Journal Entries
Posted Aug 6, 2005
Hmmm, well, I just posted most of what follows in a thread in Mina's journal and then realised it probably belonged more in my own.
I think I might have to cut down on my h2g2 time a bit...
Recently I seemed to have a bit more time and I volunteered to start scouting again for the Edited Guide a couple of weeks ago - but since I've come back from Italy I've hardly been on h2g2 (the prospect of grappling with all the backlog wasn't an appealing one) and now the football season's started I can't see where I'm going to get the time from. I've been meaning to write up my road trip for a week now and that hasn't happened yet either, although of course I'll get round to it eventually.
The Italics haven't given me my Scout's badge yet, but when they do I might have to hand it back to them.
The thing is, there are so many things I want to do in real life. I'm really enjoying my social life - and there's probably a finite amount of time left with that. Like women get a biological clock ticking because of time running out in which to find partners and make babies, I've got a sociological clock ticking with time running out in which to have drinking and dancing partners and have fun before all my friends end up getting married and having kids! And I'm working six days a week doing my football reporting thing on Saturday, playing football in the park on Tuesday nights and I still really want to be in a band as well and will have to find time for that somehow
Doubtless GreyDesk and Master B's football competitions will keep me coming back here on a regular basis, so I'll still be floating around from time to time, I might just be reading and writing a lot less.
Equally, if things get quieter at work again in a few weeks you might never notice the difference. But I might try and stop myself logging on from home in the evenings because it does swallow up huge chunks of time.
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Latest reply: Aug 6, 2005
Posted Aug 2, 2005
I've just got hold of six tickets to see the Pixies at Alexandra Palace in London on the 1st of September!
They were the second band I ever saw live, and I was gutted to miss the shows they played in London a few months ago. And now they're playing a gig on my manor!
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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2005
The Italian Job
Posted Jul 22, 2005
Well, it's late on Friday night and I am completely failing to get packed for setting off on our Road Trip on Sunday morning.
I'm supposed to be looking up the weather for Dijon, Venice, Monaco and Clermont-Ferrand but I got sidetracked and am posting here instead...
And I've got to get packed tonight because tomorrow I'm reporting on AFC Wimbledon v FC United of Manchester, and then I've got a friend's birthday drinks to get to. Blast, need to look up train times for tomorrow as well.
Still, if I ever make it into the car on Sunday morning, it should be a great trip. We're going through Champagne country, aiming to spend the first night in Dijon, and then heading over the Alps via the Petit St Bernard Pass - which is the way my Uncle Jim used to go. That's the main reason behind this trip, apart from the fact it should be a good holiday, it's kind of in memory of Uncle Jim. Anyway, it's also the way they went in the Italian Job (Uncle Jim did it before Michael Caine though, which I reckon is pretty cool) so we might check out a couple of locations in Turin, and then head off to the Lido di Jesolo which is just above Venice, which is where Jim and his wife usually went on holiday. Dan my housemate, who's coming with me, has never seen Venice so we're going to spend a day there before turning round and heading back across Italy. Maybe via Lake Garda, and then to Genoa and along the Ligurian coast into France. Then I want to stop off at Monaco (last time I was in that part of the world it was the week before the Grand Prix and it was rammed, so we didn't go) and then we'll head back through France and see what happens...
I really ought to get my act together though...
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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2005
London Transport - Here We Go Again?
Posted Jul 21, 2005
Warren Street, Oval and Shepherd's Bush tube stations have been closed due to 'incidents'. Smoke has been seen coming out of a Victoria Line train at Warren Street.
I must stress that there are no reports of actual bombs so far, but it is kind of worrying. According to the news, the British Transport Police say the incidents are 'ongoing'.
BBC News 24 don't really have anything to go on. Sky News had a guy on the phone who'd been on the Victoria Line, and had spoken to an Italian bloke who'd been in the carriage in question, and had seen someone's rucksack blown open by a small explosion.
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Latest reply: Jul 21, 2005
Posted Jul 13, 2005
I've got that classic celebration scene from 'Spaced' going through my head...
Maybe my luck is finally changing.
1) My new mobile has finally arrived and I've just charged it up amd registered it. Technojoy! Providing I don't lose it in the interim, I'll be re-connected to the Orange network as of about ten minutes from now...
2) I just got an email from BBC Radio London saying can I go to Barnet v Arsenal on Saturday and help out, and also that they should have some more dates matches for me to cover for them in the coming season.
Seeing as I'd been worrying quite a lot about whether they'd want me back, this comes as a massive relief! So I've got a Big Daft Grin currently plastered across my chops. Hey, I might even get to interview Arsene Wenger again! Although no prospect of a rematch with the Chuckle Brothers...
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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2005
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