This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Back to Virginity

Post 2201

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - groan

There was no call for that!

Back to Virginity

Post 2202



[Takes innuendo to the ouvert level.]

Hey! Ladies (and perhaps gents)! Do any of you want a big one? 'Cause that's what I'm offering! smiley - biggrin

Damn, I'm weird.

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2203

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Not really, you just caught me off guardsmiley - winkeye

Back to Virginity

Post 2204


Yeah, though I suppose I should have commented earlier about your 'big stick' and its connection to internet porn... smiley - ermsmiley - winkeye

I'm too tired to think up good innuendos! Good night! smiley - zzz

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2205

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Oh dear...

Night? It's 2pmsmiley - erm

Back to Virginity

Post 2206


Good afternoon, then. It's the same thing when your eyes are shut. smiley - winkeye

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2207

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I guesssmiley - winkeye

Or at least when your brain has gone to sleep...

Back to Virginity

Post 2208

Huffers, compulsive lurker

its smiley - coffee time!

Back to Virginity

Post 2209

Researcher 159112

woohoo! caffeine! Caffeine!!! smiley - biggrin


Back to Virginity

Post 2210

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

"who actually /likes/ the idea of their body growing old and breaking down? I certainly don't"

smiley - erm

One day you wake up, look in the mirror - see your mother {father} staring back at you {or the milkman, whatever}
and you think
"My God! I'm getting old!"
Then you realize you have grown up children and a grandchild, and think
"I AM old"

but you don't feel any different than you did when you were 19.

You are the same geeky teenager who blossomed into a swan princess

The only real difference is now you know what your parents told you to avoid _is_ bad for you, but it's still fun.
And you find yourself saying the same things.
But you hope they'll try them anyway.

And you look at your parents *now* and hope you don't live _that_ long.

Back to Virginity

Post 2211

Researcher 159112

smiley - erm

I don't think my parents are old...

Back to Virginity

Post 2212

Huffers, compulsive lurker

smiley - erm

the only things I remember my parents telling me to avoid are poisonous berries and sticking my fingers in plugs.

Back to Virginity

Post 2213

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I never know what to believe off my parents. Me da scared me during the hols though. He asked me when I was getting married while we were in the pubsmiley - bigeyes

Obviously I said 'eh?' as I've only been going out with my boyfriend for about three months. Dad replied, 'well, he's kissed you, hasn't he? You'll be living in sin if you don't marry him now.' Of course he was joking.

I hopesmiley - erm

Living in sin...smiley - devilsmiley - laugh

Back to Virginity

Post 2214

Doctor Earth-bound misfit.

Living in sin, sweet. Before i got married my mother was convined that it was never going to happen so she started giving away lots of stuff that now, I am having to buy at ridiculous expense.

You wouldn't have to get married but if you were to let them think that you might, think of the leverage you would have.......or am I just too manipulative???smiley - biggrin

Back to Virginity

Post 2215

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

he he...good callsmiley - winkeye

Though my parents give me credit anyway just for finally getting a boyfriend. And me grandma's worse. Every time she sees a baby she goes all gooey at it. I hope she doesn't try and talk to me lad or she'll probably scare him offsmiley - bigeyes

Back to Virginity

Post 2216

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That's the thing about older generations.

They don't want to get old, they would prefer to stay 21, yet can't wait for the next generation to appear.

Although, I would have waited longer than 41.....smiley - erm

That's why your gran goes gooey over babies - she has grandchildren of childbearing age. smiley - smiley
And I get made such a fuss of for being a grandma, I can only imagine the joy at having a great grandchild.

Blimey, I could be a great gran in 10 years time!

smiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikes

smiley - headhurts

Back to Virginity

Post 2217


I think my mum would be happier with me going out with another man than she is with my plans to remain single. What is it with her and the rest of my relatives? Hmm... perhaps I'll test them... smiley - winkeye

'Hey, mum, this is Bubba, and we're, erm, moving in together. Incidentally, see this ring? ...'

Moah ha ha ha-ha! smiley - devil

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2218

Researcher 159112


My parents reckon they won't be able to afford a wedding smiley - yikes

That's always assuming I'll find someone worth marrying who wants to marry *me* smiley - wah

Back to Virginity

Post 2219

Huffers, compulsive lurker

smiley - hug
Of course you will!

Ugh... don't you just hate it when you feel unsure of ever finding love smiley - erm

Back to Virginity

Post 2220


Ugh... don't you just wish you were a smiley - fish sometimes?

smiley - whistle

- Jordan

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