This is the Message Centre for cactuscafe

Pink Rabbits

Post 8921


smiley - kiss I love it, The Book of Dad. That is so amazing, it makes me cry. In a good way.

smiley - kiss

Awwww, and also, I just read the news. Dame Vera Lynn has died. 103 years old.

RIP Dame Vera. Dear lady. smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Highlander in the Stone

Post 8922


Ive put a how to in my Hooked journal about how to create the garden feature. hope hubby has a go!smiley - cheers

Pink Rabbits

Post 8923

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Dear Cactuscafe, I enjoy reading what you have written. If I copy and paste some of your comments, it's an illustration of the adage, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Highlander in the Stone

Post 8924


Sitting daydreaming. Had a really vivid flashback to the first bike I owned. Sitting looking down at the tank, feeling the cold metal again me. Shifting my weight and hearing the petrol sloshing around, smelling the two star. The joy of turning that key and putting my boot on the always slippy kick-start!
God, I loved that old RD!

Pink Rabbits

Post 8925

Phred Firecloud

What's an RD?

My first bike was a 1955 125cc two/cycle Harley Hummer...

Highlander in the Stone

Post 8926


Yamaha RD 250... And my apologies cc, meant to put that in my own space... But I suppose its a Daydream.. And a journal... Wrong journal but hey ho.

Highlander in the Stone

Post 8927


heheh, thanks darlin, I'll check that. The Highlander will marvel at the design, and the designer, he will chant peculiar Celtic greetings to his ancestors, but probably won't make one himself, (a sword in the stone, not an ancestor. In fact his ancestors made him) unless he's in craftsman mode, which he hasn't been in for a few years now.

Cut n'Paste

Post 8928


I like it paul! Yes! And thanks! And of course that's what I'm doing already in making notebooks, cutting and pasting special things. Only I'm using a gluestick and scissors, which is a lot stickier than a computer! So onward! Keep cutting and pasting please, I'm a cure in progress. smiley - rofl. And I kind of liked cutting and pasting your phrase about sleep.

smiley - cake

smiley - cake

Cake! I need cake. Haven't got any cake. I need banana bread! Like, now!

Do you cook or bake, paul? I think you mentioned that you do.

I've never baked a cake in me life. I bet everyone on this thread has baked a cake except me.

One of my daydreams involves a baker. I have this scene that goes on in San Diego. Why San Diego? I ask myself. Never been there. There's this guy who bakes for a cafe called Green Ginger, and some other characters are around, and the daydream follows the daily life of the Cafe, there's even a writers group who assemble there, in the upstairs bit, called the Gallery. Its very vivid.

Parallel universes. smiley - rofl. Or not.

There was a cafe in a town near where we used to live called Green Ginger, but why would I base a daydream in San Diego? If I ever went there, I'd have to find a Green Ginger Cafe. Imagine if I saw the baker guy in there? That would be weird.

Nice RD daydream

Post 8929


Nice RD daydream me luv! I'm glad you put it in the wrong space, and rode that first bike daydream into here instead.

Harley Hummer! Oh yes! I do remember you mentioning you rode a Harley Hummer, Phreddy. Got any photos or write ups about it?

Must be sooo amazing, riding a bike. I've never even ridden pillion.

I always look at them. There's this Harley, in fact, that's always parked in a street near the shops, its sooo shiny and handsome. I stare at it, and want to kiss it.

You know what? Don't laugh you guys. OK you can laugh. One of my ambitions was always to ride, not pillion, but in one of those sidecars. smiley - rofl Even though they looked quite dangerous and vulnerable. Are they?

I used to imagine I was riding in a sidecar, I don't know who was riding the bike to which it was attached. It wasn't the Scotsman. Or even a piano playing angel. Anyway, I was wrapped in rugs, and eating sandwiches. smiley - roflsmiley - rofl It was rather fine. We were purring gently through some green hills.


Post 8930


Hey Mister D/FWR

Phreddy and I were just talking, and I mentioned that a friend often refers to me as The Stranger At The Gate. Then he did some very poetic writings around the word Gate.

And I said, hey, FWR asked if I could think of any good themes for Create, and I've gone a bit insecure to submit an actual phrase, but it could be something involving Gateways.

Because we all have some kind of associations with the word Gate, Gateways is evocative.

Well, this could be my offering, but I need teamwork to come up with the actual phrase, theme or title, just because I do. If I have to go there alone, I'll go sulk in my sidecar. smiley - rofl

Of course you might have already done Gateways ...


Post 8931

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh I'll mull it over, thanks! smiley - hug

In the meantime, next month's theme is Public Art. Funny or controversial, take your pick... smiley - whistle

Also, I just put this in Peer Review: A87988342 It's a true story about a legal decision involving a woman, a car, and 15 cats...smiley - blackcat


Post 8932


Sadly we're down to one cat today, poor Midnight was hit by a car. Poor love.smiley - blackcatsmiley - sadface


Post 8933


Gateways I like that!smiley - cheers


Post 8934



Same to you! Is that ladylike?

What is Bungaroosh?

Well, we've taken to exploring side streets of Brighton, whilst walking/cycling to the shops in our local area. Very fine buildings, Regency architecture.

Today we read an information noticeboard attached to a gate .. (gate!!) to the park, all about the architecure of the area.

It seems that the front of the houses were built with brick, but because of extensive brick taxes at that time, Bungaroosh was used for the sides and the rear of the houses.

Bungaroosh is exclusive to Brighton and Hove, and a couple of nearby towns, Worthing and Lewes, and was used in the mid 18th and late 19th centuries.

It is a mix of junk in fact. Flints, cobblestones, broken bricks, wood offcuts, lumps of chalk, and any other rubbish available.

To quote the noticeboard..

Bungaroosh, although solid, is not a very stable material. Water or extreme dryness can cause it to move or even crumble, compromising the entire structure of the building. A common maxim states that much of Brighton could be demolished with a well-aimed hose.


Post 8935


Oh no! sorry to hear about Midnight. smiley - kiss

smiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - rosesmiley - blackcat

And this ain't fiction ..

Post 8936


A legal decision involving a woman, a car, and 15 cats??

Cat Hoarding

Post 8937

Phred Firecloud

There is another entry dealing with people who have cat hoarding issues....A4113992

Cat Hoarding

Post 8938

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thanks, Phred - I added that link to the entry. (You can always suggest these links in the Peer Review thread.) smiley - ok

Cat Hoarding

Post 8939

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My life is increasingly beginning to resemble bungaroosh.

RD stands for Roald Dahl, doesn't it?

Or Richard Deacon, who had a small part in "The Birds," but was better known from TV. he was Mr. Rutherford on "Leave it to beaver."

or Royal Doultonk, which makes a lot of fine china.

Cat Hoarding

Post 8940

Phred Firecloud

Have some banana will be good when I get this tutorial down to 1 minute and seventeen seconds...

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