This is the Message Centre for Shirps

Good morning

Post 81


No, no, no - the post was late - from last year smiley - rofl

Good morning

Post 82


Please don't be smiley - envy

smiley - evilgrin

Good morning

Post 83


I'm sorry - just can't help it! I only get one & I have to make absolutely sure I've dropped enough hints smiley - winkeye

No really, I'm very happy for you smiley - somersault - have you any idea who it's from?

It's great having a mystery isn't it? Have they stuck to the true form & insulted you? smiley - biggrin

Good morning

Post 84


You would have screamed if you'd been here !

Red envelope addressed to self

SWALK on the reverse

Opened up - all excited and trembling -

Card inside says 'To my darling Chip' smiley - love

Yes, it was from Hellmans, with a 30p coupon off any jar of mayosmiley - sadface

Yeah, sure, let's get it on (as they say)

Runs off crying..........

Good morning

Post 85


smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

How absolutely awful for you - my deepest sympathies - how cruel & smiley - evilgrin - I'd have to do something back to them - haven't a clue what though!

Couldn't you tippex the name out & make out the card was from someone else? Or is it too blatently obvious?

Mind you that doesn't help the disappointment smiley - sadface

Have a smiley - choc & a hot steaming smiley - tea, here's a smiley - towel to mop up the beads of frustration

Good morning

Post 86


In the circumstances, best laugh I'd had for ages.

Anyway, off to Tesco to spend me coupon !

Good morning

Post 87


That's the right attitude m'girl, chin up, walk tall & all that smiley - biggrin

I'll have a chicken mayo sarni tomorrow please smiley - tongueout

Good morning

Post 88


Morning smiley - coffeesmiley - tea brandy

One chicken sarnie, heavy on the mayo coming right up !smiley - winkeye

Salad ?

Catch you later for a smiley - redwine maybe !

Good morning

Post 89


Gee smiley - ta for the caffeine/alcohol boost! (oops slipped into American terminology there - mustn't let it happen again smiley - winkeye)

I'll take the sarni with me - oh yes, I'll help you out: loads of mayo, a bit of salad, but only if you have enough. Hairdresser apptmt. at 11.45: trim & highlights smiley - wow Getting ready to go to my daughter's doctorate ceremony next Tues/Wed - we're going to stay the night beforehand as it is in Bristol & she lives in Newbury.

Another piece of coffee smiley - cake (before HE finishes it off)?

Did you tell the checkout person about the voucher or did you keep somewhat silent smiley - biggrin

Have a pleasant day - yep, catch you later - it's tipping it down with rain & windy here smiley - yuk

Good morning

Post 90


Hi again smiley - bubbly for me in a mo. And for you ? Nibbles ?

Oh, lucky you getting highlights. What colour ?

My hair's a bit smiley - flyhi at the moment.

Bristol should be smiley - cool Your daughter sounds a pretty clever girl smiley - smiley You will be very proud of her.

Good morning

Post 91



Hands not good - so had a rest smiley - sadface

smiley - tea? smiley - sorry: smiley - cake's all gone smiley - cheerup

Fair highlights - I have fair wavy/curly hair, but it tends to get a bit mousy at the root end. They are natural looking highlights - always fancied a black or blonde streak, but never dared smiley - biggrin

Same thing, hair had got smiley - flyhi so had a trim too - it's a pain smiley - winkeye

Yep, I am SO proud of her - she has worked very, very hard & there have been alot of tears & frustration too. I kept reminding her that she is the first woman in our family to go to uni, never mind the doctorate smiley - wow. I am sure I will shed a few tears when she goes up to receive her certificate smiley - wah - not quite that bad!!

In past generations it wasn't the "thing" for women to go, even if they had the intelligence. My mother should have been a vet, but her father had to pay for his son's education, rather than his daughter, because he was "a male & would have a family to look after" smiley - grr

I was an all rounder & got diabetes just before going to grammer school, which rather mixed up everything. I had lost 2 years of schooling at junior school until they found what was wrong with me - we had a stupid doctor smiley - biggrin C'est la vie!

Anyway - lunch soon - another cold sandwich smiley - biggrin He's just knocked a big hole in the chimney breast - dust everywhere again - wish I could send through some photos smiley - rofl

Good morning

Post 92


Don't worry about the smiley - cake (who's been greedysmiley - winkeye)

Your hair sounds gorgeous. Hope you don't mean one big black streaksmiley - laugh Can't imagine that. I keep thinking 'badger' Sorry !!!smiley - tongueout

It's so true what you say about girls education. And if money was tight, always the boys first !!! C'est la vie. smiley - erm

I can imagine your place. Does 'he' know what he's doing smiley - biggrin

So many of them don't smiley - somersault

If I don't speak before you go to Bristol, safe journey and have a lovely couple of days with your daughter.

smiley - redwine ? Is it tiffin time ?

Good morning

Post 93


Just back from our Art Soc. meeting - Chairman wound me up, caretaker wound me up, refreshments lady wound me up - husband had the cheek when we going home to say "you shouldn't let them get to you" smiley - grr

This, I think, is my 12th year of being secretary - d'you reckon it's time I retired? If only I could find someone suitable to take it on smiley - sadface

Just downed a smiley - coffee with caffeine, followed by a large Baileys smiley - tongueout ... that's better. Ready for smiley - zzz now!

Sure to speak at least once maybe smiley - ok

If not, Thursday probably!

Good morning

Post 94


Night night. Don't let the bs get you down.smiley - erm

Hey, tonight I was given a his and hers Valentine Day....smiley - biggrin

will send it to you....don't be shocked with me will you !!smiley - laugh

It's them others smiley - yikes

Good morning

Post 95


For you on Monday morning:


I'm not going to sign this, so you will NEVER guess who it's from smiley - rofl

Good morning

Post 96


Babes !

smiley - rose

smiley - kiss

Good morning

Post 97


Long time - no chat!!!! No special smiley - coffees either smiley - sadface Missed you!

Is everything smiley - ok with you? Hope you're not ill or even worse ... frozen smiley - wah. Here's a hot smiley - towel to help you thaw out smiley - cheerup

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 98


Morning !

How are you ? How was Bristol ?

smiley - coffee and a very large brandy for you !

Weather so smiley - brr

Good morning

Post 99


Afternoon smiley - smiley

Just been out & was caught in a snow shower - as soon as I was indoors there was blue sky & sunshine - crazy weather .

smiley - ta Brandy much needed - think I've caught a cold from R's grandson!

Bristol was sunny, but cold smiley - brr - explains most about it in my journal "My Proudest Day" - have a peek smiley - winkeye

Afternoon smiley - tea for you? I've just bought a walnutsmiley - cake - fancy a slice before it disappears? smiley - biggrin

Good morning

Post 100


Hi again !

I smiley - love seeing snow, but not happy about driving in it.smiley - erm

Will look at your journal later

smiley - tea please and smiley - cake Yummy. You do buy good things. smiley - ta

Have a hot smiley - milk and whiskey for your cold. It beats lemsipsmiley - laugh

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