This is the Message Centre for Shirps
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 17, 2005
Good of you to drop by
Out of curio, which site of mine have you looked at? or both? I joined a few years back & then re-joined recently - but there are links on both pages
NO! I should never have mentioned it - I'm being badgered at home & now here
It's alot easier to break a fingernail
A friend of mine did it by going to bed for 2 weeks with a continuous supply of whiskey
I am building up to another attempt & will let everyone know how it is going
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 17, 2005
By the by: for the
In future though could you get me a
, oh plus some
- just to start the day off right
Good morning
U1250369 Posted Jan 17, 2005
. I'll remember
The new site only. Not had the time to look at many of the sites, just keep posting
I stopped smoking. Ate like a mad woman. Started smoking. Ate.......
I'm a goody two shoes now. Well, apart from the alcohol etc
Bye, gotta
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 17, 2005
Don't tell me you have actually succeeded in giving up smoking? Not with twins around surely
, HOW?
Food, oh yes, BIG problem - substitute needed: non fattening , non fattening
, non fattening biscuits (there is no icon for biccies, but I found these and - when you have time! - can't seem to transfer them through though - unless you can find out how )
Chewing gum gives me chronic indigestion
Best go & eat lunch - stomach is moaning - all this talk of food
Good morning
U1250369 Posted Jan 18, 2005
Even with twins it was difficult and a
Pure will power Shirps !
Thanks for the sites. Will look in the morning when I'm free
Here's some . No chewing gum. Yukkie for you.
Bye for now
......ooh must get a little sign off for me. Will have a good ferret thro' the smiley thingies.......
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 18, 2005
Suggest it to them! I've already asked for "monkey"!! (Question threads at bottom of smiley pages) - prob. never happen though
I often wonder if there is some way of transferring a pic from "outside" of h2 - never got round to asking
Just downed 3 & feel fine, just rather
I think, somewhere, I came across more smileys, but can't remember where - maybe during conversations at sometime, somewhere .......
I'm starting to drivel on, better sign off
Good morning
U1250369 Posted Jan 18, 2005
I am such a good girl tonight. Only one
So far
My tongue is still attached to my brain.
A monkey would be good.
Chips can be greasy. Think Macdonalds. No don't !
I've seen transferred pics, but no idea how to do em.
Fancy a biscuit ?
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 18, 2005
biscuit? Tell more! Should I say yes ...... with a , of course!
Don't you dare put "robin" on the next one-word game
Good morning
U1250369 Posted Jan 18, 2005
Oh dear, should have put no to . I'll do you a flask of
for the morning. Get your own
Nah, didn't put robin. Felt like putting That makes me
to be cheeky
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 18, 2005
for the ready-made morning
about being cheeky on here, as long as you don't go too far
Good fun tonight with the words - wait till the Prof. sees it in the morning
Anyway time for now - keep in touch
Good morning
U1250369 Posted Jan 18, 2005
Night night , Shirps. Sweet dreams.
Thanks for taking the time to chat
No, I'm being careful !!!
PS biscuits are my left overs from Xmas. I can't give them away !
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 19, 2005
Hi there
Hey that flask of went down really well this morning!
Christmas! Not surprised you can't give them away
Give the birds a real treat ...........
Speak soon
Good morning
U1250369 Posted Jan 19, 2005
Oops, just posted to you. Where's it gone
was just right was it ? Expect that was the brandy
Got your in for later ?
Biscuits not soft enough for the birds
Off to play now, oh, and look at your web things
Bye !
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 19, 2005
Ah, zo zat waz ze zecret ingredient
Of course, shopping yesterday for my mum and us - I ALWAYS get bought a box of red/white wine - it's white this time, but I'll refer to it as - again they haven't got an icon - sigh!
Leave them out in the rain they'll soften up fast enough - besides when the old pigeons or starlings come down they're not really fussy
Hope you "had" fun & didn't get too wound up - if you find out anything, you will let me know, won't you? - pretty please
Speak later
Good morning
U1250369 Posted Jan 19, 2005
Now, come on, what is there to find out
You tell me first .
Wound up No, not any more.........
The cognac was good eh
The wood pigeons are obese enough. Funny enough, no starlings here.
Good morning
Shirps Posted Jan 19, 2005
To fall into the essence of this site: "life, the universe & everything" (or something like that).
I meant about putting piccies where you want to & how
So when you were playing around with the computer sites, you ACTUALLY managed to stay calm
Smashing cognac! French was it?
Our wood pigeons are too, R won't let me get a gun to them though There are 2 doves that manage most mornings to get down before the pigeons, otherwise they have no chance! The bluetits have a go at the nuts ALL day long & the sparrows flit around all day too.
The starlings seem to arrive later in the day - when there isn't much left
I sound like my brother, talking about birds! We have a terrace house with a through lounge - so can see front patch & back patch. Ooutside the front window is a holly bush where we've hung the nuts so there is always something going on!!!!
Just finishing my green tea - clearing out my system, don't you know, ready for the 5pm glass of
Good morning
U1250369 Posted Jan 19, 2005
It's very difficult at times to understand. Told you I was a
I bet if you asked about pics to the right people, you'd get loads of info.
I try to be and now I don't look at some sites. New Year's resolution. One of them anyway.
Yes, French. You said you only liked the good stuff
Put your gun away, Annie ! No sparrows here, lots of finches and tits. And a sparrow hawk. They make me so when they eat and catch those poor little chaffinches. Hell. I'M losing it now !!
Green tea makes me feel sick. I suppose that's the cleaning out process starting.
As they say, it's 5 o'clock somewhere. I think it's an alcohol free night for me.
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Good morning
- 1: U1250369 (Jan 17, 2005)
- 2: Shirps (Jan 17, 2005)
- 3: Shirps (Jan 17, 2005)
- 4: U1250369 (Jan 17, 2005)
- 5: Shirps (Jan 17, 2005)
- 6: U1250369 (Jan 18, 2005)
- 7: Shirps (Jan 18, 2005)
- 8: U1250369 (Jan 18, 2005)
- 9: Shirps (Jan 18, 2005)
- 10: U1250369 (Jan 18, 2005)
- 11: Shirps (Jan 18, 2005)
- 12: U1250369 (Jan 18, 2005)
- 13: Shirps (Jan 18, 2005)
- 14: U1250369 (Jan 18, 2005)
- 15: Shirps (Jan 19, 2005)
- 16: U1250369 (Jan 19, 2005)
- 17: Shirps (Jan 19, 2005)
- 18: U1250369 (Jan 19, 2005)
- 19: Shirps (Jan 19, 2005)
- 20: U1250369 (Jan 19, 2005)
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