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Only those brought up in the Midlands may understand this
Posted Jun 7, 2005
Re: the DFS Classic Tennis tournament, in which I believe the likes of Maria Sharapova are currently competing.
Are they playing it in Darley Dale (near Matlock) or Tamworth Road, Measham?
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Latest reply: Jun 7, 2005
Another Insight into the World of Local TV News
Posted Jun 6, 2005
Another of my periodic observations from my job looking through the planned stories of the local BBC News programmes across the country. A bit of a classic from Midlands Today this morning:
"Wolverhampton man wins UK eating championship. 18 pork pies in 12 minutes, and now off to the Fourth of July hot dog eating contest in New York."
I miss my time on Look North in Leeds...
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Latest reply: Jun 6, 2005
Front Page Again!
Posted Apr 29, 2005
My Camden Tube entry is on the front page today - first time I've had an EG entry published for nearly a year. It's a nice feeling.
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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2005
Liars A to E
Posted Apr 21, 2005
That's the title of a song by Dexy's Midnight Runners. Not of particular relevance to what's on my mind at the moment apart from one particular factor. Which is I've got as far as A to E in working out what's missing from my music collection.
Last night I inadvertently deleted all the mp3's that I'd gathered on my laptop over the last year and a third - everything backed up off my friends and my ex's CD collections, and everything I'd downloaded via peer-to-peer sharing.
Perhaps justly, everything on my hard drive that came from CDs which I still own is still on there, no bother. Maybe it's fair that everything I ripped is what went for a burton - even the stuff that I used to own and had ripped the few songs I liked and sold the originals.
Anyway, I tried getting an 'undelete' programme from but in most cases it hasn't helped. There's quite a lot missing. In fact, I've just gone and looked and there was 9GB worth in that folder. I like my music.
In fact, even at the age of 30, I still pretty much define myself by what I like and what I listen to. There was a lot in there that I'd become really attached to. Songs I thought of as 'mine' even though they weren't and I hadn't paid for them. But a lot of them had become part of my life, and suddenly I miss them.
And come to think about it, a lot of it was stuff I do own on vinyl and had downloaded for the sake of convenience. Anyway, having only got as far as the end of the letter 'e' there's about 250 songs missing already.
A lot of it was quite obscure, too - stuff that had been hard to track down. A lot of it is from CDs I jointly owned with my ex, and let her have because I'd put them on my hard drive - and a lot of it isn't the kind of think you find in your average HMV. It's going to be a lengthy process trying to get it back.
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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2005
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