This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 161

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thanks TC, but I've lost count of the frogs I've kissed.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 162

Sho - employed again!

How about a chocolate frog instead? smiley - hug

The trailer had been doctored, deffo Star Trek - because of the film after Stargate. smiley - rocket

My knickers nearly melted... woo hoo, he's a babe that Orlin chap.

Daniel looked particularly yukky in latex gloves and that awful bandana... why does he insist on wearing it? I think Michael Shanks is trying (unsucessfully) to make himself unattractive. He looked cute in the briefing though with his tufty look. Cute, what am i saying? He's still sex on legs IMO. (Tart, he was snogging Hathor this morning.. my girls were upset about that!)

I can usually go for Teal'c but not in that outfit. No way Pedro, as Del-boy would say.

Saw a clip of some old cricket the other day, that Imran Khan was tasty, wasn't he?

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 163

Researcher 179388

Don't normally go for blonds, but I have to agree with you Orlin was rather edible.

Teal'C made me chuckle with the deadpan way he said 'I know somewhere humans wrestle in Jello'

Jack's response was equally tickling 'call Daniel'

I'm quite fond of old General Turtleface too, as Gene Rodenberry said, every good team has to have a father figure.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 164

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I saw him on the news this morning, and he still is!smiley - bigeyes
I watched the episode where Aeryn Sun dies, this morning.
smiley - cry
I think I'll keep that one, for when I'm feeling particularly weepy.

Orlin, I thought he was cute.
His love for Sam made me want tosmiley - hughim, I love a guy who shows his feelings.

Except in RL, that kind of stuff puts me off them.
Then I fall for a guy who is incapable of showing affection and I waste almost a year of my life trying to get him to care...

smiley - sadface

I should stick to fantasies.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 165

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Sorry Caerwynn, you managed to post between Sho & I was responding to her comment about Imran Khan.
I got booted half-way through my post so I took asmiley - teabreaksmiley - bigeyes

*offerssmiley - teaall round*

*smiley - runto find some biccies to dunk*smiley - tongueout

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 166

Sho - employed again!

Aeryn Sun dies.... but she comes back, right????? What channel were you looking at?

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 167

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

It was the sci-fi channel, the last episode of series two.
smiley - erm
Yes, Zhaan give Aeyrn her energy and dies herself, at the beginning of series 3.
I watched the video as I taped it while I was watching The Blue Planet on BBC 1, which followed the new Stargate on Sky One.
Which channel are you watching, hon?

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 168

Researcher 179388

Space: Above and Beyond is on sci-fi at 8pm tonight. If you didn't see the pilot episode last week, you can still catch up.

Must be the fourth time round now, so I won't be watching it. The Colonel is rather gorgeous.

Sadly there wasn't a second series, I think it was too expensive or something.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 169


Polite request for spoiler alerts please ladies... smiley - grovel

I've opted to watch Fartscape (Yes, it was deliberate! Heh! Heh!) on the Sci-Fi Channel only as I'd like to keep some continuity and find it difficult enough to explain to my hubby what's going on without have two different time-lines to contend with. The poor dear would loose the plot entirely! (He can't see past the lovely ladies in the show to enable his male brain to follow the plot!)

Does anyone find Monsieur Paxman (from "Newsnight") rather *ahem* attractive, or am I just rather smiley - weird? smiley - bigeyes

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 170

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - yikes
Spoiler alerts!
Haven't seen those since I frequented the newsgroups - back in the bad old days before I found h2g2...
Hope I'm forgiven!
smiley - rose

Jeremy Paxman? Hmmm.....
I saw an old pic of "Magnum" {Tom Sellick} on my ntl page yesterday {I wonder what he looks like now?} he was definately letch material.
Have we discussed Tom Cruise and Kevin Costner yet?
smiley - bigeyes

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 171

Sho - employed again!

Sorry Gwennie....

Um. What are Sci-fi doing with Farscape now? Showing Series 1 again smiley - grovel I'd really really like to see it. Then I can stop watching it on BBC 2, because it's confusing the pants off me.

Gwennie! Jeremy Paxman! No. I hate him. Yeuch.

David Ginola's looking slurpy now though.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 172

Researcher 179388

Any one watch Will & Grace? Really very funny, especially the two supporting actors!

Sorry, can't be bothered to go and look up their names.

Going to see Simon Callow doing his Dickens show next month. The interval is a good time for spotting handsome men!

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 173

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Simon Callow?
Wasn't he in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"?
That was a smiley - wowfilm!
Loved it, love Hugh Grant, in asmiley - cuddlesort of way, I want to mother him!
Just got this mail alert from Ananova:
"The new Star Trek series has proved to be a ratings hit in America.
Enterprise was watched by an average of more than 12 million people.
It was the most watched TV programme in its time slot.
The new series, which is a prequel to the original Star Trek, stars
Scott Bakula as Captain Jonathan Archer.
According to {attempts to hide url insmiley - chocsmiley - cake[URL removed by moderator]smiley - chocsmiley - cake,smiley - winkeye almost 16 million watched the
show at some point during the two hours it was on.
It was broadcast on the UPN channel".

smiley - grovelHave we any American contributors/lurkers {*waves tosmiley - bluefish*}who have seen this, and can they give us the gen!!!
*offerssmiley - chocas a bribe*

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 174

Researcher 179388

Got to the site for a quick peek!

smiley - wow, must be good!

Lets hope Sky decide to jump on the bandwagon and show it earlier. Tho' I suppose there could ne contractual agreement not to show it sooner.

Try askh2g2 thread, must be someone there who has seen it.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 175

Researcher 179388

Just turned on the tv prior to getting some lunch and caught an ad for Scots Porridge Oats, where a guy in a kilt does a Marilyn over a vent!

Not outstandingly handsome, but good muscles and smile!

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 176

Sho - employed again!

If you look on my personal space, there is a link there to the SciFiGuide, the forum there has a little discussion going about Enterprise. You could go there. (it's on Delphi, so you have to register if you want to talk) Also if you look at places like Delphi there is a lot about Enterprise all over the place

look away if you really don't want to know that
(heh heh, like a newsgroup)
He takes his shirt off!!!!!

Kilt... we've been discussing kilts on another fourm.... must be something about a man in a kilt.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 177


Okay! I'm officially smiley - weird then, as nobody else likes Monsieur le Paxman! Hooray! Individuality at last! smiley - biggrin

Sci-Fi is airing series two of Fartscape at the moment Sho, and it doesn't seem to be too far behind series three is on BBC 2.

Errr...Exactly "who" took his shirt of Sho? smiley - angel

*Casually pretends that she's not really interested* smiley - whistle

LOL! Don't talk to me about men in kilts, as the only image that comes to mind is the scene from "Carry On Up the Khyber" where the regiment frightens of the natives by raising their kilts at them! smiley - biggrin

Guess who got leered and waved at by a bunch of firemen returning to their station from a job, whilst still sporting their uniforms yesterday evening? smiley - angel

*Enters extremely smug mode*

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 178


I do however feel it only fair to point out that my this is the first time in ages my owner has received such a compliment, so please excuse her as she really misses the smiley - whistles from passing motorists/truck drivers/labourers and until this event, had thought of herself as officially "over the hill"! smiley - bigeyes

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 179

Researcher 179388

smiley - cool

Way to go, Gwennie!

smiley - ok

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 180

Sho - employed again!

Don't know who took the shirt off, I thought it was the captain, but it was someone else apparently. Although Scot Bakula (along with most of the crew or so it seems) was running around in his skimpies.

And I'll 2nd that: Way to go with the firemen, Gwennie!

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