This is the Message Centre for Shirps

Good morning

Post 21


As you might of guessed I'm not a complete health fanatic, but some of the different teas really seem to help me, especially ginger for indigestion! smiley - biggrin - "is she smiling or is it wind?"

Have you looked at the Prof's site? It seems to go on forever ..... must have taken him/her ages smiley - wow

Thank you for giving me the good stuff - makes a change, usually get given the grotty kind smiley - laugh

We've trained Holly, so if we just say the word "cat" she barks & tears to the back door to go out! If we go to the back door & quietly say "cat" while opening the door quietly - she stays quiet & then charges down the garden path barking smiley - laugh We've had loads of other people's cats in our little garden: after the birds & messing all over the place, so we got a bit cheesed off with it!

Do you good for one night I am sure smiley - biggrin - abstaining

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 22


Morning smiley - smiley

The usual for you ?

Who is the Prof ? Not Mr Animal surely smiley - biggrin

Off to work, catch you later.

Holly eh ........what a girl !!

Good morning

Post 23



Yes, thanks - missed the speciality flask this morning smiley - biggrin

Prof (on the word threads)

Holly: dog-no, girl-yes - she has R wrapped completely round her paw - me as well, mind you, whenever he goes away she's straight upstairs at bedtime & then has the audacity to sleep in (last weekend till 12.45pm!) When R is at home she wakes him by barking at anything from 6.30am. smiley - biggrin

Hope you've had a good day smiley - biggrin

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 24



Here's your flask for tomorrowsmiley - winkeye

You're costing me a fortunesmiley - biggrin

Lunch break. Don't fancy anything to eat.

Can I ask, what sort of girl smiley - dog you have ?

smiley - sorry it it's on your PS.

I really *must* get to grips with reading some profiles smiley - blue

Catch you later

Good morning

Post 25


Well, a very big smiley - ta for tomorrow's flask!

Aren't I worth the cost? I keep asking my husband that smiley - laugh

Careful there, eat at least at each mealtime - your energy levels need food - doesn't have to be much. It's a drag sometimes having diabetes, because when I'm not hungry I still HAVE to eat, but I can get away with something like a milky coffee & large banana!! No comments please smiley - winkeye

Holly's mum was a x between a whippet & Jack Daniels (whoops! on my brain smiley - biggrin) Jack Russell, but her father is ...unknown. Her mum came from Wood Green, but no-one knew she was expecting pups. I was looking for a dog at the time (I grew up with dogs - mum bred them) & R heard of these pups - so we "risked" it & spent a tenner to buy her!

It's not on my space, but I think I may add it - save the old fingers - thanks for the idea smiley - ok

Must re-read yours again too!

Yep, later ....
smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 26


PS: I think I'll do you a packed lunch for tomorrow & check you've eaten it - any special requests? smiley - tongueout

Good morning

Post 27


Shirps !! How lovely of you to think of a packed lunch smiley - drool

Celery, carrots, cucumber and cauliflower florets with a Tzatziki dip

Mars Bar


And if you can think of anything as a little extra treat, I would be soo appreciative. Surprise me !

Yes, I'm pretty damned exhausted as you can imagine. smiley - erm

Good morning

Post 28


OK, all packed & in the fridge - there is a little extra something, but you'll find it tomorrow lunchtime - no peeking smiley - winkeye

I'll send it during the night - refridgerator mail - so don't forget it now smiley - biggrin

Have a good night's rest. Read my journal if you get a chance to find out what happened to me tonight smiley - sadface

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 29


Hi, just had a long phone call. Work. Oh, I'm spent with it all.

OK, I'm a workaholic, but only in my time smiley - cross

Fancy a smiley - redwine ?smiley - biggrin

Hey, I'll nip and look at your journal.

Good morning

Post 30


Did you remember to take your lunch? Was it OK?

smiley - ermDid you enjoy the fresh, destoned cherries with creme fraiche?

