This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Back to Virginity

Post 2181

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Back to Virginity

Post 2182

Researcher 159112

smiley - yikes

Back to Virginity

Post 2183

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - laugh

Back to Virginity

Post 2184

Huffers, compulsive lurker

smiley - erm

Back to Virginity

Post 2185

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I think that was a joke btwsmiley - winkeye

Back to Virginity

Post 2186

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

What's the right age to lose your virginity? Well, however old you are when you're ready, of course!
I've never understood this big thing everyone makes of there being so much pressure in teenage society to lose it, I never really cared what anyone else thought. I waited.

Back to Virginity

Post 2187


Apparently, I live in one of the most sexually dense (as in, thick) areas of the UK... 1/3 of the people here believe that there's a cure for HIV, and some of the girls actually think they'd know if they had it because 'they'd stop having their period.' Girls /at the University/! smiley - yikes

smiley - erm

And everyone /know's/ the right age is 500. I plan to live about twice that long. smiley - winkeye

So Dragonfly (blessed be her name) was the closest, though she was out by a factor of 10. smiley - laugh

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2188


smiley - doh Galaxy Babe!

Why do there need to be so many Archangels? smiley - wah

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2189

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Because there are so many angels?smiley - smiley

smiley - flyhi

Back to Virginity

Post 2190


smiley - wah

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2191

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

smiley - towel ... loo brush ? smiley - cheerup ...

Back to Virginity

Post 2192


[Accepts towel, looking suspiciously at the loo-brush.]

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2193

Researcher 159112

In reply to post 2187... twice 500 eh? Are you some sort of Timelord??? smiley - biggrin

Back to Virginity

Post 2194


Nope, I just plan to live for a /very/ long time. I can't die before I'm 80. I plan to go in for every anti-aging trial there is. And I'm going to be first in line when they develop a cure! smiley - biggrinsmiley - scientist

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2195

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

I *hate* the idea of getting old and dying! It frightens me immensely!

Back to Virginity

Post 2196


Me too! Everyone says it would be horrible to be immortal, but I wish they would tell me how they know, on account of no one ever trying it. And besides, who actually /likes/ the idea of their body growing old and breaking down? I certainly don't.
Anyway, you could just end it if you were bored. It can't be too bad, living forever.

smiley - smiley

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2197

Huffers, compulsive lurker


Back to Virginity

Post 2198



smiley - hug

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2199

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I suppose it depends what sort of lifestyle you lead...

Back to Virginity

Post 2200


A /long/ one. smiley - winkeye

- Jordan

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