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Ford Trimotor

Post 8901


Really? About Henry Ford? Oh .. Are, (or were), there any statues of him?

Ford Trimotor

Post 8902

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

There appear to be a few. smiley - rofl One at his library and museum, I think, in Dearborn, Michigan.

The 'Dearborn Independent' was his newspaper. Not recommended reading.

Ford Trimotor

Post 8903

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Is it still being published?

Michael McClure

Post 8904


I like Michael McClure.

He is my favourite Beat poet.

Seems he was represented as Pat McLear in Kerouac's Big Sur.

Oh no! Was just checking to see how old he is, he died in May of this year. This is awful. I didn't know. How could I not know?

I have his book of poems, Touching The Edge, Dharma Devotions From The Hummingbird Sangha. I read it so often, now I'm going to read it again and think about him, and the transience of life, and get quite philosophical and talk nonsense into my glass of Southern Comfort.

I've got into Southern Comfort. I bought a bottle of it, along with five bars of chocolate and six packets of crackers, at the start of lockdown to support a local grocery store. Well, I thought it was the end of the world. I just opened it a few days ago. The chocolate and crackers are long gone.

Anyway, I think its the best drink since water. Very nice water. C doesn't like it, finds it too sweet. I'm on my own. Oh dear. smiley - rofl

Ford Trimotor

Post 8905


And if so, why? (re the Henry Ford newspaper still being published)

Make No Mistake about this .. its an interesting idea

Post 8906


Ah, interesting idea, paul, about making no mistakes, to avoid the use of Tippex. So, if I'll be 90 before my first draft is done, then the work I did for the BBC in the 70s still has a few years left before I can present it to my boss who will be in the afterlife by then. Me also. smiley - rofl

The Typist,The Afterlife and The Blue Wistful Sea. A Novel.

What has the blue wistful sea got to do with any of this??? I hear you not ask. smiley - rofl I don't know. Good title though.

So it was Mike Nesmith's mother who invented Tippex! Good on her! smiley - redwine

Bear droppings???

Post 8907


In the yard????

Do we panic???

Will Chippy and Big Robin be OK? And you guys of course. smiley - roflsmiley - kiss Will you have to call someone?

The electric typewriter

Post 8908


The electronic typewriter! I do remember this, in fact. It did seem very amazing at the time, although I got on better with ye olde ribbon. smiley - rofl

Ford Trimotor

Post 8909

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

No, of course it isn't. The paper ceased publication in 1927, when both Jews and Christian in the US got after the Ford company. They were publishing this screed in the tractor plant at Ford, and they quoted a lot from 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' and trash like that. The Nazis loved it.

Don't pay any attention to W*k*p*d**. Unlike us, they let industrial propagandists do their editing. They say Ford didn't know about it. This isn't true. He probably pretended he didn't when he found out it was bad for business.

Here's a local story about it all:

Landscape gardening and things related

Post 8910


Ah, right, paul! Nine acres. I can visualise this. I love the descriptions of the Stump garden, and all. The trailer park sounds like a good community. All this reminded me of the Mobile Home Park we lived in for a couple of years, in the 80s. I loved it so much!! If we hadn't had to relocate for work and life things, I'd want to still be there now.

I just checked, its still there. The Mobile Home Park where we lived. I think my life is flashing before me. Uh oh. Should I worry? smiley - rofl

We don't have the word trailer, in this context, strange. Just Mobile Home.

smiley - stiffdrink

I know, I love an innuendo. It can get so hilarious. Laughter is good for the soul, indeed. Better than the terrible accidents.

Ford Trimotor

Post 8911


Ah right. Re the newspaper. Bit edgy then. What a curious slice of knowledge this is. Good to wise up on these things.

Ford Trimotor

Post 8912

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

It's good to ask these questions. smiley - hug Otherwise, they get away with it. smiley - winkeye


Post 8913


'Many other species sleep. It may be a basic factor in life. Even plants stop photosynthesizing when it gets dark.' (paulh)

Ah, that's how you do that, cut and paste. smiley - rofl Every time you cut and paste something that I've said, I vow to never speak again, because I'm shy about my past, like the last 24 hrs. smiley - rofl Its good for me to face my past.

