This is the Message Centre for Shirps

Good Morning

Post 141


Hi there!

Sometimes good to have a clear out smiley - biggrin

smiley - ok, here's your smiley - stout - didn't they used to give HARD crisps when the tonsils were taken out? Have some normal hard ones instead smiley - evilgrinsmiley - sorry here's some blackcurrant pastilles instead smiley - ok

Plodding on OK, still have the cough, but then there's still alot of dust flying around smiley - sadface

Ah, well I only met my now-husband 2 years before she went to uni & just at the time she left, we decided to live together. I thought: at last, peace! However, she was on the phone alot & came out of uni at almost the end of the first term to try for a medical doctor course. (That failed & the following year she went back to the original course)

If I had been on my own I am not sure exactly what I would have done, I suppose continue being secretary to the art society, as now. Maybe I would have become a Stepford woman smiley - laugh Maybe catch up on odd things I'd always wanted to do?

Good Morning

Post 142



Being a Stepford woman now. Clearing and deleting. smiley - laugh So time consuming.......

I think they used to give you toast didn't they smiley - nurse ?

Thank god I've managed to hold onto my tonsils all these years.

Lets not talk about Stepford women any more. I am feeling inadequate. They never drink you knowsmiley - laugh

Good Morning

Post 143


NO drinking? That will never do smiley - laugh

How many smiley - stiffdrinks or smiley - redwines have you had this evening? smiley - biggrin I'm on my 3rd, but other half has gone to the coast for the weekend - left about an hour ago - so Hollysmiley - dog will be staying upstairs with me & she snores smiley - biggrin

I've still got my tonsils, but my daughter had hers removed some years back - short story already typed under reply to forthcoming operation journal entry smiley - yawn

I've told the chairman of the art society today, that my husband & I will be resigning from the posts of secretary & treasurer (I do all the treasury work anyway). 11 years is just too long & now that I need more hand ops, etc., - I am all wrung out - can't find any enthusiasm for it anymore & I have so many other bits & pieces I want to do.

Anyway, we have our committee meeting in 2 weeks, so he said to wait till then & see what we could sort!!!!! NOOOOOOOO! I don't want to "sort", I want to resign smiley - ok

Good Morning

Post 144


Have you tried the Telegram Playing Game? Not sure how to post a thread, but this should do: I haven't tried for a few weeks, but very thought provoking

Good Morning

Post 145


Thanks Shirps !smiley - biggrin

Will have a look over the week-end, and I'll catch up with your journalsmiley - smiley

Exhausted todaysmiley - erm

Good Morning

Post 146



Not surprised you're exhausted: illness & keeping on going ... smiley - running .. here, there & everywhere smiley - musicalnote (can't reach the top note though!)

Put your feet up with a good book & a smiley - tea & indulge yourself ... well, for as long as you are able smiley - winkeye

Take care.

Good Morning

Post 147


Morning smiley - coffee and smiley - tea

Lovely Beatles song....the trick is to start it off in the key of B flatsmiley - winkeye

Will the sun shine todaysmiley - erm Must check the weather forcast.

Have a good daysmiley - run !

Good Morning

Post 148


smiley - ta for the smiley - coffee

You're up early!!!! smiley - yikes

smiley - ermThey promised a beautiful weekend - huh!

I don't trust weathermen anymore smiley - sadface

I love music, have loads of albums & CDs - various artistes - , but smiley - erm I got 13% for one music exam, the teacher wasn't going to read out my result smiley - sadfacesmiley - biggrin

So I guess what you're saying is begin the song in a lower key, oh, & slightly, what I call off-key, ie: flat?

Enough of the music lesson.

Have a great "rest of the weekend" smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

Good Morning

Post 149


Eveningsmiley - smiley

Up with the larks this morning.smiley - erm

Weather lovely here for the past two days. Musn't grumblesmiley - laugh

Music....always start in a lower key. Guess I'm as flat as they come - but I don't care. I'll sing anywhere and to anybody smiley - somersault

I've got music on really loud at the moment. Boys out else they'd be embarrassedsmiley - winkeye

Good Morning

Post 150


... and a very good morning smiley - biggrin

smiley - tea for you? Just drinking my first smiley - coffee - ah! That's better ... now for the second & I'll be human again smiley - laugh

Still overcast here, but I'll risk it & hang out the washing anyway!

My husband has been away to the coast this weekend - yep, chance to play the music fairly loudly too smiley - biggrin

Didn't bother singing though - every time I tried I broke out with this wretched cough that's going on & on & on .... smiley - sadface

I always used to duet with Cat Stevens in my younger days smiley - winkeye (smiley - erm well, still do now).

Out today - food shopping smiley - yawn, but vinyl being laid tomorrow smiley - ok

Hope you're having a good beginning to the week smiley - magic

Good Morning

Post 151


Morning smiley - tea and smiley - oj please. You smiley - coffee ?

Grey here smiley - cross

Hang out the washing in a mosmiley - biggrin

I've got the music on fairly loudly this am smiley - puff

Oh, I sing and prance about all the time smiley - diva

Cat Stevens....oh, he was goodsmiley - smiley Probably still issmiley - erm

Good luck with your floor covering tomorrow. Shopping - hate it !!

