you know what? Damn. This is an annoyingly clever poem. smiley - rofl

Sasha! I present you here the finest poetreee. smiley - rofl OK so there's no sporange, but he's good on purp'll. Of course Phreddy will want the royalities for the Burp'll bit.

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8968


The proof has been found???


So ... what happened at the end? Of the Theorem.

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8969


Has what affected my life?

Oh, right, the tea leaves fame. smiley - rofl

I thought you meant trying to cover up that I haven't read pdf links. smiley - rofl

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8970

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork I don't know. Those things never have much plot. I suppose a, b, and c were heartbroken, because they could never come together in the relationship. smiley - sigh

In Star Trek, the crew escaped from the fiendishly designed pocket universe by playing out the storyline of a very bad paperback novel. smiley - rofl This made a surprising amount of sense and had my full approval as a fiction editor. smiley - winkeye

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8971

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

And what I actually meant was, since the proof has been found, has this affected your life in any way? smiley - rofl

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8972


Is this posting title a typo or an incredibly clever statement? Like, id.

Isn't the Id something to do with one of Freud's theories? the Id, the Ego, the something else...

Fermat's Last Theorem plus the Id are False? We have proved Freud wrong! Not a bad thing. Discuss. Actually don't because I don't know what I'm talking about.

I shall go and read pdf files, perhaps after a long lie down. smiley - rofl

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8973


Ah, I see smiley - rofl

Yes! It has definitely affected my life! I can feel it in my tea leaves. Of course I can't tell you *how* exactly until I know what the solution was. I will send you a postcard though, when I get to wherever it is that I'm going.

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8974

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8975


a, b and c were heartbroken, the relationship couldn't happen.

OK ...

(packs extra tissues, and bottle of brandy) (there could be tears)

Heads off to find a, b and c and help sort the relationship.

Oh wait, its been sorted. Or has it??

smiley - rofl I think I'll check in with the Star Trek crew, I have questions, many questions.

My conclusion about this evening is that I have, in fact, lost the map, the plot, and someone hid my Id.

Fermat's Last Theorem Goes Galactic

Post 8976

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Here Jean-Luc Picard explains it better than we have.

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8977

Phred Firecloud

In The Simpsons episode "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace," Homer Simpson writes the equation

3987^{12} + 4365^{12} = 4472^{12}

on a blackboard, which appears to disprove Fermat's Last Theorem. The equation is wrong but appears to be correct up to 10 significant digit

This changed my life a lot...I was still working on the cube numbers when Homer discovered that Fermat was I turned to making Banana bread to fill the empty hours...


The Purple Circle

Post 8978


heheh I love it.

So this Theorem has starred in some big shows then? Star Trek and the Simpsons, eh? I need its autograph. smiley - rofl

Well, to turn to baking banana bread is a fine move. smiley - drool

So how do you now stretch the mathematical part of your brain, which is obviously very adept?

The Purple Circle. Ah yes. smiley - rofl

One day, in the Purple Circle, the place where near rhymes gather to nearly rhyme with each other, I encountered a sorrowful Turtle, who was searching for a exact rhyme to share his life with. I have a friend named Myrtle! I said. I'll give her a call.

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8979

Phred Firecloud

The cormorants have been active. Myrtle spends all its time inside the nest. Turtle sits outside grasping a branch with its orange webbed feet. Sometimes you can see Myrtles head outside the nest briefly.

Mrs. Phred says that Myrtle and Turtle were both outside the nest and engaged in some sort of joint activity yesterday while I was napping. She tried to snap some photos but the tripod in the bedroom window is too high for her to see what the camera is aimed at.

Today Myrtle came out and chased away Turtle. Now Myrtle is outside the nest puttering with its structure.

Fermat's Last Theorem id False

Post 8980

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Dmitir, if you wold like to write lamentably bad poetry in a place where the Poetry Police won't come after you, come to the the Nonsense verse thread, subtitled, "The silence of the iambs." I can find a link for you if you need it.

The story of the Blue Willow pattern is as follows: An unsuitable suitor fell in love with the Mandarin's daughter. The two lovers, defiant, ran from the mandarin's house, past the willow tree, across the bridge to the boathouse, where they set sail for freedom.

But freedom was not to be. The mandarin caught them. When they died, their spirits became two birds that circle endlessly in the air above the scene.

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