This is a Journal entry by Number Six
Number Six Started conversation Aug 2, 2005
I've just got hold of six tickets to see the Pixies at Alexandra Palace in London on the 1st of September!
They were the second band I ever saw live, and I was gutted to miss the shows they played in London a few months ago. And now they're playing a gig on my manor!
Mu Beta Posted Aug 2, 2005
And do you require all the other 5 tickets?
Purely in a sense of social enquiry, you understand...
Number Six Posted Aug 2, 2005
Well - a few of my mates that I thought would be interested had picked up tickets for the original date while I was in Italy last week, so we'll see... If there are any spares, I'll definitely keep you in mind.
Number Six Posted Aug 22, 2005
I've just bagged six to see Franz Ferdinand at exactly the same venue, exactly three months after the Pixies gig!
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Sep 2, 2005
Sorry for lurking in your PS, can't remember why I cam here now, but the I saw Pixies mentioned and, well...
How was it?
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