Gotta smiley - run Out on and off all day. Oh, thank godsmiley - laugh

Good Morning

Post 152


smiley - ta for the smiley - coffee - my 3rd this morning smiley - tongueout

Hey, we'll be hanging out the washing at the same time smiley - eureka

I "prance" when there's the space - still jammed packed with boxes smiley - biggrin

CS - I have, I think, all his albums.

Don't smiley - run too much & wear yourself out smiley - ok

Catch you later ...

Good Morning

Post 153


9.26 am...clock watching smiley - smiley

If I'm still here at 9.55 I'll be very smiley - cross with myself

Door bell's just gone - thought it was the neighbours complaining about the musicsmiley - laugh

Coo, fancy that with the washing. Wooden or plastic pegs

Oh, god, I'm getting saddersmiley - blush

Good Morning

Post 154


2.25pm - not that I'm clock watching smiley - whistle

Well, the day hasn't gone quite to plan - club member turned up this morning, so we went out for lunch - gulp, a big fry-up smiley - yikes, but I smiley - erm have been living on toast over the weekend smiley - ok - I felt a bit dizzy & strange, so we came home smiley - sadface Food shopping tomorrow after vinyl man smiley - yawn

We've just managed to move the washing machine into the back garden & found a big yellow plastic bag (used to be garden furniture cover) to cover it with - just in case it rains - so the kitchen is all clear & ready smiley - biggrin

smiley - erm plastic pegs, but if I run out I have some wooden ones - don't use those too much as they take too long to dry out if it rains smiley - laugh - now who's sadder (rofl)

Off to get forty winks - still feel a little odd (more than usual smiley - biggrin) - just hope that virus isn't coming back smiley - yuk

smiley - erm just wondered ... have you bought Tony Christie's "Is this the way to Ama...."? Apparently it's knocked McFly off the top. Thought you may like to prance down the garden path or up the stairs to the music smiley - roflsmiley - cool

Good Morning

Post 155


17.05.........Got to go out again.smiley - biggrin

That dreadful SW played 'Is this the way...' at 2.00 today. I had the misfortune to catch the first few bars.
McFly off the No 1 slot eh...smiley - laugh
smiley - erm I won't be buying it......probably got the original somewheresmiley - blush

Sorry you're not feeling so well again. This is one smiley - yuk virus that's going around.

Maybe you'll feel a little better after your little ....smiley - zzz

It's raining. Washing's still outsmiley - wah

Good Morning

Post 156


11.05 time for smiley - zzz

You are a real devil for punishment! What are you taking to give you all this energy?

I'm feeling really sluggish & fed up smiley - sadface

Might be going to the coast for Easter (Norfolk), so hopefully the clean air & change might just bolster me up again smiley - magic

Aaargh! Wet washing - oh, leave it out overnight, tomorrow may be better & it'll all dry beautifully fresh smiley - ok Hope your pegs were plastic smiley - rofl

Talking of embarrassing records: I have two: the best of Herman's Hermits & Barry White - the best of. Now is that sad or is that sad? smiley - blush

On the other hand, I believe I do have some Led Zep, Genesis & Madness. I have a varied taste smiley - whistle

I can sing Rosie & Jim now - thank you smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye

Good Morning

Post 157


Good evening smiley - erm good morning !

What do you mean...I'm taking nothing. I'm just an energetic Stepford womansmiley - laugh

Thought you were in bed anywaysmiley - biggrin

Norfolk is lovely. Flat, but still lovely. Where are you going Gt Yarmouth ? Hemsby's nicesmiley - smiley

I got rid of all my old records in various house moves. Bit of a gypsysmiley - blush Michael wossisname would have had my guts for garters I expect.

Have a nice tuesday smiley - laugh

Good Morning

Post 158


smiley - erm Good afternoon - the day after smiley - laugh

Thought we weren't going to mention Step**** again smiley - laugh

I was in bed, but I got up again - eventually smiley - biggrin

Yes, very near Hemsby - Winterton-on-Sea! A little village - my husband & his family have a bungalow right on the cliff: walk down the steps at the end of the garden, onto the dunes & carry on walking to the sea smiley - biggrin It will be a good break - IF the weather is kind to us, fingers xed smiley - smiley It's Holly's birthday tomorrow - so a good treat for her smiley - winkeye

Couldn't part with any of my LPs - all in cases, but I can't get to the record player very easily until I've re-arranged the lounge, so they don't get played - BUT I know I still have them smiley - laugh

We're off tomorrow till probably next Tuesday, so have a smiley - magic weekend, don't work too hard & go easy on all that smiley - choc - smiley - rofl

smiley - dog

Good Morning

Post 159


smiley - biggrinGood evening

I was lying about the S women smiley - sorry Won't happen againsmiley - winkeye

I don't think I've ever been to W-on-Sea. It sounds really lovely.
I hope the weather holds up for you. smiley - rainbow
Does Holly go in the sea ? Some dogs love it while others can be a little hesitant.
It's thunder and lightening here, and raining stair-rodssmiley - sadface

Looking forward to the break myself.

Been out tonight and I am absolutely shattered. Blanket switched on so not long before smiley - zzz

smiley - choc is going to have to go. I am practically elephantinesmiley - wah

Speak next week, Happy Holidays,

See ya !

Good Morning

Post 160



We're back - having a smiley - coffee & then a smiley - redwine & then smiley - zzz

Speak tomorrow - hope you're OK & had a good weekend.

smiley - ok
smiley - dogsmiley - sleepy

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