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Because Pennsylvania

Post 9001

Phred Firecloud

Thanks for clearing that up...usually your incomprehensible references are secret clues leading to something interesting on lambananas...smiley - ok

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9002

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9003

Phred Firecloud

The name anhinga comes from the Brazilian Tupi language and means devil-bird or snake-bird.

I had to remake the anhinga video because Pennsylvania would not understand that anhingas are not cormorants...I added 30 seconds in the nest to the video and picked a new soundtrack...Thanks for the tip on finding free audio files without Copywrite issues.

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9004

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok Glad the audio link helped. Also: you know that you can go back and change titles and descriptions on your videos at any time?

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9005

Phred Firecloud

I didn't know...thanks.

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9006

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

There's a lot that you *can* do if you know how.

Those anhingas are in fact cormoranhingas

Post 9007


mvp! Hullo to you! What have you been up to? Hope you and your family are keeping well.

smiley - kiss

Ah, right, interesting, about the Pininanas, and the Canary Islands. We were saying they remind us of the plants we used to see on the patches of wasteland in Tenerife. I used to love that wasteland, all lizard, rock and cactus, herbs and heatshimmer. How clever and inconnected we are. smiley - rofl. In our dreams.

smiley - rofl Uh oh .. an orange splorange lozenge poem to match Mister D's Wyatt Earp'll purp'll, Phreddy's burple. It's been all go around here. smiley - rofl

heheh. Love it. Gorringe!! There's a auction house in Lewes called Gorringes! My Dad knew them. They sold some of the things from my parents home.
Oranges from Gorringes! Although I don't think auctioneers branch out into fruit and veg. smiley - rofl

A punnet of strawberries here, smiley - strawberry, do I hear fifty pence? Any advance on .. oh, sixty pence from the gentleman over here, any advance on ... (half an hour later). Going going gone for one pound seventy five pence ..

Those anhingas are in fact cormoranhingas

Post 9008

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'll take the strawberries, but you can keep the straw. smiley - smiley

Lah Zhung

Post 9009


Ah, splendid! Will follow up the Lah Zhung aspect. This is all very interesting.

Oh, I found my sepia/reddish brown willow pattern china, on Google images! So they exist! My memory served me well.

How come the willow pattern sometimes is sepia/reddish brown?

And whose is that black and white lightning picture in the Post Editorial??? Is it FWR's? How can anyone take a photo like that and still be a basic mortal? I promote them to De Luxe Immortal, and will bring them a gift of rose petals in a Lah Zhung bowl. Or maybe cupcakes on a sepia willow pattern plate .

These strawberries have no straw

Post 9010


OK what am I bid for this punnet of strawberries without the straw?

Forty pence? Come on people, these are a rare treat, strawberries with no straw that taste like strawberries except they have no straw..

Lah Zhung

Post 9011

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I have some nice Willow Rosa, which is probably what you mean. it's basically somewhere between pink and maroon.

Willow Rosa

Post 9012


Oh, maybe it is more like pink/maroon. Willow Rosa!! OK thanks paul, will check that.

Lah Zhung

Post 9013


Mere mortals bow before my bloodied sword!

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9014


That sounds very deep and knowledgeable .. Because Pennsylvania ..

Because Pennsylvania, said just like that, two words. I shall say it, and look knowing.

Oh, it is FWR's picture. How can he do that?? Express the soul of lightning so perfectly like that? I knew he was a De Luxe Immortal, damn, now I'll go find some cupcakes to offer him. smiley - cupcakesmiley - cupcakesmiley - cupcake heheh.

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9015

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Not sure I told you this before. Blame midsummer brain if I did...

Robbie Stamp saw that picture yesterday, and expressed extreme awe. smiley - laugh

The Vogon Civil Service on Twitter liked it, too. They said: 'That's just what it first looks like when the demolition beams hit a planet. Beautiful.'

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9016

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

As you can seei n this link, the color varies quite a bit

Because Pennsylvania

Post 9017

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Mrs Hoggett has some in brown, but I won't swear it's exactly the same pattern.

Escaped Word

Post 9018

Phred Firecloud

Punnet...never seen that word before in my life, Sherriff.

I was visualizing a woven wicker square container with an open top. The internet picture is a clear plastic square container and lid like the ones that strawberries come in...keep fruit from bruising...somewhat standard size...punnet...punnet...rhymes with?

Mere Mortals

Post 9019


Uh oh ... The De Luxe Immortal has returned from inside the soul of lightning..this could get mythological.

The Vogon Civil Service

Post 9020


Oh yes! Midsummer! Solstice Brain!

Fine information, and well deserved! Well, the awe bit, as for the Vogon Civil Service, well .. smiley - rofl

smiley - kiss

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