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Posted Jul 2, 2005
today, myself, my husband, children and mates joined with 200,000 others in my home town of Edinburgh, to demand a better deal for the world's poor. With the exception of one small bunch of rentamobs who got nabbed by the police with the big sticks, the event was peaceful (well it was noisy as hell but you know what I mean).
I frequently wonder, when I'm railing and raging against the wrongs in the world and I find myself, all too often surrounded by people who seem to be strangely in ignorance of the crap going on out there, if I am somehow unusual? Am I unduly concerned? Am I making a fuss? Do I just feel some sort of necessity to find things to be angry about (well yes actually - I'll probably have to conceed that last one, but anyway....)
And when I feel this way, I find the words from 'Mr Jones' by Bob Dylan, echoing through my head - 'Oh my god am I here all alone?'.
Well from now on, when I wonder that, I'm always going to have the memory of marching, in my grass stained white trousers, surrounded by people of all ages, social back grounds, creeds, colours, denominations and nationalities.
There were two unifying themes - the fact that they were, like me, were mostly dressed in white and the fact that they had come out, to show the money men of this world, that like me, they want the resources of this world shared.
No politician in the developed world, can make an arguement for the politics of selfishness being practised in our names after this. They may try but we can know they are liars.
Remember the tsunami? Well there's one every week - except there are no crashing waves, only the relentless onslaught of injustice. Today, millions around the world have risen to say they don't want it perpetrated in our name.
Oh and the ice cream van wasn't allowed to sell Coke - Class!
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Latest reply: Jul 2, 2005
Make Poverty History
Posted Apr 1, 2005
To try and support the make poverty history white band campaign, I have added a white band to my space with a link up to their webspace. I think it would be nice to try and get as many people as possible on the site to carry something similar. In case you wish to do the same, here is the guide ml to put the band on your space.
A child dies from poverty every 3 seconds. Click here to help make it stop
If you come up with anything better please let me know, but I thought this looked satisfactory. I thought it would be nice if this could be distributed so please forward it on if you wish.
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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2005
Posted Mar 31, 2005
The day from HADES,
We're out of coffee at work,
our London office have decided to forget to order in the equipment they need so we have to bail them out,
my ccomputer has aquired a trojan horse thanks to some bright spark form the IT support company having turned off my Norton antivirus to try and VNC my machine - which has caused half of Microsoft office to uninstall itself and prevent me from sending an email all afternoon (although on the plus side, I also couldn't recieve one, so every cloud/silver lining and all that)
then I get home and ruin most of dinner by making mashed yams that have the texture of cement and corn on the cob that could pierce sheets of steel.
Finally I've just spent 10 minutes on the phone to the NHS 24 hotline because my son has eaten and swallowed an entire packet of wrigley's spearmint that he'd managed to nick from my cupboard.
Turns out that it's a myth that it blocks your intestines - apparently it's digestible - although my son doesn't know that yet.
My son was somewhat taken aback to hear me asking whether he would need an ambulance - so should think twice before pulling that one again.
Yeah I know I'm evil - but the look on his face was priceless - little sod.
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Latest reply: Mar 31, 2005
the Dream.....
Posted Feb 9, 2005
Everyone else in the world has expired.
I picture myself, roaming the sreets alone. I Stop in book shops and help myself. I Pile the trolley in sainsbury's with the best of everything and retire home to eat it, without consequence.
I live in a world without noise, without expense, without Slimfast commercials, atkins, lo-carb options, without my boss phoning me to tell me things I already know, without my colleagues thinking the do not disturb button on my phone being activated, means knock on my door to tell me there's phone call instead, without war, without sky movies, without adverts, without cars, planes, trains, buses, traffic, tourists, fashion, insurance, mortgages, ISAs, soft strong reliable toilet tissue, ssri's, bse, e-coli, autism, MMR, Health visitors, GP's, MP's, MEP's, MSP's, councillers, mormons, double glazing, fitted kitchens, home owner loans and the Cartoon network.
then I remember, there'd be no more Green and Black's chocolate.
At that point I open my eyes and get out of bed.
Damn I'm cheap.
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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2005
Tell me why, I don't like Mondays...
Posted Jan 24, 2005
Monday, bloody Monday.
Anothe glorious week lies ahead of me with an indecent amount of work to be done. Had to bring crap home from work again.
Hate sitting in the kitchen going through pasperwork, just because I can't get it all done in time. I need help! aaagggghhhh.
Sitting now with laptop, writing as I watch a programme about a disease called Prader willi, that makes people eat and eat until they kill themselves. A real disease - or syndrome - not entirely sure which, as opposed to the more normal pie addiction suffered by the likes of my mum and her yoyo diets. Or maybe I'm wrong - maybe that is what's wrong with my mum. She's about 20 stone now and stills lies to me about how much she eats. Feel like I'm the bloody parent instead of her.
Haven't heard from Dad for a wee while - but he's sure to call soon. Fairly sure he was drunk last time he called.
It's great fun being me.
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Latest reply: Jan 24, 2005
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