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Good Morning
U1250369 Posted Mar 31, 2005
Glad to see you're back. You had good weather didn't you....
We stayed close to home over Easter as didn't fancy getting snarled up in traffic jams.
Speak soon, me !!
Good Morning
Shirps Posted Apr 5, 2005
Good Morning - well, it will be in 3 & half hours!!
Here's a morning for you, in case I can't get back here tomorrow - message left on "Good Afternoon" thread.
Can we stick to this one? I don't feel very clever at present & I am getting easily confused with everything else going on - I only have a few little grey cells left
Hope all is well with you?
Won't be too long before I'm back to normal (well, whatever that is!)
Here's a little bit of to see you through to lunch again.
Good Morning
U1250369 Posted Apr 6, 2005
Good morning
Yes, of course we can stick to this thread. I will read the Afternoon one in a mo.
Oh, I am sorry if you're poorly again........touch wood I'm feeling all right and normally I am such a delicate little creature....
and no
for me please. I am a bloater
Good Morning
Shirps Posted Apr 6, 2005
No, no, no - not poorly again (mind you haven't really got strength back to 100% yet) - just loads to do ... & I usually lead such a quiet life!!
I've been pretty low in mood since deciding to retire from the secretary bit, I sort of feel like it's my baby: having worked & built it up over 11 years - all on the computer & standard letters, databases, posters, membership cards, etc. I made sure to get all the equipment for printing it all out, etc. BUT something had to go & it wasn't going to be my husband Maybe I'm heading for "that" time of life?
I've so much to do at home anyway, but no time for it! I have boxes & boxes of photographic slides that my father had taken when he was alive. I'd really like to get them all scanned in to the 'puter & put on CDs/DVDs so the rest of the family can enjoy them. Lots of things like that to do - you know!
Kitchen is coming along - cooker delivered yesterday - gas man coming tomorrow, then the rest of the kitchen can be fitted - should be about another month . Then I'd really like to practice cooking again!!
I used to cook alot when I was younger, but when my husband came along & I couldn't peel veggies (trouble with hands) - he sortof took over the cooking side of things!
Anyway, here I am again rambling, but taking a break from phone calls
The weather is foul here & I've just washed 3 sort of cosy wrap things - suppose they'll have to hang over the banisters & impregnate the air indoors with dampness too
We've got to go to the Mayor's reception (cheese & wine) evening tonight - his portait is to be "unveiled" - Got to put in an appearance - still the
will be worth it - try to avoid the cheese though - the pounds seem to be going on somewhat - must be all these horrid m/wave meals we've eaten
Dentist tomorrow
Oh, what a week!
Now you take care of yourself - you delicate little, ahem, creature - what about ?
Good Morning
Shirps Posted Apr 6, 2005
PS: Just read other now closed thread
The word seems to change around late Thursday, but sometimes later - if that's any help!!!
Yep, I saw your "copy" - great minds think alike ...... eh?
Ah well, better get back to some more telephone calls & w*** -
Good Morning
U1250369 Posted Apr 6, 2005
Yes, I am more of an
I don't mind going to the dentists. (You will by now have realised I tell lies !)
Seriously it depends what he's got to do. I am only grateful I have most of my teeth.
Oh that age ! What with the hot and feelings of
Can't go
mood swings, weight gain. You're far too young !!
Sorry you've had to give up your secretary role. But time for a change and at least you get the chance to do more for yourself
What a brilliant idea to put all your photographs on CD. I look at old photographs now and haven't got a clue who all those people are. Mind, that's probably my age
Enjoy the mayor's do won't you. Cheese and wine parties. God, that takes me back.......
Blue sky here and brilliant sunshine. Been for a lovely walk once today and will go out in an hour or so. I could have dried your washing for you !
I am clearing my space of about 2 million subjects. If I ever delete you, it will be a mistake. Eyes go a bit after a while.
I like to cook. I enjoy it more if it's appreciated, otherwise I feel just a smidgeon and put upon....Violins please !!
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Good Morning
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