Now you're home, relax with a smiley - stiffdrink before those kids start to wind you up again smiley - biggrin

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 31


Shirps. You are an smiley - angel

Cherries were to die for. And the creme fraiche. smiley - drool

Surprise !! Special offer at Threshers, BOGOF, so here you are. A spare smiley - gift of vin rouge, or vino rosso if you prefer.


Hope you have a lovely week-end. Anything nice planned ?

Football tomorrow for the Chips boys.

Good morning

Post 32


I am smiley - wow - tell my husband would you? smiley - smiley

Nothing planned - just the usual humdrum ..........

Except for this morning - I've got to get down to the local hall where we hold our art soc. meetings - I've organised another workshop so I just have to check off who has turned up & try to retrieve the money from those who haven't paid yet! Must change the system smiley - biggrin Then I'll leave them working - come home & go back to bed smiley - laugh

Enjoy the football!

I watched the first Man Utd game last night - the old films from c.1900 to 190.. that have been discovered, restored & are showing on BBC2 - it really shows life in the Edwardian times - mainly in the North of England.

Gotta go smiley - run

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 33


Hope you got your money !

Good morning

Post 34



Only 7 came to the workshop (we allow for 15), but I retrieved any monies owing! smiley - smiley We'd had nearly a full workshop, but people cried off either because a) they were ill, or b) they hadn't paid & couldn't be bothered to go, or c) something better came up smiley - sadface As I said, in future we'll get their money before they go on the list - ha! However, a small class is not a bad thing, but the society loses money - ah well: put the prices up for the next 3 - that'll show 'em. smiley - evilgrin

Anyway, how was the football? Do you stay & watch or just give them a lift to play?

Did the rest of your weekend go OK?

Here's a smiley - tea to help keep you going or are you a smiley - coffee fiend too?

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 35


Morningsmiley - biggrin

smiley - tea or smiley - coffee Grateful to anybody who makes me a drink.

Football was great. Boys wonsmiley - magic

Club's fancy dress Saturday night. Don't asksmiley - erm

You're very organised with your art thingie

Good morning

Post 36


What about an IV drip from the coffee machine smiley - winkeye

Well done those boys (& the rest of the team, of course!) smiley - cheers

Football Club I assume? But smiley - sorry I've got to ask: what did you go dressed as? smiley - evilgrin

Oh! Everyone says how "organised I am" - smiley - biggrin you ought to see the bits of paper lying around at home - I keep looking at it: I know what I've got to do & get on to do it, but ...., well ..... there's always something better to do smiley - biggrin My last boss told me that I always worked best in an urgent situation! Sums me up: so the paper will stay there & the phone calls will wait - right to the last minute, not too late mind, but in time & no-one will know any different smiley - rofl

Enjoy the smiley - tea - I'm just downing a plain ordinary smiley - coffeesmiley - sadface made by myself smiley - oksmiley - laugh I am going to have a chunk of smiley - choc - just to keep the carbs up smiley - winkeye

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 37


Oh, what a I am ! Here's a little silver flask of brandy. smiley - sorry

Football club yes. Need it for the social life smiley - biggrin

Boys went as Chang and Eng. I was kjoehsjr'@jfjou tee hee

Good morning

Post 38


Why smiley - ta SO much! smiley - biggrin I really am a happy smiley - bunny now - down the hatch, as they say, well it is 12.20pm smiley - laugh

Art Society - needed for the social life smiley - biggrin (Although I seem to do alot of work!)

smiley - ermsmiley - doh "Chang and Eng. I was kjoehsjr'@jfjou tee hee" - thicko here: explain please smiley - biggrin

Have a good lunch - just put your feet up & relax smiley - zen

smiley - dog

Good morning

Post 39


smiley - flustered Too embarrassing to say my dear.

Lunch is a rice cakesmiley - erm

Good morning

Post 40


Is someone looking over your shoulder? Go on, you can tell me - I won't tell anyone smiley - evilgrin

Here's a little bit of smiley - porkpie & some smiley - strawberries - you'll completely waste away otherwise - enjoy

smiley - dog

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