This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 181

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

I am impressed!
I will be passing firestations quite frequently from now onsmiley - bigeyes
Something about men in uniform.
I wonder if they will ogle me.
smiley - biggrin
Skimpies?smiley - erm
What is this?

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 182

Sho - employed again!

Seven, I'm sure they will ogle (especially if you're wearing that bikini!)

Skimpies... underwear... very form fitting from what I understand.

And, while we're letching: James Spader anyone? (or have we "done" him already?)

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 183


James Spader? I'm sorry Sho as the name doesn't ring a bell which is probably due to my brain cell being on overload. It can never match names to faces... smiley - blush

*Wonders whether she could borrow Seven's bikini*

Do you think I'd be arrested were I to hang around outside the fire station and drool? smiley - silly

Still, I suppose it's almost as sad as drooling over the merchandise in WH Smith's! smiley - cool *Winks at GB*

My son loves fire engines and I wonder if I could get the firemen to show him their equipment... smiley - angel

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 184

Sho - employed again!

You know firemen..... they'll show their equipment to anyone.... *scratches head and wonders why Sho's mum works for the firebrigade*...

James Spader, was amongst other things, the original Daniel Jackson in the Stargate film. I believe he's done other stuff too, but I can't remember any of it.

Sigh. Missed DanielJackson in jammies and crying yesterday.... still got a load of pent-up maternal instinct for Farscape tonight.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 185

Researcher 179388

Yes we did cover smiley - winkeye James Spader, but quite happy to go over him again! So much more Daniel Jackson than Michael Shanks.

*ducks to avoid more missiles*

Saw Moulin Rouge on Saturday. Never thought of Ewan McGregor as a heart throb, but smiley - wow!

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 186

Sho - employed again!

More... more anything than Michael Shanks!! Indeedy not... takes all sorts I supose smiley - winkeye

I actually think that DJ (as he was in the season 5 opener Enemies) is my perfect man! *swoons*

But I'd love to get my wicked hands on wee James Spader.... oh the fun I could have.

OK, running home (early) now for Farscape...

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 187

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Practising:smiley - sheepsmiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign
3 new smileys smiley - winkeye

Be back later, boot time.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 188

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Anyone know why Farscape wasn't on the sci-fi channel last night?
I sat through the first episode of "Now and Again" which was smiley - weirdto say the least.

Can't wait for Farscape tonightsmiley - tongueout
Got my bib on ready.smiley - winkeye

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 189

Researcher 179388

Couldn't get in to Now & Again, too much angst in it.

I'm still waiting to see how Orange girl shapes up in Farscape.

Hope Andromeda sorts itself out tonight!

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 190


I didn't bother watching Now & Again, because the trailers put me off, I can't explain why but it just didn't "grab" me (at least not in the manner that I'd like to be grabbed! smiley - angel).

The Sci-Fi channel must have reached the end of Series Two of Farscape (the episode where Erin dies) and will probably run Series Three in a couple of month's time, although I wish they'd said something at the end of the previous week's episode. I was decidedly miffed last night, having timed the dinner so that I could sit, eat and drool all at once! smiley - doh

Oh well, I suppose that I'm just going to have to skip a few episodes and start watching Series 3 on BBC2 tonight. (The schedules Andromeda and Farscape schedules don't clash, do they girls?) smiley - erm

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 191

Researcher 179388

No Gwennie, Farscape BBC2, 6.45 or there abouts.

Andromeda is in its usual spot.

Better go and make sure the tape is in the video for No1 son.

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 192


Thanks Caerwynn! smiley - cheers Just time to put the oven on and drool whilst the dinner burns! smiley - devil

smiley - run

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 193

Researcher 179388

Two Crichtons now, spoilt for choice! Is Aeryn going to be able to tell the difference, will she care?! smiley - winkeye

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 194

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

TWO Crichtons!!!!!
They can bloody well parcel one up & send him over to us, hey girls?smiley - winkeye

smiley - biggrin

smiley - flyhismiley - peacedove

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 195


There's no longer the need for spoiler alerts, but thanks anyway ladies. smiley - blush I couldn't resist as I needed my fix of Farscape, so watched it with my hubby who was confused and disappointed at Zan's absence...I think that I might have to see if I can hire the episodes we missed from my local video rental store...

Heavens! T'was difficult trying to explain stuff to my hubby! smiley - online2longHe's not really thick - honestly! smiley - bigeyes

Anyhow...Two Creighton's! Mmmmmmmmmm! smiley - tongueout

*A large puddle forms at Gwennie's feet*

I want one! smiley - wah

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 196

Floh Fortuneswell

Okay, here I am smiley - smiley

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 197

Sho - employed again!

HI.... But we really can't let anyone else in here until we get a whole stack of Crightons to share... one each! smiley - winkeye

I had to miss the first 15 mins due to The Bear in the Big Blue House ... sheesh! Have to get the gruesomes hooked on Farscape as well as Stargate.

Really missed Zhan though, Tango-girl gets on my nerves... and what is that thing she's wearing? Looks like a nappy!

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 198

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Do not worry.
Tango-girl is on my hit-list.
smiley - cross

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 199

Sho - employed again!

Yo.... who else is on it?

Letchers anonymous {not!} ;-) Who's got je ne sais quoi

Post 200

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I hope you have Ezri Dax on there too.
smiley - grr
I wanted to throttle her!
Especially as I still find Jadzia very letch-worthy...
It can't have been *just* the spots....smiley - bigeyes

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