However, this is interesting, paul.

I must think about sleep, now, before I go to sleep.

I wonder what species don't sleep? Imagine not sleeping??

How do some species sleep, but still remain alert enought to ward off predators and things?

I know, you're going to tease me about the things. You might even cut and paste me. smiley - rofl OK, stick with the predators.


Post 8914


Talking of sleep, I'm planning an early night tonight, so wishing you hootooers a fine evening of consideration and illumination, and see you on the other side of night.

Hmm, just had a thought. How many species dream while they're asleep?

This thought will probably keep me awake now, but ... smiley - rofl


Post 8915

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Well, it seems dogs and cats do, because they sometimes make movements in their sleep...I do, fairly frequently, but I'm not sure what species I am... <winkeye.

G'night! smiley - zzz


Post 8916

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I won't tease anybody. smiley - smiley


Post 8917


Morning all!

Aww, its fine paul, its me being shy. I tease myself a lot, and I like a bit of banter and teasing in an affectionate spirit. Its a laugh.

In this instance, I cracked up laughing because I thought about how I said 'predators and things' and got into what these Things are, saw lime green cartoon entities prowling around the sleeping creature. smiley - rofl

I have a shy problem in certain areas. Sometimes I realise that every single word I have ever spoken on this site, over about fifteen years, is recorded on the software, never to be deleted, and it scares the hell out of me.

So the cut and paste thing, like, being confronted with something I said a few hours ago, probably under the influence of a good brandy, smiley - rofl, is a good way for me to confront my fears.

If I was able to write for the Guide it would be different because my articles would be peer reviewed and edited, but its the conversations, all the inspirations and idiocy I have pulled from my flawed and hopeful soul, I want to melt them down to essence, and start over. Make new patterns from the old ..

smiley - coffee

Pink Rabbits

Post 8918


heheh, yes, I used to watch our family dog perhaps chasing rabbits in her dreams. She would twitch in her sleep, like she was running over the pastures of dreamland, chasing pink rabbits.

Hah! Completely irrelevant topic drift. smiley - offtopic Pink Rabbits! One of my favourite songs. The National. smiley - musicalnote


Post 8919


Hah! Do you ever have times in your life when strands, threads, bits and pieces of thoughts and ideas, suddenly converge, weave together, to form a glorious and almost-symmetrical pattern?

smiley - coffee

I just had a hah! moment. Hah! moments to me are always rearranged by paradox, though, just to prove that my life is a peculiar dance of spirit, and that's what matters, there's no hah! end point. Who am I to have answers?

Anyway, thinking about storage of data on software, I am in fact compiling my 'this is who I was' documents, to leave behind for my nieces and nephews, all of whom are very creative, and cite me as an influence on their 'do it your way, don't bow to peer pressure' way of expressing themselves. smiley - rofl Uh oh ..

Point is, I can overcome aspects of shyness if the love is there, so perhaps it can be the same here on site.

My 'this is who I was' documents are in the form of notebooks. I print out my photos onto paper, and stick them in, then do coloured crayon word paintings. Also SD cards with electronic music fragments, which the lads say they'll take to a studio one day. Not before I've departed into my crow-reincarnation, I insist.

smiley - coffee

Most importantly though, is that I have written into my documents 'These patterns I present here were designed to transport my flawed and hopeful soul to the world of spirit, a place I came from and to which I have possibly returned. They are not designed to transport or agitate anyone else, but its lovely if you like them, and I apologise if you don't. H'

I guess this sums it up, really. Explains why I'm always a bit nervous about comments boxes, and audiences, and forever pulling in the opposite direction with the art world, and being really reeeeeely reeeeeeely annoying. smiley - rofl

Pink Rabbits

Post 8920


Lovely idea to leave a reminder, I update The Book of Dad every year for my family, just daft observations, remembered tales of those long gone and the odd story to make them smile.

smiley - hug

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